
  1. O

    Business start up help

    Hi all. Just wondering if someone could shed some light on something. I’m strongly considering starting a very small business from home selling clothing products. I have a supplier sourced and I know that the type of clothing will be popular with the right audience, in which I’m heavily...
  2. T

    Advice re clearing my credit card

    Hi all 👋🏼 So I made a silly mistake last year and got myself a credit card. Made the even sillier mistake of racking up money I can’t afford on it, and I’m aware of how stupid that is. However, I’m in a bit of a fix and looking for some smart advice. I currently have a balance of €2,800 on...
  3. C

    In my first year of college, I can finally work, what should I do?

    I worked at Burger King for 6 months during my 6th year, but my mom insisted I wait until after my first semester of college to continue working. I attend Trinity College and prefer a job in town or within a bus ride from there. Despite not spending much, I mainly use my money for lunch. While I...
  4. O

    Is BRKb a better option than a S&P etf?

    BRKb’s assets are broadly similar to the S&P 500 and the historical performance is quite similar, but as a stock doesn’t have the same downside of Irish ETF taxation. I’m thinking it might therefore be a better option for a long term growth option. Interested in peoples thoughts?
  5. D

    LIFO & tracking cost basis

    I have RSUs & ESPP through my employer but I know I'm overconcentrated (too many eggs in one basket). I have shares accumulated at different prices over a period of time, some with unrealised gains & unrealised losses. I'm new to investing but after some research I 'think' I understand the...
  6. L

    Should I work 1/2 days a week in my final year of college?

    About to start my last year of college in September and I am contemplating whether to work part time or not through the college year. For context I am fortunate enough that I will not need to work to survive getting by (food, accom etc), but more so for personal enjoyment like going here and...
  7. K

    Bank pretending that our 10yr fixed is up in a month (a few years early), should we go along?

    Just curious what people's thought are. Right now their interest rates are worse than they were (3.6 when we fixed) and there is word that ECB will reduce rates soon but everything is so uncertain, who knows what will happen in 6 months let alone 3 years. Also there are better alternatives out...
  8. L

    Looking for pension advice/opinions

    Hi, I'm considering what pension account to go with. I've narrowed it down to maybe the Zurich one via LA Brokers (1% fee, 100% allocation it seems) or more likely the self directed Davys PRSA (0.75% fee). Is it allowed to have multiple PRSAs. For Example could I open both the Zurich one and...
  9. A

    “Don’t tell the Credit Union it’s for a car!”

    So I’ll be looking at a new car in the next few months (single M with parents earning 32kpa gross, 5k loan getting paid off so there will be space for it). The advice I’ve got is to tell lenders “it’s NOT a motor loan.”, basically taking a “personal loan” instead because of supposed lower rates...
  10. D

    9 months of costs when having a baby…

    I’m not having kids anytime soon but would genuinely like to hear from some folks about the costs surrounding having a child in Ireland. Aside from the items like a stroller, clothes, formula and all that good stuff, how much do people pay purely for doctors appointments and actually giving...
  11. F

    Comparing gas and electricity suppliers - Comparison?

    I know bonkers etc.. but is there any website that clearly shows the true cost of energy from each supplier in a clear breakdown so that we can calculate what the best deal actually is. I.E. for gas/electricity - standard charge = €1.00 a day and 1 kWh= 0.38€ or whatever in a clear table so...
  12. K

    Is a pension worth it in this situation?

    A person who already has over 75k per annum in passive income, relatively inflation proofed and indefinite (mix of dividends and rent). Running a business that creates surplus cash. If they invest the surplus business cash in a pension, basically the upside is; - premiums can avoid 12.5%...
  13. J

    How To Accurately Use The Zurich Life Fund Performance Calculator

    Fund Performance has come up a lot, even though we’re, technically, not supposed to be considering it. Except when we're debating Passive V Active; then it's put forth as Gospel. The calculator is here Landing page shows: Fund Category - Pension / Gross of Tax Funds and PRSA Funds are...
  14. T

    When does a fixed term mortgage end: x years after the loan offer date, or x years after draw down?

    We had a 5 year fixed mortgage with UB which we didn’t draw down until February 2019. UB sold that loan to PTSB who are now saying that the fixed term is up next month but I wasn’t expecting it to be until February next year, I.e. 5 years after draw down. Our original loan offer did make a...
  15. C

    Broke and can’t budget

    i’m 21, i earn 460 a week after tax and pay roughly 280 a week on rent, car loan, diesel, insurance and plus i have a young child too, i owe roughly 7,500 on my car loan and have €500 on savings i can’t touch until my loans paid off i need advice on this it’s currently hard to save money and...
  16. B

    I have 3 pensions with varying amounts and want to combine them into one, looking for advice

    So it's about time I get my pensions in order. Have collected 3 over the years (Aon, Willis Tower and Irish Life) which have varying amounts. I want to have better control over them and want to combine them into one, where I add new pensions to it as I change jobs. 36 y/o, so feel now is the...
  17. C

    I think my A-rated house isn't A-rated?

    EDIT: Thank you everyone for all the comments. Turns out my attic floor/2nd floor ceiling has 0 insulation. I had always assumed that the 2nd floor ceiling/attic floor plasterboard was high density insulated plasterboard. However, there should be 300mm of wool insulation between the rafters and...
  18. V

    First Time Buyer Thinking Out Loud! I need some perspective…

    So I’m a 37YO solo first time buyer. Have been on the island for over a decade and built my life from scratch with no generational wealth or support on my back. I’ve now got two approvals so far, one from BoI for Mortgage amount: €383,500 Cashback: Monthly repayment: €1,822.86 Property...
  19. D

    Received the gift of a small sum, looking for advice

    Myself and my wife received a belated wedding gift of 5k from a relative recently. We are both renting, v little in savings, approx 4k atm, have 10k loan left to pay. Both in good jobs (combined income approx 120k gross) My inclination is to split the gift, 1/2 in emergency fund, 1/2 off loan...
  20. B

    Shopping around for PAYG SIMs

    I’m currently paying €20 every 28 days on Vodafone X for unlimited data & texts, and 100 minutes. Have been tempted by 48’s unlimited everything for €12.99 monthly, but as they’re on the 3 network I know that the coverage may vary to what I have now. Does anyone know or have personal...