investments » retirement » ideco

  1. C

    Investment advice on company DC plan

    Hi everyone, I had to switch to my company DC plan this FY, and got a document where I can decide, in percentage, to which funds I want to allocate my monthly contribution to. They gave me very little time (until the end of the week )to fill out the paperwork and choose the funds I want to...
  2. C

    Stopping Ideco

    Hi, moron here trying to close or stop the ideco withdrawal I just spent months setting up. I did it all through Rakuten before realizing the PFIC implications as an American. I am currently two contributions in, so I don't even care so much about a few Man En sitting in savings until I am 60, I...
  3. A

    Best place to open an iDeCo?

    Is there much difference between all the banks that offer iDeCo or are they pretty much the same? Any recommendations? Looking here they all have similar 0 fees etc: But I presume the funds actually offered are specific to each bank?