islamic finance

  1. S

    Is rumble stock halal?

    I would like to invest in rumble. Is it a stock that fits the sharia law?
  2. C

    What Sharia Compliant Fund / ETF are you invested in currently?

    View Poll
  3. C

    Wealthsimple halal in Canada?

    Hey guys, I’m new to investing in stocks and I was looking to open up a TFSA with Wealthsimple and invest in individual stocks and some ETFs. Is this halal?
  4. C

    I need help in halal investing

    Hey everyone fjrst time posting here so I am 20 shall be 21 in a few months and I have $5k saved up and I was wondering what should I do with it so it's not just sitting in my bank accounting and devaluing. I want to invest it into something but I don't have much knowledge on which stocks to...
  5. O

    Is day trading halal?

    Even if you know the strategy? I'm not talking about the risk am talking about day trading itself
  6. C

    Advice for Roth IRA

    Hey everyone I’m 20 turning 21 in a few months and I recently opened up a Roth IRA with fidelity. I’m still very new to investing but I’ve been trying to do my research. Im only investing into ethical stocks aka halal ones. My current portfolio consists of 81%domestic stocks (USA) 13% foreign...
  7. S

    Hsbc islamic japan esg or hsbc islamic world esg ?

    Which one is the better one to invest it?
  8. H

    Are High Yield Savings Accounts haram?

    I haven't found many articles about this, so I am not sure whether to invest or not
  9. D

    Sukuk Funds

    I am getting the opportunity to invest in the Global Sukuk Fund and the Islamic ASEAN Equity Fund. Being an amateur, I would like to know which is more risk free and what are the returns p.a? Any website to track the growth of the funds?
  10. N

    Kinesis Money - Transacting in Gold and Silver

    Assalumu Alaikum, I just had a question about whether holding some of my money with services such as Kinesis Money that allows you to transact with gold and silver digitally would be considered halal. Would this even be a good option? I'm quite new to the world of finance and investing. Any...