
  1. O

    Noob question: Why aren’t property prices coming down?

    Despite all the talk around 7 lakh unsold units, why aren’t prices falling?
  2. R

    What MFs did in September

    Really sorry I could not do this post last month, since I was slightly busy with the investment tracking app that I was working on (r/Artos). Here's the post for this month. Companies MFs love the most. This is computed as the weighted average of the AUM allocation for the company for the...
  3. K

    Free CASH.TO alternative in BMO Investorline

    Hi there, I will be transferring my finances to a self-directed account with BMO (a.k.a. InvestorLine) Thankfully, they have a list of ETFs with no commission fee ($9.95), including VEQT/XEQT. However, since it does not contain CASH.TO I am wondering if any astute Redditors see a reasonable...
  4. S

    For those earning above 6 digits monthly, what critical decisions did you make in your career to break past the 6-digit mark?

    The title says it all. Share tips naman for those who are graduating fresh out of college.
  5. S

    CIMB account types

    I have CIMB and ING accounts but ING is still in the verification process so I would like to put my funds first in CIMB but I’m quite confused sa 3 types of accounts. GSave UpSave Fast and Fast Plus account I’ll type here the pros and cons of each based on my understanding and will put my...
  6. J

    RSP 2023 cheques not deposited

    I’m rebuilding after major depression and luckily found a good part-time job and they have an RSP contribution agreement. I wasn’t sure if I qualified for disability RSP or if or how to do it since I was working on myself towards working full time again but signed with RBC in agreement that we...
  7. J

    4.84% 5yr fixed vs 5.21% 3yr fixed?

    I'm thinking that at this moment,, mortgage rates can't decrease any further than 4.9% in 3 years. And during that time, I'm playing more in interest because waiting. Then I gotta wait 2 more years for it to go probably slightly lower than 4.84%. but I'm still paying more interest during that...
  8. M

    Where to begin?

    Hi all. I'm a 19yr uni student. I've been interested in learning about in investing for a while but have been lost where to begin, and would really appreciate any help anyone has to offer on the matter. For context, my monthly earnings are R3650. My only fixed expenses are gym(at R250 p/m) and...
  9. R

    Why is $PLUS still a BUY?

    It still keeps going up... it jumped +6.39% day P/L FinBox has it all on GREEN.
  10. P

    Union Budget 2021 - No news is good news

    With the budget 2021 done and dusted, looks like we can start focusing on the year ahead. Few changes made to tax laws. However, big news is obviously that there is no new tax or cess. Definitely a situation of no news is good news here. We know you’ve received Whatsapp forwards from a million...
  11. P

    S&P 500 in ZAR vs USD on EE

    I'll cut the the chase. I know anything could happen but lets say the rand is going to continue to decrease in value compared to the USD. Lets say I invest in an ETF like the S&P 500 on the ZAR account on easy equities. If I do that would I still be able to get the growth of the Rand - dollar...
  12. C

    A year late but here's my Google Sheets + Forms budget/expense tracker

    Update - I have added a more mobile-friendly dashboard to this setup using Google Data Studio. Check it out here. Original Post - Tl;dr - Sharing a copy of my Budget tracking system which uses Google Sheets + Google Forms. Sheets keeps track, runs the backend and shows me a Dashboard, and...
  13. M

    Power of Compounding - 3 Examples

    “Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it earns it… he who doesn’t… pays it.” - Albert Einstein this is a great calculator with chart - Example One - Ajay, 23 years old, just...
  14. S

    Berkshire Hathaway Class B ownership discounts

    I learned today non-index investments of their Class B allows owners of the stock to apply for discounts with the companies they own. The most noted name is GEICO but what other discounts with those companies do they do? Aside from cruise lines which require hundreds of shares bought and held...
  15. R

    UK pension, living in Australia. Can’t move funds as I’m not a UK resident?

    I have a pension over in the UK from the time I worked there. I would like to move to a different UK based pension company (eg Fidelity or Vanguard) and I have enquired with a few of them but it’s a flat no as I’m not a UK resident. Does anyone know of any UK private pension companies that...
  16. A

    I made a data visualisation dashboard (2.0) of companies investing into India. The dashboard also has a link to the dataset

    So I made a data visualisation dashboard so that people can interact with it and explore it. I made the dataset based on the news articles I have seen and recorded them and filled in the dataset where necessary. This includes company name, company country, investment state, category and the...
  17. T

    Buy a house or rent?

    Hello, I'm in my 30s (M), single, have 2 dogs, work from home (permanently), and have occasional meet-ups with our team in Metro Manila (not mandatory) and overseas (mandatory, pero mostly in Asia pa din naman). I have worked sa Metro Manila for 5 years, pero di ko nagustuhan ang CoL at traffic...
  18. L

    RBI wants traders out of currency derivatives (a fun, detailed read)

    Original Source: (my newsletter Boring Money -- if you like what you read, do visit the original link to subscribe and receive similar future posts directly in your inbox) -- The most vanilla reason to use a derivative is to hedge...
  19. M

    Discussion: Core PCE Price Index MoM increase in August is 0.6%. That's 7.2% annualized!

    For all the experts saying deflation is in the pipeline because most commodities are down - this is not how inflation works. Core PCE Price Index excludes volatile prices of energy and food. Once inflation gets entrenched in the services sector and in wages growth it's no longer about raw...
  20. A

    Water Refilling Station by 18

    Using a throwaway account because friends. This is lengthy but head straight down for my question. Hi I am a 16 year old that has saved 200k (might increase, all invested on family business) with a separate 100k EF. I can also ask fiancial help from parents but I saved enough for me. By 18 I...