
  1. K

    I need help seeing if my logic towards interest is correct and IF a company makes more halal income rather than haraam income is that still okay?

    As-salamu alaykum, Long post ahead ;) if you don't have the time (or don't want to read it there is a TLDR at the bottom) So..I've been going through post after post and I can't find the answer I'm looking for. I understand we all have our own opinions and tolerances. I'm going through my...
  2. D

    Request for Beginner’s Books on Islamic Finance

    Assalamu alaikum, I’m a student of business in the U.S. who is looking to become a proper Muslim businessman and learn about Islamic finance. Can anyone recommend me any books about these topics for beginners? All recommendations appreciated, Jazak’Allahu khayran.
  3. B

    Wealth insurance plan in halal stock

    Assalamualaikum akhi, I am based out of India. Tata aia insurance provides a wealth insurance plan, where they invest in halal stock (non interest bearing instrument). They invest in nifty shariah index of India, which captures halal stocks. Also this insurance plan can be used in tax...
  4. E

    FTB LISA and Investments UK

    I’m planning to buy a property in the U.K. in the next 12 months and already have £20,000 saved so far. I wanted to open a LISA with Al Rayan but they still haven’t responded to my account application so don’t think they’re trustworthy. What LISA are Islamically compliant? What about any...
  5. U

    Feedback on Questionnaire for Halal and Socially Conscious Investing App Idea

    Hello, Salam! I'm part of a team working on an app idea to make halal and socially conscious investing opportunities more accessible and affordable. As part of developing this app, we are testing a questionnaire to help assess clients’ financial goals and risk profiles and select associated...
  6. M

    Advice on these stocks??

    Short introduction, I am 16 y/o trader and have been trading for about a year. My account is currently 4 digits in USD and I have been mainly trading in Crispr, AMD, LPX and a variety of firms. I was relatively successful and have been making 20-25% returns regularly although there was one...
  7. G

    UIF vs Guidance VS Other and pricing method?

    AsalamuAlaykum, I have recently been looking to buy a home. I have looked into islamic financing and know the general concept, but wanted to know what the difference is between these different institutions and what your experiances have been. I was also curious how the profit margin is...
  8. F

    interest on money

    salam my bank does not allow me to remove interest from my account type, and i cannot change my account type. in the event i have £21 I deposit £10 and the bank adds £1 interest, is it permissible for me to donate the £1 out of my own money that i haven’t deposited, so i do not have the sin of...
  9. S

    Financing a house - what does this method mean?

    So I'm here in Germany and as far as I know there's only one bank that offers buying real estate through a murabaha arrangement. They offer two models: 1) Financing for max. 10 years 2) Financing for more than 10 years (max. 30) The 10 year one seems to be pretty basic murabaha, but it is not...
  10. K

    Dental School Loans

    So i’m getting ready for dental school and going to apply however, many students graduate having a 350-500k+ debt. I’m sure i’m not able to pay this, neither are my parents so i’d have to get a loan. Does this make it haram for me to get a loan since they include intrest/riba? Am I allowed to...
  11. C

    Career in Finance

    As salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu, Desperate help regarding career in this field as I was forced by my parents to join finance as there’s a lot of money here. I have completed and about to complete ACCA and I have got a placement in Deloitte as external auditor. I have cross...
  12. D

    T212 Wahed ETF - best option ?

    Hello all, Looking into buying ETF (lump sum then DCA after) and ofcourse needs to be sharia compliant, few options in T212 (Ishares Islamic and Wahed) but just looking purely on expense ratio (cost) it’s only 0.06% for Wahed and 0.3% for ishares. Seems to be Wahed is quite a bit better from...
  13. E

    Funds for Muslim investors

    By David Snowball One of the charms of our country is all of the stuff we don’t ask. Our federal census does not, and has not since the 1950s (quick thanks to David Moran for his insight into census history), asked people about their religious preference or practices. That’s good because it’s...
  14. J

    Zakat Obligation - Laid off today

    Salam, Unfortunately, I received news today that I've been let go from my job after working there for 1.5 years. May Allah grant me strength and ease during this difficult time. With this sudden change in my circumstances, I'm now unsure about how to navigate my Zakat obligations. Previously...
  15. S

    March Monthly Update

    Here is my views on current market volatility, Russia/ Ukraine, Estate planning and much more.
  16. G

    House ownership

    I would love for someone to fact check this as I am not an expert Suppose you have a 100K house that you’d like to buy, but you have only 20K. So you ask an investor to give you 80K in order to buy the house. Then out of your pocket you have two payments to make: 1. Slowly pay off 80K on a...
  17. M

    Stay in doubtful job or move to halal job?

    Salaam, I have a dilemma in regards to my current job. Basically I work as a data analyst for an insurance brokerage in the UK (for those who don't know an insurance brokerage arranges the purchase of commercial insurance for companies). My role involves providing data and quantitative reports...
  18. S

    S&P 500 vs S&P500 shariah

    New to investing . I was wondering if someone can explain me in simple terms if one invests 100usd n S&P 500 and 100 usd shariah each month starting September for a year, what will be the difference in the investments ? Will the s&p500 make you more money than the shariah one and if so how much...
  19. S

    Choosing the right broker as a Muslim

    So I'm a UK resident, I already have a Wahed account with an ISA which I opened this year, so in the hunt for a brokers I didn't really care about whether it supported ISAs. Wahed also ends up investing into a shariah compliant ETF which spreads its investment across 350 world wide companies...
  20. B

    Any U.K. investors, Where do I start from?

    Hello, I am new to investing and I am working on building on my emergency savings fund at the moment. I’m researching how to invest at the moment but there’s also the element of keeping it halal. In the U.K. There seems to a limited amount of brokers as well. So if any U.K. investors could be...