investment/financial advice

  1. L

    Fear of missing out??

    Hi! Not sure if this is the right sub for this. Quick background 32m with 2kids and good wife(I mean hnd maluho ☺️) former ofw and decided to stay na sa pinas With enough EF(8digits (yeah yeah msyado malaki but ayoko muna mag risk for now)), properties, insured and right now my source of...
  2. H

    Is a 7.5% interest rate per annum for a 3 year car loan relatively low?

    I just like to benchmark as I’m not familiar with interest rates across the ph
  3. S

    Survey: pay or save?

    Survey: Ano gagawin o pipiliin nio dito? a. pay debt in 6months, but almost little/nothing left for savings/investment or b. grow your savings/investment but remain in debt for up to 2yrs? A friend asked my opinion, sabi ko A para tapos na agad agad and makafocus sa savings/investment. pero...
  4. B

    But first, Coffee ROI Computation too optimistic

    Does someone here own a BFC franchise and have you reached their optimistic ROI computation or what can you say about ROI after 1 year?\_hTcI0aH4qB/view
  5. R

    Need po financial advice for 16 y.o

    Just as the title say, need ko po ng mga advice. Just for the record, I currently have zero money in my wallet, nor in my pocket. Though I have a savings account in USSC for about P4000 with the help of my mom(You cannot transact nor make profit with this in particular since this is a kid...
  6. A

    Done w/ EF, what's next? Am I missing out on something

    Earning 40k. Monthly expenses around 25k. I like saving up once I got the hang of it a few months ago. Pero I'm genuinely uncomfortable with seeing money that I have that is more than 5k. I come from a lower middle class family. Started working when I was in high school for daily expenses. I...
  7. B

    PONZIRECTORY - List of known Ponzi Schemes / Pyramiding / MLM Scams

    I've been seeing lots of people asking about investment this investment that here in r/phinvest and it's really easy to check if these are legit but still a lot fall victim to them. Remember: If it's too good to be true it probably is. Some things to check if an investment is actually a scam...
  8. V

    Inherited Land

    Hi everyone, Me and my 2 brothers inherited a land. One sibling(J) is interested to buy out the rest. Rest of siblings are wanting to build an apartment or sell publicly as J mentioned that according to law, any heirs/relative that is interested to purchase will be a priority. Issue is, he said...
  9. G

    Airbnb house or Condo or Build and sell Company

    Hi! For background: I live in the US, 28, single, and make a little more than 4k USD. I save about half that amount per month. Our Family recently built a mini mansion w/ a pool in SF pampanga and I was the architech/interior designer(yes I learned how to use sketchup haha) and I'm inspired to...
  10. R

    Need advice re: daughter still in school becomes the family bank + investment plan

    How do you say no when (toxic) family members wanted to “borrow” scholarship money but doesnt intend to pay at all? My parents know about my scholarship and has been getting money from me ever since (I never asked them for money anymore ever since SHS since I worked as a part time tutor during...
  11. Q

    Professional camera v Bahay

    My father has the capacity to give me both but due to some circumstances he’s only offering one. I’m in my 30s. Currently unemployed. Living with a relative. I quit my corporate job last year to take a rest. I no longer get support from my father and I only have my savings with me. There’s a...