
  1. B

    Individual Stocks vs ETFs - Tax Implications

    Hi there. I've been looking into the difference between ETFs and individual stocks here in Ireland. From my, albeit rudimentary, understanding, when individual stocks are sold you're liable to 33% CGT on any gains above the €1,270 allowance. With ETF's however, you're liable for 41% on any...
  2. J

    Advice on lump-sum investing

    Hello all, I am looking for advice on the best way to invest 60k. Concerned of putting all into index tracking ETFs ( FTSE, S&P 500) at this time as i think the soick market is overheated Would it make sense to invest like 5 k a month over the next year (essentially DCA) ? Looking for other...
  3. B

    25 yr old with about 30k in savings and on a salary of 70k looking to make my next steps

    I’ve done plenty of research on this sub and feel a bit lost. I’ve about 24k in savings and about 6-7k in crypto and that’s about it. I’ve small amount in my pension (maybe 8k). I haven’t joined the pension scheme with my new company I started with in January. Realistically I will buy my own...
  4. W

    Deemed disposal now applied to non EU i.e. US domiciled ETFS?

    I just read that Revenue have updated policy to make the 41% exit tax and 8 year deemed disposal tax applicable to non EU domiciled ETFs. I'm trying to find the official Revenue statement/document. Has anyone came across anything official confirming this? Yet another illustration of how...
  5. T

    Being ripped off with by AVC

    Former HSE employee here. Left 15 years ago to move to the private sector and still have a few years to go to retirement. At the time I left I had paid c.28k into an AVC with New Ireland. It’s always performed poorly, and the latest ststement has said that the value on retirement (in today’s...
  6. E

    What to do with UK investments before moving home

    Irish person. U.K. resident / employed The buzz around ETFs and how they are taxed back home has been eye opening for me in the past few weeks. I have an account with Hargreaves and Lansdown whilst residing in N.I. as far as taxes are concerned. I'm now hoping to move back to Ireland again...
  7. D

    3.5% options on Raisin

    I'm looking at the two top rates on raisin bank to invest most of my savings. The first 3.5% rate is 1 year fixed and the other one is 3.5% 3 month fixed. I do not need access to this money in any of these terms. I feel I'm financially illiterate, and would Iike some advice. The 3 month...
  8. F

    Banger or Nearly-New

    Sorry in advance for yet another car related post, but posting as everyone's situation is different. I'll try keep it as short and sweet as possible. M24 living in Wicklow, €50 p/week to my parents, no other major outgoings. I will be commuting to Swords daily (bang on 200km round trip). After...
  9. S

    (24 M) Investment Plan Critique. (Earning 400 P/W)

    I am investing 200 P/W currently. I don't plan on starting a pension until I move to 3rd year in my apprenticeship which is 18 months away due to tax reasons I have an emergency fund and save €50 a week Week 1-3 JAM - €50 BRK.B - €50 MNKS - €50 SMT - €50 Week 4 VWCE - €200 Any advice or...
  10. S

    Are Irish government bonds tax free?

    If I were to buy a 1 year Irish government bond and received 4% interest at maturity. Is this all tax free? If this is the case not sure why it’s not more recommended on this sub hell even buying stocks would be about 9% but taxed at 41% so really only 5.3% after tax + a tonne of risk and...
  11. N

    Investment Strategy

    Hey Guys, just looking for a bit of advice in terms of investment strategy and whether I should increase my pension contributions further. current situation is as follows; I'm 37 and Earning c€100k p.a, wife works part time but we dont count on this income. Currently have c€40k cash in current...
  12. N

    8 Year Deemed Disposal ETF Question

    I'm curious why the deemed disposal tax after 8 years is considered so problematic because it seems like it would be easy to avoid. First of all, if I am no longer living in Ireland after 8 years, it would be irrelevant, right? Second, even if I was still in Ireland, couldn't I just sell the...
  13. M

    Advice on situation

    Hi, I posted this in the wrong sub earlier as I'm looking for Irish responses. Single male 39 No dependents Mortgage. 26,000 House value. 400,000 Savings. 26,000 No debts Pension. C.I.F 40,000 I recently took a job abroad and will stay for a year minimum. I have a friend house sitting but am...
  14. J

    Invest on eTrade Platform vs Physical Broker

    I'm looking to start investing money for medium to long term goals. I already own a house with my partner and we are both taking full advantage of share schemes we have access to in work (both blue chip companies). On top of this we have increased our pension contributions (I have mine maxed and...
  15. M

    How much more tax will I pay on dividends for US stocks as an Irish tax resident?

    I'm a Canadian citizen living in Ireland. I'm an Irish tax resident. I bought some US-based stocks on Degiro and eToro. e.g. Apple, Microsoft, Coca-cola. Ireland has a double taxation treaty with the US...
  16. D

    How much tax do I need to pay on dividends for US stocks/etfs?

    I am a Malaysian citizen living and studying in Ireland. I already have an IBKR account opened in Malaysia (IBKR LLC). My parents send me allowance via Wise transfers I use Wise to fund my IBKR account. I bought a few US dividend stocks (no ETFs) Q: Since I am still a student, do I need to...
  17. J

    BRK.B v S&P 500 EFT

    Hi sorry for another noob on the scene but everyone starts somewhere I guess. I want to buy some of either in the title every 2 weeks(payday) for the long-term 20+ years I understand that you only pay 33 % CGT on stocks when you sell not 41% every eight years like the EFT's. Would I be...
  18. A

    Revolut Robo advisor

    I'm testing this out with a low enough amount and a modest bundle (according to revolut) and I think most of you here will probably advise against the whole notion, but I'm just curious to see how people who are using it are getting on so far. Would anybody here heavily advise against it or be...
  19. G

    How can I be tax savvy to avoid 33% CTG on stocks

    I understand that Ireland doesn’t have tax efficient investment options like an ISA in the U.K or a Roth IRA in the U.S.A but surely there some way to minimise the flat rate of 33% no? Currently I’ve just been making sure to only realise up to 1,270€ of profits per annum to avoid paying CGT. But...
  20. B

    JPMorgan American Investment Trust vs Vanguard S&P 500 ETF?| Which Exchange?| Which Broker

    Hey there, I have a couple questions that I have been trying to work out and wanted to work out which is best? Q1: Which is the best Jam vs Vanguard S&P 500? JPMorgan American Investment Trust PLC Pros 33% Tax Cons Charges are apparently high for London Stock Exchange Currency risk...