
  1. J

    Seeking advices on how to invest islamicaly

    Hello, I'm new to this sub-reddit, I'm named Mohamed and I'm a young man, I have recently found a job in was able to save some money. The other context is that I live in an Eastern African country that is poor, the investment opportunities is very low and the corruption is rampant in the...
  2. J

    HSBC Islamic global equity index

    Salams, I invest monthly into the HSBC ISLAMIC GLOBAL EQUITY INDEX CLASS AC fund for accumulation. What’s the distribution date / date dividends are reinvested? Yes I know it’s not income, but what date is the income reinvested to purchase more shares? I Can’t find it anywhere. Jzk
  3. M

    Wahed bank

    Got quite a chunk of shares, need to unload, anyone interested?
  4. A

    Are alt coins halal and what are some halal exchanges

    Salam and Ramadan Mubarak, I was wondering are “alt coin” or “meme coins” halal? I know of some that are part of block chains that have value that some say are halal and others not. And I was wondering what halal exchanges are there e.g. coinbase, ByBit, binance (I know this is haram because...
  5. M

    Derayah halal free margin trading account

    I am Saudi, and one of the local brokers listed a free margin trading account that explicitly mentions it's Sharia-compliant and I was wondering how this could be. Since it's labeled as Sharia-compliant I have assumed it's interest-free and they have also specified that there are monthly fees...
  6. M

    halal investment

    Aslam Alikom. I recently resigned from my job and have a 403B account with TIAA, which doesn't offer halal investment options. Now, I am seeking the best way to invest exclusively in halal ETFs/mutual funds. Should I think about opening a self-directed brokerage account with Fidelity or Charles...
  7. N

    18 yr old want to invest long term

    Asalum alaykum, So im 18 yr's old and I been giving a decent amount by my father to learn investing and such. I've already opened and ibkr account. im not really sure if this question has been asked here before, but if I want to invest for the long term and such. is a Roth IRA a separate...
  8. K

    Ways to invest islamically?

    I have 10k give or take (Alhamdullilah) and I’m currently using a stocks and shares ISA with al-rayan bank where I make 4% yearly. 4% would be great if I had a larger sum of money in my savings , but at the minute i’m making £400 a year which isn’t great but still better than nothing (again...
  9. A

    does this actually exist?

    are there any stock screener websites like this person is talking about? or are there any stocks that actually have 0% interest rate? Im pretty sure this person said they were from Malaysia so are there any stocks from Muslim countries that are halal...
  10. O

    How to calculate Zakat?

    Salam all, so the question is how do I calculate zakat? Usually I have been paying zakat at the end of every Ramadan based on the money I have earned since the previous Ramadan. Is that how it works?
  11. C

    Roth IRA

    Aslam Alikum I’m 20 and I wanted to ask what is the best brokerage company to open a Roth ira. I prefer one where I can just let my money sit without having to do much. From looking at other Reddit posts many people were saying Fidelity. Any tips/advice will be appreciated.
  12. J

    Where do I begin ?

    Hi everyone, I’m in my early 20s in the US and would like to start investing. I had a few questions and would love your guys help! What platform should I use that is halal Wahed or Fidelity? Would it be better to invest weekly and about how much should I put in there? Do I just keep my money...
  13. P

    how to request a loan without riba

    hi guys! i was looking for banks that give the possibility to request a loan without interest, however i don't live in the uk, qatar, uae, etc. there aren't any islamic banks in italy and moroccan banks call themselves islamic but they all have interest. Any suggestions to where i could ask for...
  14. S

    Halal accumulation funds

    As Salaamu Alaikum Currently invested in HSBC Islamic global equity funds - class bc where dividends are accumulated. Does anyone have any other sharia funds that accumulate? Essentially want it to put it away and let it build passively Any tips welcome and are available on the hargreaves...
  15. N

    Questions about FFOG, FDTX, VCAR

    so Im really interested in these Etfs because they mostly hold Nvdia and AMD in their top 10. but some have questionable and some have non compliant in the etfs. but they only make a few percentage. so what is the threshold for maximum non compliant percentage (for example is 2.2% Boeing makes...
  16. M

    Want to learn more about Investing

    Hi all I’m 17 and want to start investing for both short term savings and long term. I’m considering just opening a shariah compliant savings account for the short term, however I know barely anything about long term trading and so would like to learn more. Does anyone know any simple resources...
  17. M

    US Real Assets - PRA & Zoya Public Partnership We've used Zoya since inception, but now working towards greater collaboration.
  18. A

    Help about 401k question!

    Hello, My job opened 401k for us back months ago almost a year. I always thought 401k was a retirement plan where they take some money from you paycheck and put it somewhere for you. Didn’t even know it goes into investing. Did some research recently and noticed that 401k is somewhat haram. I...
  19. S

    Halal LISA recommendations?

    I have a LISA Don't want to keep it as cash as it accrues interest which is obvs haram Don't want to invest in stocks and shares as that obvs carries risk & as I want to cash it out in
  20. U

    The Halal Investment Conundrum: Companies with Clean Financials and Permissible Products, Albeit with Haram Terminal Applications

    Whenever a Muslim decides to invest in a company, for the most part the only two things that are taken into consideration with regards to shariah-compliance are the balance-sheet, and the product itself. If those two get a pass, then we don't consider how those halal products are being used...