
  1. L

    Beginner in need of investment advice

    Im 23 y/o who began entry level civil service job last year on a decent salary and the associated pension. I’ve got a significant amount of cash left over every month after necessary expenses are accounted for. Currently have 1k p/m going into a BOI deposit a/c at 3% AER. I’m fully aware this...
  2. C

    Follow up from previous Q! How to find a decent accountant for one-time investment advice (+ possibly helping with filing taxes later)?

    Hey peeps, I’m very new to investing, a non-EU national, and am not in a position to invest a whole lot of money immediately. Ive decided that I would like to find an affordable accountant to run through the basics of my investment options with me. Any tips on finding one? Thanks!
  3. C

    Anyone knowledgeable about investing in US PTP's(publicly traded partnership)?

    Is it viable or even possible? Ive read about of the (IRS Section 1446(f)) IRS 10% withholding tax on disposal, would that require a TIN? Is that possible for a non US resident? Would the amount of CGT reduce accordingly? Or would CGT be owed on the whole amount pre the 10%...
  4. M

    Coinbase and Revolut IBAN issue: update

    TL;DR -- you can finally use your Revolut IBAN with Coinbase! Given the attention my previous post on the topic received, I feel obliged to provide an update. After multiple months of back and forth, as well as involving both the Central Bank of Ireland (alongside support teams from Revolut...
  5. S

    Confused about shares type

    Recently started to take an interest in shares (still learning and lots more to learn). I'm a little confused about different tickers for the same company. I know there are some with different classes which include voting rights and non voting rights such as BRK.A and BRK.B. This is reasonably...
  6. T

    Withdrawing profits from ETF yearly a sensible idea?

    He guys, is it a bad idea to put €7,055 into an the Vanguard S&P 500 ETF that goes up roughly 18% a year and withdraw the profits on a yearly bases? This would result in making around €1,270 a year, which from what I can tell from a bit of research online is that this would be untaxed. Is it...
  7. B

    mortgage interest rates

    generally wondering what people's views are on mortgage rates and where they could be expected to.l be in a few years. I'm on year 2 of a 5 year fixed and have the aib 2.15% green rate. my mortgage is manageable at approx 1k a month. at the end of the 5 year fixed I will have approx 225k left...
  8. W

    Pension Fund Advice

    Hi, 25 y/o hoping to get some advice regarding the pension funds available to me through my company pension plan. I've recently started contributing 10% AVCs in addition to the 2% I was already contributing to get the employer contribution of 8%, so 20% total. I've read a lot about the various...
  9. P

    eMaxi Slims with current exchange rate?

    Hi all, I’m sure this point has been discussed before or asked in a different thread, but what are everyone’s thoughts on buying eMaxi slims all country and s&p 500 with the exchange rate being as bad as it is? I’ve never bought eMaxis before and used to invest solely into vanguard funds but...
  10. G

    Don't like how Ireland taxes investments? Now's your chance to do something about it!

    The government is taking submissions for input from the public on the taxation of investments in Ireland. It is available here. The purpose is to simplify the system and get to "horizontal equity" (ie. where investment decisions are made based on the merits of the investment and not the...
  11. K

    Form CG1 - Item 1 - Shares quoted

    Hi all, I am trying to submit a CGT return for 2019 (I know I am quite late already). In the CG1 form, item 1a asks about the value of shares quoted which I understand corresponds to the value of total sale proceeds. My strategy back then was to buy and sell in short amount time (sort of swing...
  12. L

    Crypto withdrawal but haven't lived in Ireland for 4 years

    I haven't lived in Ireland for 4 years but want to withdraw crypto to my Irish bank accounts. Will revenue be looking for some CGT? Will be looking for some financial advice but would like some thoughts
  13. S

    S&P 500 Ireland

    Hi All, I was listening to Steven Bartletts podcast and he had Ramit Sethi on it and he was talking about investing in the S&P500 and he uses vanguard. Is there an equivalent in Ireland to vanguard or how does one go about investing in the S&P500 in Ireland. Thanks
  14. C

    Small low-risk investment options?

    I don’t make much money, in fact I live more or less month to month. But over the years living in Japan and being frugal I have managed to save around 150man. I don’t want the money to just sit idle in my bank and would like to invest some as low-risk as possible - I’m thinking to start small by...