
  1. D

    How much tax do I need to pay on dividends for US stocks/etfs?

    I am a Malaysian citizen living and studying in Ireland. I already have an IBKR account opened in Malaysia (IBKR LLC). My parents send me allowance via Wise transfers I use Wise to fund my IBKR account. I bought a few US dividend stocks (no ETFs) Q: Since I am still a student, do I need to...
  2. A

    PhD student looking for advice

    I’m 23, in my first year of a PhD. My stipend is €18,000 per year. I count myself very fortunate that my expenses are just less than half of my stipend. I have ~€20,000 in a current account. About another €1,000 in stocks and crypto and that’s it. Looking for advice about what I should be...
  3. T

    Should I downgrade my car?

    I know I’m going to get slated for this but I’d still like some sensible input. I’m an idiot and it shows in my finances. I have 10k of a Credit Union loan and 2 cars. 1st I bought pre Covid, 2016 Golf 2L diesel, has been nothing but reliable, great car for a college student in need of...
  4. J

    BRK.B v S&P 500 EFT

    Hi sorry for another noob on the scene but everyone starts somewhere I guess. I want to buy some of either in the title every 2 weeks(payday) for the long-term 20+ years I understand that you only pay 33 % CGT on stocks when you sell not 41% every eight years like the EFT's. Would I be...
  5. W

    What is the issue with the 8 year deemed disposal?

    Hi there, I just wanted to understand why is everyone against the 8 year deemed disposal rule on ETFs? If you invest for 40 months and after that period you sell and pay your taxes its the same as paying those taxes every 8 months. So, if you're not paying more taxes and you're not forced to...
  6. T

    In need of some career advice!

    I finished up my Business degree from an IT college last Friday. I'm expecting a 2.2, hopeful of a 2.1 - I also have the option to repeat 2 modules in August (repeats) if I want to, I passed but had Covid at the time so I get a 'do-over'. I don't know where to go next - I've applied for...
  7. Z

    New Build - Terraced vs SemiD

    Interested to get some opinions on the following hypothetical situation from this sub: Given the choice between 2 new build house types in the same estate which would you choose: A 110sq.m 2 storey 3-bed semi-d or a 134sq.m 3 storey 3-bed mid-terrace? Some things to consider: - The price...
  8. J

    Electricity Plan Calculator

    Hey everyone, I made myself a small spreadsheet to compare electricity plans based on my personal consumption, not 'national averages' or something. So I thought there were other people who might find this useful. Just download or copy to your Google Drive, input your current rates (fetch...
  9. C

    How Singapore Solved Housing

    For context, the Singapore population is 5.6m people with a land area of 728.6 km². Relative to Ireland of circa 5m people and 84,421 km². There are roughly 7600 people per km in Singapore compared to 60 people in Ireland. Yet we've managed to botch housing. I think there is a lot to be learnt...
  10. S

    High Value Green Mortgage Fix length

    Have gotten approved for Bank of Irelands HVGM and was debating the length of the Mortgage. I seen you can get a great rate of 2.15% for 4 years, or else 2.5% for 7 years fixed. What’s everyone’s opinion on the better but shorter rate vs the slightly higher but longer term 7 year term. What...
  11. A

    Revolut Robo advisor

    I'm testing this out with a low enough amount and a modest bundle (according to revolut) and I think most of you here will probably advise against the whole notion, but I'm just curious to see how people who are using it are getting on so far. Would anybody here heavily advise against it or be...
  12. G

    How can I be tax savvy to avoid 33% CTG on stocks

    I understand that Ireland doesn’t have tax efficient investment options like an ISA in the U.K or a Roth IRA in the U.S.A but surely there some way to minimise the flat rate of 33% no? Currently I’ve just been making sure to only realise up to 1,270€ of profits per annum to avoid paying CGT. But...
  13. B

    JPMorgan American Investment Trust vs Vanguard S&P 500 ETF?| Which Exchange?| Which Broker

    Hey there, I have a couple questions that I have been trying to work out and wanted to work out which is best? Q1: Which is the best Jam vs Vanguard S&P 500? JPMorgan American Investment Trust PLC Pros 33% Tax Cons Charges are apparently high for London Stock Exchange Currency risk...
  14. A

    Any recommendations for a good bank in Ireland? I’m already with PTSB. I want a 2nd current account

    We’re planning on getting a mortgage soon and I am saving to the back teeth, been super thrifty with all my money right now. I just want to have an additional account that doesn’t show big ticket purchases on our application. I just want something extra to the side, money wise. The main...
  15. D

    €240 per week enough to survive?

    I'm currently renting/cohabitating. The electric bill is included in the rent and the rent is covered by HAP so housing/electric comes to roughly €280 per month. The rental we're in has occasional issues but financially I think it's been good for us. There's uncertainty about my future living...
  16. A

    Pension questions

    Following on from this I have a question about when you can access a pension lump sum. I have an Irish life pension which I pay into each month and my employer adds contributions... Is this referred to a PRSA? I keep seeing references to occupational and PRSA pensions and I'm not clear on...
  17. Y

    E-work allowance plus spouse remote work relief?

    Hi, both myself and wife WFH nearly 100%. We each have to go into the office 1-2 days per month. I am a director of an umbrella Ltd. Company and pay myself the €3.20/day e-work allowance. My wife is a PAYE employee and her employer does not pay anything. Can she claim relief on expenses? I...
  18. S

    Planning Permission Q's; stuck for some A's

    [22m] Currently looking at investing in an old property and renewing it. It's a small cottage of roughly 35m2. Beautiful area, great plot, etc etc. If I manage to get a hold of it I would plan to extend the property. Tried to gather as much info as possible about extending and have some...
  19. L

    Beginner in need of investment advice

    Im 23 y/o who began entry level civil service job last year on a decent salary and the associated pension. I’ve got a significant amount of cash left over every month after necessary expenses are accounted for. Currently have 1k p/m going into a BOI deposit a/c at 3% AER. I’m fully aware this...
  20. C

    Follow up from previous Q! How to find a decent accountant for one-time investment advice (+ possibly helping with filing taxes later)?

    Hey peeps, I’m very new to investing, a non-EU national, and am not in a position to invest a whole lot of money immediately. Ive decided that I would like to find an affordable accountant to run through the basics of my investment options with me. Any tips on finding one? Thanks!