
  1. S

    How to tell AIB I’m still a student

    So I have a student account I got when I was in secondary school. I’m now doing my masters in college. I heard that they keep a graduate account for you for 4 years after you finish. I never submitted any details to them, but I’m guessing they will cancel my account 4 years after my bachelors...
  2. F

    Getting setup

    Morning Hope you are all well and warm? Im looking for advice/suggestions on a few things. Backstory Wife,son and I recently moved from South Africa --> Ireland. To do so we sold up everything and burned every shred of savings we had ( may not present as the smartest move but we had to...
  3. B

    25 yr old with about 30k in savings and on a salary of 70k looking to make my next steps

    I’ve done plenty of research on this sub and feel a bit lost. I’ve about 24k in savings and about 6-7k in crypto and that’s about it. I’ve small amount in my pension (maybe 8k). I haven’t joined the pension scheme with my new company I started with in January. Realistically I will buy my own...
  4. A

    What am I meant to put in net chargeable gain?

    According to this youtube video your net chargeable gain is shares sold minus the €1270 personal exemption however my chargeable gains for the year are €946 for the year which is below the €1270 which means my net chargeable gain would be 0 however you can't put that in the form so what am I...
  5. D

    Deemed disposal on investment funds

    I couldn't find a specific answer on this so asking in general. I own some ETFs and I know they are subjected to deemed disposal, but what about investment funds? Is everything that's actively o passively managed subjected to deemed disposal? Some examples could be the F&c investment Trust...
  6. L

    Sending 5 figures abroad

    Hi everyone, Hoping to send around €40k from Ireland to my US bank account. Current going rates at banks like AIB or BOI are $40-41k meaning they’re cutting about 1-2k in commission which is a bit mad IMHO. Any good and reliable service where I can send this money to my US bank account? I’ve...
  7. W

    Deemed disposal now applied to non EU i.e. US domiciled ETFS?

    I just read that Revenue have updated policy to make the 41% exit tax and 8 year deemed disposal tax applicable to non EU domiciled ETFs. I'm trying to find the official Revenue statement/document. Has anyone came across anything official confirming this? Yet another illustration of how...
  8. M

    U.S. 401k and Irish Pension

    I am a US Citizen living/working in Ireland for 7 years. I had a 401k for a number of years at my job in the US, prior to moving to Ireland. It currently has about 100k in it. I am no longer making contributions to this. I am also contributing to and Irish pension via my employer here in...
  9. T

    Being ripped off with by AVC

    Former HSE employee here. Left 15 years ago to move to the private sector and still have a few years to go to retirement. At the time I left I had paid c.28k into an AVC with New Ireland. It’s always performed poorly, and the latest ststement has said that the value on retirement (in today’s...
  10. F

    1 in Dublin or 2 in the country?

    We own our house in the country and since paying off the house we have saved 250k. I recently left my job and my wife is working bringing home about 4.5k after tax. We have decided to buy property(s) as investment and rent it out. The question is: should we buy 1 apartment in Dublin, in the...
  11. S

    Would you invest in a ‘needs repair’ house as first time buyer?

    Financial status: - mortgage repayments would start at €1.2k (7 years fixed) so well within monthly budget - deposit and fees would leave €30k savings to start repairs and cover rainy days, furniture etc - monthly savings will continue around €1.5k pm No surveyor in yet because still pondering...
  12. G

    BOI launched EcoSaver Mortgage with lower rates BOI has launched above Mortgage. I think this is a very good step for people who ar not on A or B ratings. you could be C1 but would have to pay higher rates. This incentives...
  13. E

    What to do with UK investments before moving home

    Irish person. U.K. resident / employed The buzz around ETFs and how they are taxed back home has been eye opening for me in the past few weeks. I have an account with Hargreaves and Lansdown whilst residing in N.I. as far as taxes are concerned. I'm now hoping to move back to Ireland again...
  14. C

    Am I Crazy buying house with cash with mortgaged property

    Hi So context here . Im 26 Y/O earnig around 75k annually and I bought a house last year worth 215k and have a 185 k mortgage on it Currently im using the rent a room scheme rentig 2 rooms covering my mortgage payments of 1250 for a 15year mortgage . So essentially living mortgage/rent free...
  15. K

    4.25 x Salary Mortgage

    I'm wondering does anybody know the criteria for qualifying for a mortgage exemption up to 4.25 times annual salary?. I have a site that I bought for 75k. Last year I made 58k gross and I got a 4% pay increase this year. I'm a single applicant and i have 24k in credit union savings. I'm saving...
  16. M

    Working on F-1 Stem OPT in the US but Irish Citizen — should I open a Roth IRA?

    I have STEM OPT until 2025 but after then no guarantee that I will still be permitted to live and work in the US (going for H1B, but did not succeed this past year). Does anybody have experience with setting up a Roth IRA & then moving back to their home country? I am worried that if I don't...
  17. C

    Get a car at 19?

    I’m making €400 per week and taking a gap year. Will be starting college in September. The bus service in my area is beyond unreliable and the parents are sick of driving me into work each day. The road is too dangerous to cycle on even though it’s a 50km/h , many fly down going well over...
  18. M

    Do we need legal fees ready for a loan offer if the house won’t be completed for 7 months?

    We have a booking deposit made on a house. Currently we have all the deposit saved including a 3k gift from her parents. But now we’re thinking we may need the legal fees before we get a loan offer and sign contracts. Is this the case? If so, I’ll probably try to get a gift of 7-8k from my...
  19. L

    Mortage timeline

    Super stress is over and thanks to some of you here it has been a short ride.... Here is my timeline 10.3. got aip in AiB - just basic 15.3. saw the house 16.3. paid 5k deposit 17.3. applied in EBS as well 21.3. AIB isued second AIP - called reviewed 22.3. EBS moved forward and requested...
  20. D

    3.5% options on Raisin

    I'm looking at the two top rates on raisin bank to invest most of my savings. The first 3.5% rate is 1 year fixed and the other one is 3.5% 3 month fixed. I do not need access to this money in any of these terms. I feel I'm financially illiterate, and would Iike some advice. The 3 month...