investing in canada

  1. D

    Auto loan interest rate too high?

    I got a 9.99% interest rate is this too high over 96 months.
  2. M

    How to live on 200k over 3 years

    I will be living on approximately 200k over 3 years while I go back to school full time. What type of investment should I put my money in to make the most of it, while of course keeping it fairly low risk since I need it to survive. This is starting next fall (2024). Thanks!! ETA I will have...
  3. C

    How does PFP designation’s 3 year work experience in finance/advising role come into play?

    I will be completing my FP 2 but feels like I won’t get the designation as I only have 1 year experience in finance/advising role? Can someone please explain how does that work
  4. J

    RSP 2023 cheques not deposited

    I’m rebuilding after major depression and luckily found a good part-time job and they have an RSP contribution agreement. I wasn’t sure if I qualified for disability RSP or if or how to do it since I was working on myself towards working full time again but signed with RBC in agreement that we...
  5. J

    4.84% 5yr fixed vs 5.21% 3yr fixed?

    I'm thinking that at this moment,, mortgage rates can't decrease any further than 4.9% in 3 years. And during that time, I'm playing more in interest because waiting. Then I gotta wait 2 more years for it to go probably slightly lower than 4.84%. but I'm still paying more interest during that...
  6. C

    Account and says I owe $1350 in taxes because I worked 2 jobs, but I only worked 1 of those jobs for 4 weeks

    Hear me out, I know it’s not tax season. In short, I make $60k a year. Last year I left my main job for 4.5 weeks to work at a sister company, this was not a self-employment job. I did not make any more money from this, I made the same amount as I’d make at my current job. My accountant is now...
  7. T

    Lease vs buy vs finance care - follow-up

    You can check my previous post where I was trying to find the best option to maximize my money on the long run. I spent some time and did the math... and it was not what I expected! I figured I'd make a new post instead of editing because there is a lot of new info. I used an annual...
  8. S

    Investment apps? Newbie here

    Hello, I’m just getting into investing and I’m wondering if anyone has any input on which services might be best (Questrade, wealthsimple, etc)? I’m also debating talking to a financial planner, but I’m not sure yet. I’m pretty sure dealing with my bank isn’t the best bet, as their advisors...
  9. C

    n this article: What is Progressive Car Insurance Quote Things you need to get a car Insurance Quote How to get a Car Insurance Quote How much should car insurance be? 7 largest U.S Auto Insurers The average Sample rate of U.S auto insurers FAQ What is Car Insurance Quote? A progressive Car...
  10. F

    Whats the Canadian equivalent of investing in the s&p 500

    Looking to start investing some money every month and just want to know what I can put money into for 20-30 years thats the equivalent of investing in the s&p 500 for Canadians.
  11. L

    Payout ratio for veqt

    I am using yahoo finance site to understand details about stocks or etf. Both TD n veqt have dividends. I can see payout ratio for TD but not for veqt. Is it because veqt is ETF, n etf don’t have defined payout ratio?
  12. C

    6 Things You Should Know About PROGRESSIVE CAR INSURANCE QUOTE

    In this article: What is Progressive Car Insurance Quote Things you need to get a car Insurance Quote How to get a Car Insurance Quote How much should car insurance be? 7 largest U.S Auto Insurers The average Sample rate of U.S auto insurers FAQ What is Car Insurance Quote? A progressive Car...
  13. B

    Scotia U.S Equity Index Fund series A

    Hi Reddit, I’m a 23f living at home and am aggressively trying to save money. With my 2 jobs I roughly make an 80-85k gross income. I have future goals of buying a home and possibly doing my masters. Right now my scotia bank financial advisor has recommended I put my TFSA money into the Scotia...
  14. U

    Paid my taxes in 2022-Notice of assessment still shows owing

    As the title says. I was filing this year’s tax using simple tax. Went into last year’s notice of assessment to retrieve the net file code. What do I see? I owe some 8-9K? First I lose my shit. Then I go check my bank account and turns out I did pay it all while filing my taxes on April 25...
  15. T

    Should I change my mortgage to fixed?

    Mortgage amount: $1,000,000 Current payment; $6501,55 Rate: 6.45 Term left: 2 years, ten months. Fixed mortgage rate (three years): 5.23% New payments: $5,745.51 Thank you! Edited to add current mortgage amount
  16. M

    Why does CDIC insure until $100K, when DICO insures until $250K? Please unravel this incongruity?

    As at July 21 2023, We CDIC insure eligible deposits at each member institution up to a maximum of $100,000 (principal and interest combined) per depositor per insured category.
  17. J

    Guide me on being a better Trustee for my brothers inheritance

    I've been managing my brothers finances for over a decade and also a Trust for his inheritance for the last year. I'm running into some difficulties with the Trust. My brother is irresponsible with money dur to a lifetime of poverty and mental health issues. I had arranged for my parents to...
  18. M

    I got a slip from Revenue Québec that says I owe $6000

    I just got a letter and I’m it a slip saying I owe $5912,46. I don’t understand how, or where it comes from that I owe that much money or any money at all. Last year I was on sick leave for 8 months while on my private insurance covered everything. And only worked for less than a month because...
  19. E

    Crypto ETFs in TFSA

    So I’ve held positions and sold positions in the Canadian crypto ETF’s (BTC and ETH) within my TFSA and have made quite a bit of money. The issue is that in some cases, I’ve held for relatively short periods since I’ve wanted to harvest the gains. Then I’ve seen dips and get back in again. When...
  20. T

    Thoughts on FinTech sector, promising new platform and DD for $VIN.C

    In Asia, especially in Korea, Japan, and China, consumers use mobile payment much more than credit cards. Globally, mobile payment growth is outpacing traditional credit card usage. Considering this now is the time to invest in fintech that can meet mobile payment demands. Vinergy Capital...