investing in the philippines

  1. A

    Water Refilling Station by 18

    Using a throwaway account because friends. This is lengthy but head straight down for my question. Hi I am a 16 year old that has saved 200k (might increase, all invested on family business) with a separate 100k EF. I can also ask fiancial help from parents but I saved enough for me. By 18 I...
  2. M

    Ask Me Anything About Philippine Taxation! 11.May.2020

    Hi! I am a CPA specializing in Philippine Taxation. I created this AMA to help Filipino business owners and investors understand the effects of taxation on their financial decisions. Also, to promote our subreddit. Importance of taxation Effect on investment income - Financial advisors will...
  3. E

    Where and how much funds to put to get 200k payout every month?

    As the title says, the aspiration is to receive 200k/month interest for a lifetime from funds deposited in a solid financial institution. I’d really like to hear the advice of the financially savvy on a) how much to put?, and b) where? Obviously, a loooot of money will trickle down 200k...
  4. S

    I just a hit a milestone, I finally reached a million in my savings

    I would like to thank this sub for all the tips and learnings. I know a million is not that much in today’s economy, but it finally feels good to be called a millionaire.
  5. E

    Juan Hand keeps calling because number was used as reference?

    TL DR: Some one gave my mom's name and number (w/o permission) and used as reference (idk what its called) , she said no but Juan Hand still keep calling constantly. So ayun someone used my moms name para sa reference, para ata maka utang sa Juan Hand. In the call my mom said no, pero they keep...
  6. C

    Bank account for 80+ y/o Lolo

    Hi! Just seeking advice if it is okay for me and my Lolo to open a joint bank account or his own savings account na lang? Account is intended for my Lolo's money from selling his lots and he wants someone sana na maka-access din sa account just in case something happens.
  7. I

    AyalaLand Logistics fat-fingers up 35%; APL's only boat got a little typhooned; BDO Q2 profit up 53% (Tuesday, August 1)

    Happy Tuesday, Barkada -- The PSE lost 34 points to 6591 ▼0.5% Thank you to /@churchbuilder for recommending MB as a way to track REITs, to Leandro Romero for guiding me to some videos on the MidCap and DivY PSE index criteria, to Gerald de Belen for additional context on those criteria and...
  8. I

    I acquired a house but I have recently became unemployed. Should I keep the house?

    Hello, 25y/o F here. I acquired a property (100sqm house and lot) last year Oct. Monthly payment ko po is 18,000 sa house. 25 years to pay po yung bahay. Including electricity and water nasa 25,000 po in total. I used to be earning around 70k to 80k when I had my job kaso my client became so...
  9. A

    What makes the Philippines Central Bank 'One of the Best in the World?"

    I read it a lot back sa r/pH that our Central Bankers keep us stable and all despite all the world's economy going bad. But why and how do they do it? Eli5 pls.
  10. I

    DigiPlus FY23 profit: P4.1-B (up 596%); CREIT declares record Q4 dividend; San Miguel to scrap P100-B Pasig tollway? (Wednesday, March 20)

    Happy Wednesday, Barkada -- The PSE lost 5 points to 6848 ▼0.1% Shout-out to CHARToons for being old enough to remember some 90s stuff with me, to Jing for appreciating PAL's restraint, and to arkitrader for feeling my "only Tuesday?" mood. FREE STUFF FRIDAY #4 Presented by: Shell Pilipinas...
  11. I

    Q3 earnings season starts... with a batch of zombies (Th:Oct27)

    Happy Thursday, Barkada -- The PSE gained 48 points to 6122 ▲0.8% Thanks to Padilla GJ for getting a laugh out of my mini-rant against the term "phygital", to /@pentecostal1ness for spotting a Reddit script error, to Jing and Dax for the meme appreesh, to Ollie Tan for picking up what I'm...
  12. A

    Corporate Bond Offering - SMC Global Power

    Tenor: Series H - 3 yrs Series I - 5 yrs Series J - 7 years Indicative rates (subject to change): Series H - 6.25% Series I - 6.8% Series J - 7.4% Bond offer period only until Mar. 20 ** PRs Aaa rating. Just got the quote recently. You may check on your local banks if they offer the same.
  13. J

    SeaBank 1,000 Shopee Coins Reward

    Anybody else waiting for SeaBank’s 1,000 Shopee coins reward to be credited to their account today, July 15, 2022? 🙂 EDIT: Got my 1,000 coins at 12:55pm.😁 Check yours, guys! FYI, the manual credit says “Winners of SeaBank Deposit Promo Jun 13–28” Here’s SeaBank’s T&C: The promo is available...
  14. P

    How do Wealthy and upper middle-income Filipinos protect their parents vs Medical costs?

    *If you are an insurance agent, please refrain from replying. I would really prefer to get insights from people in this thread on their strategies.* Hi Ph Invest, I'm a long-time lurker that's gotten my finances in check and now planning the next 20 years for my wealth and my mother's health...
  15. S

    Return on Investment of Solar Installation (Year 2)

    Continuing on a post I created from a year ago on my investment into solar power, here's an update on my setup. I won't be repeating the original details, so if you want to go over them, the post is here : Year 1 Report. 2 Year Summary Above is a quick summary of the system. It's been up for...
  16. B

    High Risk and Low Reward: Why the PSEI/FMETF might not be a good investment

    Before I begin my sharing, please take note that I am not a financial advisor and this is a very simple analysis, I invite everyone to share their thoughts and critique this post. Hi everyone, we are commonly told that if you buy and hold the PSEI or even just local blue-chip companies, you are...
  17. C

    Limited Time 6% p.a. for Maya's Personal Goals

    I'm kinda confused about the T&C for Maya's limited time 6% p.a. It says that it's only applicable for Personal Goals opened from Dec 6, 2023 until Jan 3, 2024. But when I create a goal, I can set it to be open for 6 months. Does this mean I will earn 6% interest only until Jan 3, 2024? Or if I...
  18. I

    PREIT goes on sale today (at 25% discount) (M:Nov28)

    Happy Monday, Barkada -- The PSE gained 97 points to 6607 ▲1.5% I'm back and feeling better! My family had some kind of non-COVID thing rip through us last week, and on Friday morning, after a night of not sleeping and taking decongestants that made me feel blunt and dumb, I felt like it was...
  19. R

    ASEAN GDP growth (QoQ) (Q1 2019 - Q1 2022)

    ASEAN GDP growth (QoQ) (Q1 2019 - Q1 2022) - Comparative Line Graph of top 6 Economies of ASEAN: PHILIPPINE GDP GROWTH (2010 up to DATE) - QoQ and YoY GDP Growth of the Philppines
  20. K

    Gcash: Unauthorized fund transfers to be reversed by 3 p.m. today | ANC

    e: i'd like to know who owns the AUB & East West bank accounts.