
  1. C

    Anyone knowledgeable about investing in US PTP's(publicly traded partnership)?

    Is it viable or even possible? Ive read about of the (IRS Section 1446(f)) IRS 10% withholding tax on disposal, would that require a TIN? Is that possible for a non US resident? Would the amount of CGT reduce accordingly? Or would CGT be owed on the whole amount pre the 10%...
  2. M

    Coinbase and Revolut IBAN issue: update

    TL;DR -- you can finally use your Revolut IBAN with Coinbase! Given the attention my previous post on the topic received, I feel obliged to provide an update. After multiple months of back and forth, as well as involving both the Central Bank of Ireland (alongside support teams from Revolut...
  3. S

    Ripped off by Sky Ireland. What can I do?

    Ordered a sky glass off them in January. Paid €120 upfront for the tv and one package. Got it. Realised it was too small and we wanted the bigger 55’ one. We literally turned it on twice. Spoke to them and they cancelled the order and they told me to reorder. And they’d have to issue me a...
  4. C

    Update on my Investment Strategy plans as a 26Y/O

    Hi All So i last posted 6 months ago about my investment strategy and alot has changed in that time Id like to check back in again to see your honest opinion if you believe this is a sound plan for the long term Abit of context is key to start i suppose Background : 26 Y/O Salary 60k plus...
  5. B

    31K in Debt - How can I climb out of this debt hole?

    Due to some poor financial decisions in the last couple of years, a relocation and some unlucky circumstances I found myself with 30K debt, unfortunately mostly at higher rate (Credit cards) and with a poor credit score (as I maxed out my credit capacity). I want to expose my current situation...
  6. S

    Confused about shares type

    Recently started to take an interest in shares (still learning and lots more to learn). I'm a little confused about different tickers for the same company. I know there are some with different classes which include voting rights and non voting rights such as BRK.A and BRK.B. This is reasonably...
  7. B

    26 y/o looking for advice on what to do with earnings

    Hi all, I'm a 26 year old earning a gross wage of 45k. My aim is to eventually buy a house, and long term I'd like to retire early, or at least go on job share for at least ten years before retirement. Currently, I have just over 38k in savings, but I am not in a position to buy a house just...
  8. T

    Withdrawing profits from ETF yearly a sensible idea?

    He guys, is it a bad idea to put €7,055 into an the Vanguard S&P 500 ETF that goes up roughly 18% a year and withdraw the profits on a yearly bases? This would result in making around €1,270 a year, which from what I can tell from a bit of research online is that this would be untaxed. Is it...
  9. M


    You can look for redundancy after 4 weeks after going on a 3 day week. then the company can counter act that within 7 days , if your still on short time after 10 weeks they have to give you your redundancy? Is that right? Can they just put u back on one week 5 days and then back to 3 days and...
  10. G

    Considering a career change and probable paycut, looking for advice on things to be aware of

    I'm (33 M) married (33 F) and we've two children under 3. For a combination of factors, good timing and luck being two important ones I have found myself in quite a senior role in a relatively specialised sector at a relatively young age, my colleagues range in age from 40-retirement. 2 years...
  11. A

    Renting vs Mortgage (Google Sheet)

    Hi, I was interested in understanding the difference in cost overtime with renting versus a mortgage. I created this first version of a Google Sheet to better understand the arguments. Check it out and would love to hear some feedback on how to improve it and make it more realistic. I'm...
  12. B

    mortgage interest rates

    generally wondering what people's views are on mortgage rates and where they could be expected to.l be in a few years. I'm on year 2 of a 5 year fixed and have the aib 2.15% green rate. my mortgage is manageable at approx 1k a month. at the end of the 5 year fixed I will have approx 225k left...
  13. Y

    PRSA fees explanation

    Hi guys would appreciate your help My sister is in touch with a tied agent who sells products for a well known Insurance company. She sent me the tied agents fee schedule and its shows the max they can charge for a single lump sum premium contribution is 5% and no trail commission (n/a)...
  14. W

    Pension Fund Advice

    Hi, 25 y/o hoping to get some advice regarding the pension funds available to me through my company pension plan. I've recently started contributing 10% AVCs in addition to the 2% I was already contributing to get the employer contribution of 8%, so 20% total. I've read a lot about the various...
  15. D

    Is this a good deal?

    My employer has made me an offer on a pension plan... Will contribute 10% of whatever I decide to pay e.g. if I contribute €1,000 they will contribute €100 No Policy Fee. No Exit Fee. There is a total Annual Management Charge (AMC) of 1.5% for standard funds (1% to the Insurance Company & 0.5%...
  16. L

    Recent freelancer and I don’t understand what I’m supposed to do about tax

    I started working as a freelancer at the beginning of last year. Having spent a good deal of time away this year, I have only recently gotten back to work and become aware that taxes are supposed to be completed by the end of this month. I never registered as a freelancer/sole trader and I...
  17. J

    Lower tax rates? what could go wrong...

    Not a personal question, more of an economic theory/policy/politics/legal question. We have USC/PRSI and then income tax, ... .. in some kind of dreamland, what would happen if we (Ireland) got rid of USC/PRSI altogether, and funded whatever those expenses were fr taxes. And then retailored...
  18. C

    I need some help with CGT on profits from stocks

    So early January till February I got into investing and I ended up being about 2 k in a loss and from what I’ve heard if ur in a loss from a trade u can minus that from the tax u owe . So I stopped trading until about late September and now I managed to make about 16 k . Now my question is if my...
  19. L

    Wise to move out?

    So I’m (23M) still living with my parents in Dublin but have recently considered moving out and renting. I don’t dislike living at home but I’d just rather the freedom of my own place. To be very honest I have not been great with my finances, though I do budget every month I always find myself...
  20. E

    Remote Worker Pension

    Hi everyone, I am working for a U.K based company (in England, not N.I) I have raised the fact I want to move back to Ireland and be considered as a remote worker They finally have the means and will pay me via "Remote" and they handle the healthcare etc. side of things too A question I asked...