
  1. F

    How do you see my portfolio? Long term, young, tech enthusiastic from Europe

    22% ETF's [VOO (27%) and QQQ (67%) , VTI (6%)] 10% AMD 9% Communication Services ETF (30% GOOG, 16% FB, 8% V, 8% DIS, 5% NFLX...) 9% NVDA 9% Consummer Discrete ETF (21% AMZN, 18% TSLA, 8% HD, 5% NKE, 5% MCD...) 8% AAPL 7% MSFT 6% Emerging Markets ETF's (37% China, 20% Japan, 17%...
  2. J

    S&P500 vs All World ETF

    I am completely new to investing. I am currently picking the ETF to invest in and I cannot decide between All world (Vanguard FTSE All-World UCITS ETF Acc) and US only (Xtrackers MSCI USA UCITS ETF 1C). How do you choose to invest in either all world or US only stocks? I know that historically...
  3. A

    Portfolioman - Track Stocks & ETFs & Portfolios (v0.1.0)

    New application to keep track of your investments & portfolios! Play Store: The app allows you to keep a journal of your investments. You can also create several portfolios to keep track of your investments from several...
  4. K

    World index asset managers without agenda

    If you'd want to invest in a world index via ETF or fund but wouldn't want to park your money at asset managers using their voting power to push agenda's such as ESG/DEI/Woke/Genders/Rainbows/Unicorns/etc how would you go about it? "The three largest passive asset managers (Blackrock, State...
  5. G

    Beginner Seeking Assistance with IBKR Investing Costs

    Hey, I'm financially illiterate. I just learned about T212 and started investing last month. It seemed pretty easy and straightforward. I read some guides and opened an IBKR account last week. I'm trying to invest into a simple VWCE (which is called VANG FTSE AW USDA on IBKR, right?). I read...
  6. W

    Trading 212 raises € interest to 4% paid daily

    What do you guys think? Park the money at 4% while it lasts and then move it to ETFs, or always DCA, no matter what? Everyone I know believes that market crash is imminent and don’t believe in “soft landing”, especially in Europe. Americans seem more optimistic. Still, 4% is a lot...
  7. A

    S&P 500 Vanguard vs. Invesco vs. iShares - Which one to pick as an european

    Hey guys. Im from europe and decided to go for a s&p 500. Invesco S&P 500 UCITS ETFISIN IE00B3YCGJ38, WKN A1CYW7 - TER 0,05% - TD -0,26% - Ireland Pros: Low TER , synthethic Cons: my broker charges 1 Euro per monthly to be able to select this. Vanguard S&P 500 UCITS ETF (USD)...
  8. D

    Looking for advice on my Investing Decisions and Portfolio

    Hi guys, For the past few years, I've been struggling with paralysis of analysis when it comes to Investing. I've spent a lot of time looking into which investments would best suit me, but the more I research, the more confused I become. All in all, I have yet to invest a decent chunk of my...
  9. A

    S&P500 ETF advise

    Hello all! I would like to ask you an advise on ETF selection. I’d like to find an S&P500 ETF with the following characteristics: - big dimension of fund (i.e. some billions) - physical replication - some years of activity of the fund (i.e. at least 4-5 years) - price per share not too high...
  10. D

    Does moderately overweighting Eurozone stocks as an Eurozone investor make any sense?

    I am an Eurozone investor (Germany) and recently learned that having a moderate home bias can actually make sense, at least for Canadians. E. g., - Ben Felix , - Canadian Couch Potato, - Vanguard...
  11. C

    factor etf portfolio based

    hey guys, i was watching a ben felix video and saw this portfolio. i haven't done any due diligence on which ETF are EU available, but i'm no here for that. he was explaining a "model" of ETF portfolio based on factors as he called them. can someone explain to me what this is? i know it's not...
  12. E

    Investing in pension fund or something else for long term?

    I am 34 years old living in Ireland. I am paying off a mortgage and I have 65k in saving atm. I was thinking to invest but I also would like to pay off some mortgage debt in 3 years time when my fix rate comes to an end. So I either invest some of this money for the 3 years period (I guess that...
  13. D

    ETF Investment portfolio example for EU (based on 5 risk factors)

    Hello! Recently I've been very excited about 5 factor investing, to capture the most returns over the long term. Since I am in my 30s and planning to hold my investments for 30+ years it makes sense to invest for the best and more reliable result possible over long term. Here are the 5...
  14. N

    Where to easily invest my savings

    Hi I’d like to invest my euro savings on a index fund or ETF. What would be the easiest and less risky way to do so which doesn’t required me to read or watch tons of financing material for now? At the moment I don’t have the time for that but I’d like to have an easy and safe option to Pinot...
  15. C

    Buying a property in Germany vs investing into MSCI World

    Hi everyone, Happy New Year! I am comparing two investment opportunities which I have right now: buying an apartment to rent in one of German cities with 3-4% rental yield (e.g. Frankfurt, Nürnberg, Karlsruhe) investing into broad world index (e.g. MSCI World) From the first glance buying...
  16. O

    Neko-Inu Global | P2E Digital Pet | Passive Income!!

    Looking for passive income? Look no further!! Neko-Inu is a gaming platform for everyone to have fun while earning USDT. The game takes USDT from the Tron network, TRC20 . After signing up, you are allowed to stake 1 pet at a time and will be able to purchase your first digital pet as low as 50...
  17. A

    24 yo | ~42K savings | retirement advice

    Hi all! So, I’m 24 yo, not married, have been working in tech since a couple years and have settled very well (job, PR, some language, drivers license etc.) in Germany’s most expensive southern city after moving from my home country. My sole focus rn is to build a nice retirement because I’m...
  18. S

    Govt bonds with 22% yearly interest rate

    Background is I am from Pakistan and living in Germany. I am looking to park my extra money into ETF or HYSA. Though I don't have experience with any of these previously. Now, I have come across another instrument called a "naya pakistan certificate" which many banks issue in Pakistan which is...
  19. D

    Depot transfer

    Maybe silly question. If I by Etf with depot A exclusively at exchange X, and later I decide to transfer all of it to my depot B, which exclusively trades on exchange Y. Can I sell my shares that I bought at X on Y or am I bound to the original exchange? View Poll
  20. D

    Investment brokers

    Hi everyone! First post on here! Basically, I’m a British expat living in Italy and I’ve been investing with eToro and Trading 212 (built up 5K-ish portfolio with them) for some time, but I’m hearing a lot of stories that I don’t like. I intend to invest long term (20/30 years minimum) and am...