investing in canada

  1. T

    Income tax - first year separated from spouse

    Hi there, I need help figuring out something on my tax return, the information is out there but I think I just don’t totally understand what the answer to my question is. The scenario: -My spouse and I separated in Aug 2023. -We have 2 children age 6 and under. -The children live with me...
  2. H

    Amount of income tax per paycheck?

    Hey, We have been having a discussion at work about how income tax is taken from our paychecks. My understanding is: the amount of income tax taken is based on the current yearly amount(ytd) for that pay period. For example, if the first pay of the year, the income take rate will be say 15%...
  3. Z

    yahoo finance chart comparision

    I was comparing few ETF in the yahoo finance chart , but I don't see data earlier than last 5 year. does it mean any one of these ETF didn't exist before 5 year, or is there a limitation of the compare chart feature ? i also tried with few stock and saw the 5 year history limitation...
  4. D

    Share Your Referral Codes Here

    I think it's a good idea to make a referral code post. This way people can share their referral codes and since it's the theme of this post, it won't interfere with any other discussions. Some platforms offer good incentives, which is useful for new investors who are deciding which platform(s)...
  5. J

    Common law tax filing

    My partner and I have been living together since December 2022, meaning we technically became common-law in December 2023. For the 2023 taxes would we file individually or as common law? I can’t seem to find a clear answer on this. Thanks!
  6. P

    Savings account

    Hi everyone, I'm here on a short term for up to 4-5 years. I'm paying for RRSP via the employment. Can you please suggest me a good savings option where I can earn interest? Also, can I withdraw RRSP when I leave Canada?
  7. F

    First TFSA advise / new investor

    Hi All, new to investing and opening my first TFSA either with TD or Wealthsimple. Need advise on where to park 5000 in Canadian dividend stocks. Chose Canadian stocks to avoid cad to usd conversion Religious restrictions so can’t invest in bank, alcoholic beverage or adult entertainment...
  8. B

    Tax refund automatically sent to Ontario debt despite being in the process of rehabilitation

    I don’t know what to do here. I set up my rehabilitation and I filled my taxes too soon I guess. Now my entire refund has gone to my Ontario student loan. Is there anyway to get that back?ni filed Friday and it said the return won’t happen until the 11th. I’ve called the company it’s supposed...
  9. J

    Best way to invest 50k that I have in my bank account

    Looking for advice! I’m 32M. Married.
  10. B

    Lease vw GLi at rate %6.49 or keep my old car

    Hi everyone, I know it might be a weird question but I am just thinking should i lease a 2024 jetta GLI with $6k down at the rate %6.49 for 4 years? Full price is $37k and They're giving me residual of %54($19k) I have a 2015 Impreza, 250k kilometers, rebuilt title, which needs the 2 years...
  11. I

    Old Age Security Pension

    It will be my 10th year as a permanent resident, and I'll be turning 67 next month. However, I'm still confused because I went on vacation outside Canada for 3 months. Will it delay my pension for 3 months as well? I just need clarification if anyone knows.
  12. T

    Is it legal to pay someone under the table?

    In BC, if I wanted to hire someone to do some yard work for me just a couple hours a day for a few days a week paying minimum wage is there any paperwork I have to do to pay him. I'm getting nervous cause I'm running low on cash and am going to have to withdraw a couple thousand next time I'm...
  13. C

    Saving for mortgage vs leaving Canada

    I'm graduating school soon, will be making reasonable pay. In 4 years, I should have 60k usd equity saved up, on top of anything else I manage to save, I was hoping to use that for a down payment on mortage. Rent and mortgages are increasing at a frightening rate though. I'm weighing the...
  14. M

    Where can I invest 50k that will pay me monthly

    58 but retired. Downsizing and I want to put the profits into something that will pay me some cash every month. Options?
  15. T

    I have 700 in crypto

    How do I sell my 700 in solana? I need the money bad but binance doesn't work anymore for canada? Within like 2 days I need it
  16. S

    Debt Relief

    Has anyone used one of the many options out there for debt relief? Did it actually work?
  17. J

    Uncashed cheque expiry

    Hi. I did a search here but couldn't find an answer. Does cheque not deposited have a expiry? How long can I keep an uncashed cheque in my drawer for just a future deposit? Thank you.
  18. W

    Trusts ? Have elderly parents with no plan .

    If anyone could make a suggestion; my parents are now in 80s still capable but failing a bit lately . I have 2 siblings that are out of the area so they can’t help much . I heard you can put their assets in trust and look after their assets if anything should happen . Not that I want to look...
  19. P

    I quit my job giving a 2 weeks notice (verbally) and I was not on schedule this week, is this considered wrongful termination?

    I was counting on the income I could get for the next 2 weeks of work, wondering if I gave up my severance but giving notice to my employer, If I knew it would’ve happened I would’ve quit on the spot at the end of the month…
  20. S

    Financial advice

    I am 31M and my wife is 22F which is also 7 months pregnant. Currently live at my parents house and do not pay rent. Wife makes 30k and I make 60k before taxes. Wife will stop working in a couple of weeks. Because my brother has gotten married he will be taking the room I currently live in and...