
  1. T

    How to Structure Debt

    Here is my Q. 2.4k OD @ 11.85% 8k @ 13.8% Personal Loan -2.5K @ 8.650% (about a year left) All with AIB Currently about 14k in Debt. Have 8k in Credit Card debit, 2.4k Overdraft and 2.5k on a personal Loan. What's the best way to restructure this into one payment? Would I be...
  2. S

    Tax Return Tips

    Hi all, Just wondering if anyone here has any good suggestions for filing the personal tax return for last year? What are some credits that the average bear should be availing of but might not be? My two are; 1) You can claim 20% back on most medical expenses. 2) if you work from home, you...
  3. P

    What do ye guys use to invest

    Hi all Im just beginning to educate myself on investing and I was curious as to what would ye use.Ive seen that banks have investment accounts, companies like zurich or sites like degiro or trade212? Do ye invest lump sums or as ye earn?
  4. R

    23 years old and not sure what to do

    Hi everyone, Basically as the title says, I am a 23 year old and I am not sure what to do in order to make the most out of my money. I have followed the stickied flow chart and have gotten to the end of it. I have paid off of all my debts and am starting to invest a little bit. These are my...
  5. D

    Rent a room scheme

    People who have used the rent a room scheme to pay their mortgage - how have you found the experience as a whole? At a glance seems like one of the best ways to supercharge mortgage repayments if you’re happy to live with someone .. Eg a €1500 a month mortgage repayment in Dublin is...
  6. M

    Unilever stock categories

    I have been looking at Unilever as a possible investment and I have found different listings on different stock exchanges. On their official website, they list 3 different stock categories: Unilever PLC - London Stock...
  7. C

    Could I get feedback on this: Revolut Flexible account get annual returns and paid daily (3.56% APY)

    I do not know anything about how this works, my savings are in the credit union and 1k in state savings. Is this good or are there risks? I got this email: Manage my Flexible Account | Revolut Ireland
  8. S

    Investing Advice: Are Stocks better than ETFs in Ireland?

    Relatively new to investing, having only started a year a go and not invested much since Feb of this year, only adding BB to my Portfolio yesterday. My plan is to invest €75-100 p/w. I am looking for advice when it comes to Irish tax and Investing, is the Portfolio below suitable? I have...
  9. D

    PRSA contribution charges

    I'm in the process of setting up a PRSA with a local 'financial consultant '. At the outset the fees were outlined to me as follows (and I copy & paste from his email)... * No Policy Fee. * No Exit Fee. * There is a total Annual Management Charge (AMC) of 1.5% for standard funds (1% to the...
  10. A

    Irish / US Person Trading in EU

    Hi all, I’m Irish born, currently living in Ireland but also hold US Citizenship. I’m interested in investing but have run into an issue with DEGIRO which won’t allow me to open an account with them as I’m a US Citizen. This has happened to me before trying to open a Raisin savings account...
  11. X

    Defined Benefit Pension

    In my previous job we were signed up to a defined benefit pension, as well a separate defined contribution pension. I got a letter in the post today with the closing statement of the DB pension. I was with the company for 4 years, and looking at my annual statements I couldn’t figure out what...
  12. 4

    What is the end goal. What will you be happy with?

    A common question I always ask myself is what will it take to be content…….. and by this I am bringing my professional life and finances into the equation in which I’m saying, what do I need to earn to stop chasing money. The last year or two I finally started making really good money in my job...
  13. O

    Two bed or 3 bed

    I'm 25 y/o looking at buying a house in the next 1-2 years, I live on the border of kildare/Dublin. For me to apply for a mortgage right now I could get a 2 bedroom or save up longer and get a 3 bedroom. I was wondering is it better to wait till I have enough for a 3 bed. I think a 2 bed would...
  14. I

    CGT question and house ownership

    Hi all, My parents own a house that was bought at €x and is now valued at ,€y euro where y>x. They still have a mortgage on the house for ,€z euro. Technically this is still my home residence ( always has been). I am in a position to repay the entire ,€z euro. Will that mean I own z/x (so the...
  15. N

    How likely is it that we can persuade Mars Capital to write off a small portion of our debt?

    Almost 15 years ago my parents took out a 15 year €220,000 mortgage to renovate my fathers old family home after my grandfather passed away. They used the proceeds of the sale of our family home to buy out the shares in the house of my fathers siblings inheritance. During the recession they ran...
  16. I

    In a bit of a dilemma

    I’m 21 years old and about to finish up my contract in mid June. Based off my calculations and current budget I should have €9,500 in savings by the end of the contract. I really don’t plan to work during the summer and will be back in college in September so I’d have a good 2-3 months with 0...
  17. B

    Individual Stocks vs ETFs - Tax Implications

    Hi there. I've been looking into the difference between ETFs and individual stocks here in Ireland. From my, albeit rudimentary, understanding, when individual stocks are sold you're liable to 33% CGT on any gains above the €1,270 allowance. With ETF's however, you're liable for 41% on any...
  18. A

    Would I be eligible for the PRSA tax credit?

    Hi, After hours of trying to understand whether I would be eligible for the PRSA tax relief or not without too much success, I’m posting here with the hope that someone might be able to provide some help. A little bit about me: 26 y/o graduate engineer from Italy, I moved to Dublin 6 months...
  19. J

    Advice on lump-sum investing

    Hello all, I am looking for advice on the best way to invest 60k. Concerned of putting all into index tracking ETFs ( FTSE, S&P 500) at this time as i think the soick market is overheated Would it make sense to invest like 5 k a month over the next year (essentially DCA) ? Looking for other...
  20. A

    Pension Actual value

    I am trying to work out approx how much a pension pot of 1million for example is actually worth in my back pocket. If i have a pension worth 1 million and decide to retire at 55. How much is that pension actually worth if i follow the 4% rule. Here is my understanding. 1) 25% is tax free upto...