
  1. E

    Why is CSPX 5 x more expensive than VUSA?

    Why is it so? Also, are the higher cost ETF's more lucrative, as the treshold to get in is higher? Take CNDX for example.
  2. K

    Invesco new”VWCE” at 0.15% TER

    Invesco has launched Europe’s cheapest ETF offering exposure to developed and emerging markets, undercutting its rivals State Street Global Advisors (SSGA) and BlackRock, ETF Stream can reveal. The Invesco FTSE All-World UCITS ETF (FWRA) is listed on the Six Swiss Exchange, London Stock...
  3. L

    Approving my portfolio plan

    Hello there. What do you think about this portfolio? 20 % EIMI 10 % ZPRV 8 % ZPRX 30 % VUAA 30 % SSAC I am still in phase of planning. I am inspired by Ben Felix and his video about Five Factor Investing with ETFs. XIC 30 % VUN 30 % AVUV 10 % XEF 16 % AVDV 6 % XEC...
  4. P

    35, 330k NW. At a crossroad and I need advice what's next

    A bit of a background but the tldr is: Moved across the pond to the Bahamas to maximize my earning potential and take advantage of the zero income/capital tax. My exwife divorced me last year because I was not hustling enough and she wanted someone to be in a "powercouple" with. She was...
  5. A

    “All Weather” Portfolio on XTB

    Hey everyone, I’d like to build a portfolio based on Ray Dalio’s “All Weather portfolio” (40% Long-term bonds | 30% Global Stocks | 15% Intermediate-Term bonds | 7.5% Gold | 7.5% Commodities). I want to use XTB as the platform for investing due to its low or even non-existent fees, and I prefer...
  6. M

    Opinion on investment and possible suggestions

    Hi all, I’m M28, I started investing in 2021. I had a starting point of around 20k€. At the beginning I’ve started with cryptos out of which, during the 20-21, cycle I had around 7k€ gain. After that I started building my stocks/etf portfolio. And since 2021 I’m up 30.4%/year. Right now my...
  7. J

    Interactive Brokers gets rid of monthly fees & minimal account values

    Interactive Brokers is probably one of the best brokers worldwide, but outside of the US (where the Free IBKR Lite account was available), one had to deposit at least 10k USD and there was a minimal monthly fee of 10 USD per month, unless your account value was above 100k USD. For many people...
  8. A

    (DEGIRO) Why did I lose additional approximately $3 in Degiro after buying USD stock from Euro account (30/7/2020: 1 euro = 1.19 usd)?

    Could someone please explain me what I missed here? I have traded US stocks by Degiro’s Euro account from Finland for awhile. I hadn’t noticed until I found out after deducting transaction fee of €0.51, I have lost additional $1-$3 for every order after deducting 0.1% exchange fee. Let take an...
  9. J

    [Q] 3-4 funds vs 2 funds portfolio compound interest returns

    Hi, I read Bogle's book "the little common sense book of investing" and I have been reading bogleheads wiki and forums and there's something I can't understand So basically there's are proponents of simple portfolio asset allocation of stocks and bonds and there are people encouraging 3 or 4...
  10. M

    Could you help me to understand Degiro Currency P/L

    If I click on any of my assets, I can see a breakdown on the ETF like the following: ![Image]( "a title") My base currency in Degiro is CHF and the asset is trading in EUR. I don't understand what the Currency P/L of -832,31 means. I thought the...
  11. M

    Degiro or IBKR

    Hello I am considering moving my broker accounts from my bank and Trade Republic to Degiro or IBK I live in the EUROzone. I wonder which one would be the best for me. a. I am not a trader (short term). I am more an investor with buy and hold strategy b. I will more likely do between one to...
  12. K

    Degiro: Trying to understand how realized P/L is estimated

    I use Degiro and my fiat currency is "EUR". I had invested in some stock listed in Nasdaq in USD. I closed my positions and the reported numbers within the platform do not agree in some cases. ---- Case 1 Stock A, numbers agree! Based on the "account" tab (real numbers, all reported by Degiro...
  13. G

    IBKR fixed vs tiered pricing

    Depending on the size of your trade, IB's tiered pricing can be cheaper than the default fixed pricing. Typically, tiered pricing is cheaper below a certain trade amount and above a certain trade amount, and fixed pricing is cheaper for trades between these amounts. You can change your pricing...
  14. E

    Which NASDAQ ETF?

    Which NASDAQ ETF would you pick in Europe? It should be accumulating because of tax reasons. 1. LYMS - lowest TER (0,22 pa), middle size (2259 M), cheap price, swap-based (could be an issue?), Amundi not so reputable? 2. EQQQ - middle TER (0,3% pa), smallest size (1862 M), full replication 3...
  15. R

    Bonus to Invest 1 - 2 years

    Based in the NL. Due to work bonus and some savings I find myself with a surplus of cash of about EUR 35k, which I was planning for purchasing a house, but that may be delayed as I am not sure I am staying in the NL. Around 3 - 5 k will keep as available cash / savings account. But otherwise...
  16. G

    Opening IKE account in DM BOŚ (poland)

    I could not find a poland specific sub so I', posting here instead. I want to open IKE account at DM BOŚ from Australia. I am a polish citizen. They sent me a statement the content of which I am not quite sure of before signing. Can someone explain to me? I don't understand why the below 3...
  17. B

    Which ones to keep and which ones to kick? VUAA, VWCE, IWDA, QQQ, BRK B

    I have done some cleaning up of my IBKR watchlist and am looking for some inputs: i’d like to keep to 1-2 ETFs, 33 yo, not touching these for a long time. Plan: 1. I’ll be investing 500€ ish per month, and some lump sums (2-5k every now and then). I’m on ibkr tiered should i switch and just...
  18. W

    Hi, I need advice with ETFs

    Hello everyone, I`m a student from Poland and I got into investing a few weeks ago. I`d like to buy some diversified ETF, but I`m not sure which one to choose. I invest between 200-300 dollars every month. Currently I`m buying VUSA everyday (DCA), but many investors say SCHB is better. Other...
  19. L

    IWDA+EIMI+WSML portfolio weight allocation: my personal criteria

    Hello all, That's a rather long post to show my criteria on how to I define the weights for my 3 ETF portfolio: IWDA, EIMI and WSML. In this post I give some background information by briefly talking about the two main ETF portfolios for long-term passive investors: FTSE Global All-Cap ETF and...
  20. M

    Financial strategy check (Germany)

    Hi, Writing from a separate account to not link this discussions with my main one due to the amount of details I want to share. I am struggling to figure out how to proceed with my financial planning going forward. I think I'm in a good place but feel I can always optimize further. My family...