
  1. B

    High Risk and Low Reward: Why the PSEI/FMETF might not be a good investment

    Before I begin my sharing, please take note that I am not a financial advisor and this is a very simple analysis, I invite everyone to share their thoughts and critique this post. Hi everyone, we are commonly told that if you buy and hold the PSEI or even just local blue-chip companies, you are...
  2. Z

    Bank offering 4.9% APY on 14 month CD (30 y.o.)

    I've abided by one principle with my investing throughout my twenties - build an emergency fund, then stay the course with steady investment into mutual funds and ETFs. But when things like a 4.9% CD come up, I don't know how to react - especially considering the uncertainty of the economy...
  3. J

    Guide me on being a better Trustee for my brothers inheritance

    I've been managing my brothers finances for over a decade and also a Trust for his inheritance for the last year. I'm running into some difficulties with the Trust. My brother is irresponsible with money dur to a lifetime of poverty and mental health issues. I had arranged for my parents to...
  4. C

    Limited Time 6% p.a. for Maya's Personal Goals

    I'm kinda confused about the T&C for Maya's limited time 6% p.a. It says that it's only applicable for Personal Goals opened from Dec 6, 2023 until Jan 3, 2024. But when I create a goal, I can set it to be open for 6 months. Does this mean I will earn 6% interest only until Jan 3, 2024? Or if I...
  5. B

    How do you mentally handle investing (e.g. analysis paralysis, stress, etc.)?

    I’m currently 23 and realized I should have started investing in my ROTH IRA sooner than later. I just maxed it out. I plan on really just getting a handful of etfs just to keep it simple (VOO or VTI mainly, a bit in VTUS, and maybe a bit in something more volatile just because I have time on my...
  6. M

    I got a slip from Revenue Québec that says I owe $6000

    I just got a letter and I’m it a slip saying I owe $5912,46. I don’t understand how, or where it comes from that I owe that much money or any money at all. Last year I was on sick leave for 8 months while on my private insurance covered everything. And only worked for less than a month because...
  7. M

    Zomato Prospectus - Summary

    Link to Draft Red Herring prospectus_20210428025429.pdf) Key Stats (INR Millions) Particulars 9M 2021 FY2021* FY2020 FY2019 Revenue Services 11,204 14,938 22,908 12,814 Goods 1,244 1,658 1,075 148 "Platform Services"? 564 752 2,063 162 Total Revenue 13,013 17,530 26,047 13,125...
  8. N

    The Complete List of Russian Companies Listed on London Stock Exchange

    Thought I’d just share this information. 1 FEDERAL GRID COMPANY OF UNIFIED ENERGY SYSTEM, PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY Utilities Main Market 2 JSC VTB BANK Banks Main Market 3 LENTA INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY Personal Care, Drug and Grocery Stores Main Market 4...
  9. J

    People who have been investing in Mutual Funds for 10+ years, what has been your annualised returns % on original investments?

    Revisiting this post here as it was inconclusive. The OP was right. Instead of giving theoretical returns, people could quote their returns in the MFs for the last decade. For the people, who have been investing since the last decade, you must have invested in both MF & FDs. Comparing the two...
  10. L

    Do insurance companies honour their commitments when the payout is high or the illnesses is recurring?

    My post is of two parts 1st part is my question second part is the reason for my question, because of the experience of some people i know with insurance companies. Do insurance companies really payout huge sums when the situation arises? I have seen comprehensive health insurers pay out 2 to...
  11. I

    PREIT goes on sale today (at 25% discount) (M:Nov28)

    Happy Monday, Barkada -- The PSE gained 97 points to 6607 ▲1.5% I'm back and feeling better! My family had some kind of non-COVID thing rip through us last week, and on Friday morning, after a night of not sleeping and taking decongestants that made me feel blunt and dumb, I felt like it was...
  12. E

    Crypto ETFs in TFSA

    So I’ve held positions and sold positions in the Canadian crypto ETF’s (BTC and ETH) within my TFSA and have made quite a bit of money. The issue is that in some cases, I’ve held for relatively short periods since I’ve wanted to harvest the gains. Then I’ve seen dips and get back in again. When...
  13. L

    Thoughts about BNGO aka and genomic sequencing was its name-oh

    Recently saw some posts from a few years ago about why BNGO was a strong buy at $10, $15 etc. Fast forward to now and it’s veeewwy quiiiet. What are your thoughts on BioNano? Anyone still buying the dip, anyone lost a lot / actually made some money on BNGO stocks?
  14. R

    ASEAN GDP growth (QoQ) (Q1 2019 - Q1 2022)

    ASEAN GDP growth (QoQ) (Q1 2019 - Q1 2022) - Comparative Line Graph of top 6 Economies of ASEAN: PHILIPPINE GDP GROWTH (2010 up to DATE) - QoQ and YoY GDP Growth of the Philppines
  15. T

    Thoughts on FinTech sector, promising new platform and DD for $VIN.C

    In Asia, especially in Korea, Japan, and China, consumers use mobile payment much more than credit cards. Globally, mobile payment growth is outpacing traditional credit card usage. Considering this now is the time to invest in fintech that can meet mobile payment demands. Vinergy Capital...
  16. B

    G.M. to Idle Plants and Cut Thousands of Jobs as Sales Slow
  17. S

    Doing better due diligence?

    I’ve been managing my own portfolio for almost 20 years, and I’m still learning how to do good research before buying (or selling). I’d love to hear what your research secrets are, and what you wish you could do differently. Where do you do online research? For small cap stocks, what's the...
  18. H

    If i drove total 3000 kms in 2020, what is the average gas price i have to calculate to get the final cost?

    Lets say the gas prices per liter i have paid are $1.23, $1.10, $1.05, $9.95 during 2020. What gas price should pick to calculate? I searched on google but they gave unrelated info..
  19. K

    Gcash: Unauthorized fund transfers to be reversed by 3 p.m. today | ANC

    e: i'd like to know who owns the AUB & East West bank accounts.
  20. Z

    Updates from RBI announcements

    The announcements on 17 Apr were expected to focus on relief packages for the MSME sector. In anticipation, the markets were in positive territory by a clear 3+ %. Points below are paraphrased from the speech of RBI governor. Context RBI has been proactive in the very critical situation...