
  1. D

    3.5% options on Raisin

    I'm looking at the two top rates on raisin bank to invest most of my savings. The first 3.5% rate is 1 year fixed and the other one is 3.5% 3 month fixed. I do not need access to this money in any of these terms. I feel I'm financially illiterate, and would Iike some advice. The 3 month...
  2. F

    Banger or Nearly-New

    Sorry in advance for yet another car related post, but posting as everyone's situation is different. I'll try keep it as short and sweet as possible. M24 living in Wicklow, €50 p/week to my parents, no other major outgoings. I will be commuting to Swords daily (bang on 200km round trip). After...
  3. B

    Employer private health insurance … is there a point?

    Hi everyone, just wondering is there a point of joining my employer private healthcare insurance scheme? Im a young fit and only probably go to the G.P once every year or two. Is there a point of me joining it ? Would it not be cheaper to just pay directly to the G.P fee ?
  4. S

    My house purchase experience in 2023 with data on prices (asking vs sold) in South Dublin

    Commented on a few posts over the year about my experience and people found it useful so here is the final updated version and what we can learn from it. By the end of the year I could estimate the value of a house and even advised some friends that were selling and guessed the correct price...
  5. S

    (24 M) Investment Plan Critique. (Earning 400 P/W)

    I am investing 200 P/W currently. I don't plan on starting a pension until I move to 3rd year in my apprenticeship which is 18 months away due to tax reasons I have an emergency fund and save €50 a week Week 1-3 JAM - €50 BRK.B - €50 MNKS - €50 SMT - €50 Week 4 VWCE - €200 Any advice or...
  6. G

    Large loan options for University

    Hi all, Apologies for the formatting I am on mobile. I hope someone will be able to give me some advice. I’m 27(f), hoping to go back to medical school under the GEM programme in the near future. I’m working on it from a entry standpoint (entry tests etc) but my biggest hurdle is the...
  7. 1

    Need advice contractor v PAYE

    Hey all, Looking for advice here and understanding. Sorry if the message comes across as anything other than genuine. So, say all in with PAYE and locked in bonus, pension contributions and EPSS have a salary of €120,000 ish. Weekly work hours of 37 honestly more like 34 with breaks factored...
  8. K

    Inheritance tax

    Hello everybody, I am basically an idiot for understanding business and tax policies and know next to nothing about inheritance tax and schemes. I will be looking at in the future inheriting a fairly large tillage farm in north kildare (600 acres) with and adjacent large house. I understand...
  9. S

    Are Irish government bonds tax free?

    If I were to buy a 1 year Irish government bond and received 4% interest at maturity. Is this all tax free? If this is the case not sure why it’s not more recommended on this sub hell even buying stocks would be about 9% but taxed at 41% so really only 5.3% after tax + a tonne of risk and...
  10. N

    Investment Strategy

    Hey Guys, just looking for a bit of advice in terms of investment strategy and whether I should increase my pension contributions further. current situation is as follows; I'm 37 and Earning c€100k p.a, wife works part time but we dont count on this income. Currently have c€40k cash in current...
  11. A

    Loan repayment bounced, seeking recourse

    I took out a 5 year loan (unsure of whether I can say which bank) to fund my final year of college, agreeing to make monthly repayments, originally to have a direct debit take the amount on the first thursday of each month since I was working part time, and Thursdays were pay days, but later...
  12. S

    Revolut loan offer APR nearly double what’s advertised

    I applied for a small home improvement loan from Revolut and was approved for almost the amount I’d requested. However, the advertised APR is 5.99%, but I was approved for an interest rate of 9.95%! I contacted customer care and they said that 51% of applicants are approved at 5.99% or LOWER...
  13. A

    Can you change AVC deduction from PAYE to self-employed?

    I'm 56(f) planning on leaving my PAYE job in a semi- state company for a self-employed venture, I'm paying into an AVC, can I continue paying into it?
  14. N

    8 Year Deemed Disposal ETF Question

    I'm curious why the deemed disposal tax after 8 years is considered so problematic because it seems like it would be easy to avoid. First of all, if I am no longer living in Ireland after 8 years, it would be irrelevant, right? Second, even if I was still in Ireland, couldn't I just sell the...
  15. K

    How are Potential ongoing monthly repayments calculated on for a mortgage?

    I am currently making an excel for the mortgage rates listed on A Product BOI 4 Year Green HVM Fixed LTV >80% B Term 20 C Initial 4 D Follow On 16 E Initial Interest 2.9 F Follow On Interest 4.5 G Mortgage 384300 I matched the initial interest monthly repayments...
  16. T

    Stamp Duty on Site with Planning

    Just about to buy a fully serviced site which comes with planning permission. Do I have to pay 1% or 7.5% stamp duty? Or do I pay 7.5% on the site, and claim back the difference on the price of the build? Thanks
  17. G

    Daft Asking price versus reality

    Very general question but if your budget for a house in Dublin is X, realistically what house price are you searching for on daft? X - 100k, or X *0.8? E.g. you have 500k net to spend (that's just for purchase price, you have budget for the extras) Are you then looking at 400k houses...
  18. M

    Advice on situation

    Hi, I posted this in the wrong sub earlier as I'm looking for Irish responses. Single male 39 No dependents Mortgage. 26,000 House value. 400,000 Savings. 26,000 No debts Pension. C.I.F 40,000 I recently took a job abroad and will stay for a year minimum. I have a friend house sitting but am...
  19. J

    Invest on eTrade Platform vs Physical Broker

    I'm looking to start investing money for medium to long term goals. I already own a house with my partner and we are both taking full advantage of share schemes we have access to in work (both blue chip companies). On top of this we have increased our pension contributions (I have mine maxed and...
  20. B

    AVIVA pension fund selection

    Which one would you choose and why? any advice on this, please. Thanks a lot.