investing in canada

  1. B

    How would you invest 180K CAD somewhere if you were in my shoes?

    I've ended up holding 180K in cash which is not a good thing. As I have been losing it to inflation. But, I do have a full-time job that takes most of my time. I do not know how to put it to work, that is why I asked you, folks. A little details, I am in my 30s, not settled down, live in...
  2. A

    Is 2000+ a week a good wage here in Toronto?

    2k a week after taxes is good for Toronto ?
  3. Y

    Ag/Comm bankers, where are you?

    Looking to get into this side of things from residential/retail banking sales and AM exp. w/15 yrs under my belt - I’m not new to the business. If you are currently in this role or have done it before I want to hear from you! I’m in ON SW. Looking for advice on what hiring managers look for in...
  4. A

    How Serious is Bankruptcy Threat from Collections?

    Someone I know has gotten several letters from a collection agency threatening legal action for an old credit card debt. It’s from about 8 years ago, but last contact was about two years ago, maybe more. This last letter is from a lawyer’s office saying, the person has “committed an act of...
  5. S

    Looking for savings ideas

    I’m struggling with finances and managing our finances. For context, husband and I are in our 40s and we have 3 kids. Our household income is 170k. We rent & homeownership seems like a fantasy. We are in the GTA. I’m really wanting to save for a vacation. We never go outside of Canada. I’m able...
  6. V

    CRA T1 &4 Forms

    Hi, hope I’m in the correct sub for this. Recently I asked a employer if I would get my T1 and T4 forms for my work I’ve done. They responded that they would both be on my CRA account. My question is does a employer have to send me directly my T4 and T1 forms or can they just put it on my CRA...
  7. T

    Canadian Securities Course - Exam 1 v. Exam 2

    So I recently finished the first exam for CSC after studying for three months and scored a 63%. For those who have completed their CSC, is this a bad score? What is the second exam like relative to the first in terms of difficulty? For context I have a degree in economics as well as some...
  8. B

    What the safest/smartest thing to do with $3,000 USD we got for our wedding?

    My husband thinks we should put it in an index fund like Vanguard. However, neither of us have much experience with investing, so we would like advice.
  9. M

    Week 2 of trading for Planet Based Foods ($PBF.c) shows them holding steady

    Week 2 of trading for Planet Based Foods ($PBF.c)! The first week was a bit volatile as most IPO's are but overall they're looking promising IMO. $PBF is a plant-based superfood company that produces all-natural, non-GMO, soy-free and gluten-free meat alternatives. PBF is focused on producing...
  10. B

    Musings of a Petroleum Geologist on Canadian Energy Stocks

    Canadian energy has had a crazy ride this year. Oil prices have hit multi year highs and keep ripping. Some Canadian E&P have increased over 400% since March last year. For those interested in energy but risk adverse, XEG is a great way to dip your toe into the industry. It is weighed over the...
  11. M

    $MYLK.v wins Two Categories at World Plant-Based Awards!

    The Planting Hope Company ($MYLK $MYLK.v) is a plant-based food and beverage company focusing on producing nutritious and planet-friendly products. Their flagship brand, Hope and Sesame, offers the world's first commercially available sesame milk and will be available in stores in January 2022...
  12. J

    I'm not yet an accredited investor, can someone who is invest on my behalf?

    Is this a recommended approach to go around it? I've got the capital, annoys me I'm not able to invest it on great businesses raising funds. Does someone else know a different way of investing w/o being an accredited investor? Thank you!
  13. M

    Rent dispute

    Hello everyone, In my the apartment I have been living in for a year, they are raising the rent 2.7% but this whole building has cockroaches, they have sprayed my apartment and possibly the building but the problem persists in waves. I’m wondering if I have grounds to reject the rent raise...
  14. 0

    Should/how would one report an H&R block employee for incompetence?

    Today I went to file my taxes with a “tax expert” at H&R block. I don’t want to come across as ageist but the gentleman helping me was an octogenarian who did not seem to have a firm grasp of the relevant technology. At the end of the appointment he informed me I “almost broke even”. I was...
  15. M

    Looking for an outsider opinion

    My fiance and I (both 29 yo) are in a bit of a tough situation right now. We are absolutely the definition of Analysis Paralysis right now. So any and all outsider opinions will be must appreciated (good or bad). We have been looking for a house for over a year now in Calgary. I currently own...
  16. J

    Employer won’t issue me a T4, not sure how to proceed

    So I actually quit working for this guy a couple months ago (small electrical company). I talked to my old coworker and he hasn’t received his either but seems unbothered by it. I’ve called, texted multiple times about it and at first he would just say he’s “working on it” but now he doesn’t...
  17. 2

    Trying to unf***k my finances, need advice

    I lost everything during Covid and made some really dumb financial mistakes in the last couple years. Over the past year I’ve been making strides to get my finances on track, but needs some advice. 1) I have $3700 sitting in an RRSP with work. I owe Money Mart (yup I’m an idiot) $3800 on an LOC...
  18. A

    Is there *any* way to protect the former house of my parents in a divorce?

    So my parents and aunt own a house equally, the same one I live in, it is the principle residence for all of us and I had two scenarios: A) My parents sign the house/property title to me and I get a mortgage to pay for demolishment and rebuild the house. B) Get a mortgage to pay for the...
  19. D

    Dealing with a really terrible tax situation - advice needed

    I was recommended a new accountant last year by my father in law. I typically start preparing documents on January 2nd for the previous year because I sometimes don’t organize things properly throughout the year. This new accountant, let’s call him Reggie, did not follow up with me at all after...
  20. K

    What are your thought on these 10 steps to financial freedom?

    Build a Budget Fund 6 Month Emergency Fund Pay off Debt Max TFSA Contributions Max FHSA Max RRSP Buy a Home Max RESP (optional) Invest in Margin Account Buy Rental Properties