
  1. N

    SP500 ETFs

    I was curious as to what do you guys think is the best etf that tracks the sp500, i ve been looking into VWCE but if there are any other good etf's that track sp500(im looking long term, 30 yrs+) i d love if u could recommend them. Thanks
  2. C

    Just confirm my understanding: Why has VWCE returned below market rate this year?

    Ok I think I know the answer and I want to confirm my suspicion. I am frustrated that VWCE has gone up 0% vs before the pandemic despite many stocks being at all time highs and the US market overall being up 5-8% vs before the pandemic. VWCE's stock price has gone up about 4.36% in the last 12...
  3. W

    Trading 212 adding portfolio transfers

    Honestly, I think this was the biggest drawback of the platform, it seems now they are finally fixing it
  4. M

    US expat in Belgium seeking information regarding investing

    Hi, My wife and I moved to Belgium about 9 months ago. We are in our late 20's/early 30's, employed with large multi-national companies, and now that we are getting settled in, we are turning to our investment strategy. We do not have a return date and are discussing having our children here so...
  5. S

    Rate my ETF Portfolio

    Risk tolerance: Medium Time horizon: 5Y iShares Core MSCI World UCITS: 55% - Global Markets (Ter 0.20%) iShares Core Global Aggregate Bond UCITS: 15% - Bonds (Ter 0.10%) Invesco Global Blockchain UCITS A: 10% - Blockchain/Crypto (Ter 0.65%) iShares Global Clean ENERGY: 5% - Clean Energy (Ter...
  6. S

    New to investing in index funds, please review my portfolio

    I am using Scalable Capital: Activision Blizzard Inc iShares Core MSCI World UCITS ETF Invesco MSCI World UCITS ETF Starbucks Corp Xtrackers MSCI World Swap UCITS ETF 1C iShares MSCI World UCITS ETF USD (Dist) Xtrackers MSCI World UCITS ETF 1C Xtrackers MSCI World Quality UCITS ETF 1C Invesco...
  7. J

    Recommendations and suggestions required for my 3 - fund ETF portfolio

    Hello fellow Redditors, I am, 30, based in Luxembourg and I am building by portfolio through Interactive Brokers. My asset allocation : 55% U.S Market , 30% International (Global) Market and 15% Bond Market I have finalized on the following: US Market ETF: VUAA - Vanguard S&P 500 UCITS ETF...
  8. G

    French stock Orpea overvalued, many retail investors keep price too high

    Hi, The story: Orpea is a medicalised retirement home operator that offered us both a reputational scandal and a financial surprise. The reputational one (in Jan-22) stemmed from the widespread mistreatment and abuse that patients received from the nurses and workers (following the publication...
  9. C

    [BE] What do you think of this LT ETFs-only portfolio

    Goodafternoon everyone ! I'm reading around for a while now about ETFs, FIRE, long-terms investing, etc. Therefore, I created my first portfolio based on the advices I've read around and I'd like you to challenge it and get your feedback on it. Few informations about my choices: I'm a 25 y.o...
  10. M

    Equally Weighted VS Value Weighted

    A new video by Paolo Coletti (an italian professor) shows some data about an equally and a value weighted portfolio. In the video description you can find the Python file + data used. Here there are ETF world performances in 10 years (equally VS value VS equally rebalanced yearly). Here ETF...
  11. S

    300k to invest, lump sum or dca? VWCE or VUAA?

    I have 300k currently in XEON ETF, so giving a fixed 3.9% yearly (subject to change based on €STR). I have an horizon of 15 - 20 years so I would like to move them to either VWCE or VUAA (sp500). I can add about 2k or 2.5k every month. What do you recommend? Should I go all in right now at all...
  12. H

    Need clarity for capital loss/gain and tax declaration while using Degiro in Germany

    I am based in Germany and need to file my taxes from 2019-2023, which I believe I can do in one go. Over the years I have booked some capital losses and need to declare my capital gains, but come across different articles without proper answers. Have the following questions, A. Can the...
  13. K

    [x-post /r/personalfinance] Aswath Damodaran SP500 valuation applied to other indexes

    Hi, I recently saw a quite amazing SP500 valuation model done by Mr. Damodaran (see here or with video commentary here ) and I was wondering, how hard would it be to apply this model to other indexes. Would...
  14. T

    Need to park some money over 4 years

    I need to park around 100k over the next 4 years (to pay off a home loan). I have 15k right now and will save the rest over the next 4 years. Would you recommend using fixed term deposits? Currently in my country there are 6 month fixed term deposits of 3.4%, 1 year fixed term deposts of 3.5%...
  15. J

    Opinions on first portfolio starting Jan/2022

    Hi, I am assembled my first serious portfolio after having gathered money that was sitting in in high-commision banks, etc. I live in the EU and the broker that I could find as for now is Degiro, although I might switch in the future since I am concerned -if my understanding is correct-...
  16. M

    All-World Portfolios - 4 practical examples

    Here a google doc with some All-World portfolio examples. Do you have comments, suggestions or critics? What would you choose? Thank you. Portfolio 1: It's a "homemade" All-World ETF + small cap of Emerging Markets. Here in Italy, a bank lets you buy ETFs without any transaction cost if you are...
  17. R

    BUX Zero in Netherlands - Think twice before you open account

    Hi all, We all love to invest and make money but investment comes with the risk. One of these risks is, of course, the nature of investing and that the price of your stocks can go up and down which is usually reflected in ROI we get. Another risk to consider is the quality of the broker you...