investing in canada

  1. Z

    Forced by National Bank to close my RRSP

    A decade ago I left Canada but kept my RRSP account open, nothing out of the ordinary here. Now, the bank want me to close my RRSP; the thing is, it is not possible for a non-resident to open a new RRSP account, making it impossible to transfer to another bank. Thus, forcing my to cash out the...
  2. L

    Shiba Inu Team Shares

    Lucie further revealed how subordinate meme currencies were to social media. According to the SHIB influencer, the price of meme coins is highly influenced by intangible factors such as celebrity endorsements and social media trends. This highlights the potential lack of intrinsic value of these...
  3. N

    Aurora Cannabis Paying Settlement to Investors

    Recently Aurora reached an agreement on the settlement over their 2019 scandal. So, the deal is that in the pre-covid era, Aurora revealed 24% revenue drop for some quarter. Moreover, they said they would paused construction on Aurora Nordic 2 and Aurora Sun facilities (in Denmark and Canada)...
  4. A

    Where should I keep my emergency funds?

    As most of the financial advisors says to keep 3-6 months worth salary as emergency funds, I have saved that amount. Now I have 50% of it in my checking account, 50% in Scotia momentum plus savings. I need some advice where should I keep all of that so I could gain some good interest. Scotia...
  5. D

    Capital Gains on Real Estate

    I own two condos in Toronto, one free and clear that my sister lives in and the other which has a small mortgage that is my principal residence. My sister will be moving out sometime this year. The condo she lives in has doubled in value for a profit of $400k which I understand i will have to...
  6. T

    Ibkr vs Disnat vd Wealthsimple

    Hi, I plan to invest in 5 US companies for a few years starting with a good chunk and then dca monthly over a few years. I already use WS for now for my FHSA with US stocks even if their fees are bothering me. But Disnat and IBKR don't have FHSA so far. I am wondering what would be the best...
  7. S

    Best ETF/Mutual fund for TSFA

    Hi guys, Really new into this investment stuff. Recently started a good paying job $100k plus. I currently don't have anything put away for retirement. I have a company pension I will collect at 60-61 area and now at 40. I been reading saying to max out TSFA first before investing into RRSP...
  8. D

    Stocks vs Primary Residence

    My wife and I are in our early 50s. House is worth ~3 million (400k mortgage). Have about 750k in RSPs (mostly in US and Cdn index funds and ETFs). I'm pretty much burnt out from work and anxiously looking forward to retirement. Worried our net worth is too heavily invested in real estate...
  9. E

    Repaying Home Buyers Plan (RRSP)

    Hello, I used 25k of my RRSP a while ago and I am repaying them as scheduled. My question, is can I contribute to a spousal RRSP, and would that be considered repaying my HBP? When I say spousal RRSP, I mean, I would be the contributor, my wife you then be the annuitant. Is that acceptable for...
  10. T

    Which crypto platform takes less commission?

    I'm currently using WealthSimple for buying and selling crypto, but the two percent commission feels a bit steep. Can anyone recommend a crypto platform that takes less commission? I'm looking for alternatives with lower fees. Thanks in advance for your suggestions!
  11. M

    Looking for Career Change

    Looking for advice on possible career paths or job opportunities . A little about me: I am a 34yo Male who has been in the service industry since I was 18. I’m currently working as an up scale dinning server in Calgary Alberta. I also have quite a bit of bartending experience as well. I...
  12. F

    First TFSA / Advise needed

    Hi All, new to investing and opening my first TFSA either with TD or Wealthsimple. Need advise on where to park 5000 in Canadian dividend stocks. Chose Canadian stocks to avoid cad to usd conversion Religious restrictions so can’t invest in bank, alcoholic beverage or adult entertainment...
  13. L

    FM Radio channel for Financial market news

    is there any FM radio station for the Financial market news, which I can tune to listen into for day to day financial or stock market news ?
  14. S

    18 year old trying to make a long term investment

    I am 18 years old and this summer I am going to make a good amount of money have nothing to spend it on. To try and be smart I want to put the money into an investment and have it slowly grow. I need advice on what to put my money into. For context I do not want anything risky and can only trade...
  15. B

    Don't understand foreign transaction fees

    I don't understand how foreign transaction fees work. do you get charged the fee if you buy from any non-canadian site, or can it be a non-canadian site but gives you the option to change currency to CAD and in that case i wouldn't have to pay transaction fee? so let's say I'm buying from...
  16. P

    Just heard of the Simplefile by phone tax filing service. Is it safe?

    Seems a bit sketchy to me, but it does sound easier. Tried using TurboTax last year, they claim my taxes got filed, but I never received anything, so I have doubts. Has anyone tried it? How do you get started?
  17. S

    Getting my taxes back , what should I invest in?

    So expecting a big chunk of money. Wanna invest most of it into something with a guaranteed return
  18. B

    Debt and tax returns, will I receive it?

    Hi, so I was a student, I had OSAP and government funds. I current owe 26k my workers benefits have been being put towards it since I’ve been receiving it. It’s almost tax season. Typically I get between 2-4K in returns. Will I be receiving that? Or will it automatically be taken and put...
  19. K

    It's Tuesday!: let's talk about your salary and social perks! Be honest !

    What are you doing ? How much ? Wich sector? How long did you study for diploma... Are you happy? Me: i'm working in public fed secto.. my salary 75 000$, 24 vacations + some social perks ( medical assistant ( We have our own hospital), 14 days of leave if I want go to university ( one...
  20. L

    adjusted cost basis calculation

    Does questrade and wealthsimple calculate acb adjusted cost basis or we need to manually calculate it during tax filing?