
  1. E

    US Debt Ceiling - The Debt Ponzi Lives On

    Salam Alaikum, Some of you may have seen talks in the news about the debt ceiling so I thought it would be interesting to explain what's going on and to help you understand how the system is a joke. What's this debt ceiling everyone is worried about? Let me explain why it's nonsense and how...
  2. M

    What do you know about the ERISA Section 404(c) Plan (in the US)?

    According to I'm thinking this means I can invest in shariah-compliant ETFs and mutual funds. So, that's pretty exciting. Anyone else worked with this? Does it apply to all 401Ks or is this new? I don't recall self-direction being an option a couple years back.
  3. T

    How to buy an House for Baby K

    good morning to everyone. I wanted to tell you a normal story. K is a 10-month-old baby born with a severe genital malformation that will lead him to undergo at least 3/4 operations in the next few years. the malformation hit him in the most severe form of him and therefore the doctors have...
  4. M

    Buying Car with X% APR

    It is haram to buy a car with interest from dealer. I been different dealership asking for 0 apr and they said they don’t offer it. If someone can explain me what can I do to buy a car so that it will be halal way and I live is USA. I don’t have that huge cash to buy that off right.
  5. S

    Should You Diversify your Investments?

    Mark Cuban & Kevin O'Leary have shared different perspectives on this in the past. Having a diversified set of investments allows us to minimize our risk and allows the average investor with limited expertise to make a 7-8% average annual return which will allow them to retire, send their...
  6. M

    Why *don't* you buy Halal ETFs?

    The general investing advice boils down to buying up halal ETFs, and forgetting about them. Many folks *don't* do this. If that's you, I'm curious: why?
  7. L

    Need advice on what Im doing as an insurance agent

    Hi! So to start off, I graduated in June overseas and came back to my home country (immediately after) and because of hearing about my home country having extremely low job opportunities and extremely low salaries, (for e.g. I don't mean to disrespect but a fresh grad accounting degree holder...
  8. S

    Review my Portfolio

    Please evaluate my portfolio and provide feedback on its strengths and weaknesses. Personal Information: Age: 32 Annual Income: $100,000 ETFs are SPUS, HLAL, UMMA, and some...
  9. L

    (Not related to this subreddit)But thought I’d share some of the z/dhikr I got saved

    Thought I’d share some of z/dhikr I got saved Thought I’d share some of the z/dhikr I got saved Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh(up ahead is some z/dhikr and their rewards if you want you can screenshot it and say as much or as little as you want.) Surah Ikhlas 3x = 1 complete...
  10. S

    College research project - Islamic Fiance

    Thank you to the mod who allowed me to post the survey. I'm currently putting together a research project to analyse growth potential in Islamic Finance and to identify any challenges it faces. If you could complete my short survey at the link below I would be really grateful. It's a short form...
  11. A

    Halal Commercial Financing?

    Aslam u Alaikum all! I’m trying to see options about getting a loan for buying a business. The business is not associated with real estate and is associated with a lease where the business is operated. UIF dosen’t do commercial loans without real estate and I can’t find anyone that does this...
  12. M

    Halal Debt

    Salam. I was under the impression that there are exactly 0 stocks that i'd consider to be halal because I dont subscribe to the 25/30/33% debt levels. However, brother @brotherian gave us a great list of 0 debt stocks: and also provided a stock screener...
  13. B

    Halal Credit Card in US

    Assalamu-Alaikum everyone, I have seen a few posts regarding halal credit card options in the US. Recently, I came across Chime. They offer Checking account ( with: - No monthly fees - No minimum balance requirement - No overdraft fees. In addition to that...
  14. G

    How to set up a brokerage account with all halal investments with ideal asset allocation for young folks (20s/30s)?

    Asslamualycum, I am in my mid-20s, trying to understand the best way to set up auto investing into halal index funds that will safely grow over time for either retirement or future use. I am not an expert in this area, but after listening to hours of video content about halal ETFs, real...
  15. S

    Chase Pay Over Time

    Assalam Walkaikum all, I've come across this relatively new feature in my Chase credit card account which is called "Pay over time". It allows any transactions on your card above a certain amount to be paid in installments, rather than due in full on your next statement close. It states there...
  16. O

    A complete newbie to the market !

    Salam alaikom all, M 31 years old living in France (to give a bit of Context). I was recently introduced to the idea of financial independence and I am mesmerized by it. I have zero experience in the stock and investing market. Never thought that it has some halal parts in it. Untill thanks...
  17. R

    Question regarding permissability of providing liquidity in cryptocurrency

    It is a two part question. Would be good if someone with knowledge has the answers. 1) is liquidity providing in a decentralized exchange halal or Haram. A simplified example of this would be you want to provide liquidity on a decentralized exchange. Let's say coinA and coinB. You provide...
  18. A


    Salam Aalaykom I live in a European country which is considered among the top in the world regarding income tax. I am offered a bonus this year based on my performance and got to choose between 3 options. 100% cash: around 67% will go to tax 100% short term warrant(can sell them same day I...
  19. B

    List Of Debt Free Stocks

    Assalamu alaykum/Hey everyone, I’ve been lurking and noticed many comments about debt free or halal stocks, they do exist and they’re quite easy to find. I’ll provide a list of a few I have shares of (I like a dividend) and a resource on where to find more debt free stocks. Stocks without any...
  20. S

    Open Islamic Crypto Trading Account Today!

    Disclaimer: I am an affiliate of this company and will post an affiliate link below. To those interested in investing in cryptocurrency, here's a way to trade halal. Many cryptocurrency exchange companies are creating Islamic accounts that are different from regular trading accounts...