insurance in the philippines

  1. B

    Sunlife VUL stopped paying premium

    I started my VUL when I was 24. I had to stop paying ghe premium during the pandemic until now (kase sobrang baba ng value pag silip ko kaya nawalan ako ng gana talaga) so thats 3 yrs of not paying the amount. Dahil mas malabo pa sa mata ko yung FA ko na yon, ayoko na sia kausapin. Gusto ko...
  2. B

    Whole Life + CI complemented with Term + Accident benefits + HMO

    Hi! Saw this subreddit and thought this place is more appropriate. As I've mentioned in the other subreddit (investing), I've recently finished completing my EF and on the road to insurance. From the helpful responses, I've deduced that: Whole life with CI benefits are good Additional term is...
  3. J

    Life Insurance for Non-Breadwinners

    Would just like to ask if getting life insurance is beneficial for those (like me) who don't really plan on having a family? I know I don't control the future and baka naman I find the right person to start a family with... But as for the immediate future, it isn't really my plan to get a...
  4. R

    Pru partial withdrawal

    Going 3 years na sa PAA ko and I'm kinda needing some cash,, kapg ba nagpartial withdraw ako, sa total premium paid ko sya ibabawas? O sa investment value na wala pang 2k? Thanks!
  5. J

    Anyone got feedback about Prulife Elite Series?

    I recently got myself Elite 5, which is 17k monthly payment for 5 years. It is a VUL but with greater allocation for investment and 1M insurance coverage. I’d like to ask for any feedbacks from anyone who has tried or knowledge about it. Thanks!
  6. N

    My Pru insurance has started to accumulate funds. Should i withdraw half of the fund or wait?

    My insurance is now on its 4th year and agent told me way back that it will have funds from the investment on its third year. Now, i want to enjoy using the accumulated value of investment. Agent said i should wait on the 10th year kasi my additional daw e bibigay si Pru. Is it worth it to wait?
  7. Z

    Any companies NOT PCIC offering Crop Insurance?

    The title. Too many conditions for PCIC, too small coverage. Hoping to learn of other options.
  8. 8

    Renew Term Insurance or stick to MRI?

    Need advice Hi, i recently got a property with an mri tied to it. I already have a term insurance for 15years but unfortunately I wasnt able to change the bene to the bank when I was applying for the house loan. Should I renew my term insurance (15yrs) of 12k/yr (+100 or 200php every suceeding...
  9. M

    What’s a good HMO for self-employed individuals who have pre-existing conditions?

    I have Philhealth but I need a good HMO that covers the following: -inpatient benefits -outpatient benefits -surgeries and treatment (possibly chemo) -meds (if possible) My current issues are non-alcoholic fatty liver and gallstones. I might have to go under the knife for the gallstones later...
  10. W

    What is renewal payment?

    My 10-year policy with Prudential Life matured last January. But they have been charging me of around 900 pesos for ‘renewal payment’ in the last 2 months. Ano ibig sabihin neto?
  11. V

    Pacific Cross Inquiry

    Hi guys, is there a company insurance for Pacific Cross? If yes how much is it? Thanks!
  12. S

    Health or hospitalization insurance

    Is true na ang insurance sa pinas it only covers at a certain age lang like pag lampas mo ng xx age di ka na covered? Or do you have insurance na covered until 100yrs old?
  13. J

    Availment request form question

    My mother has a fully paid Loyola Life plan with memorial services benefit but the company is going bankrupt. The Insurance commission is instructing us to file documents with them. Which of the options in the form should I choose? Cash surrender value Time plan maturity benefit Unrendered...
  14. S

    Feedback on insurance companies

    Based on experience sa pagkuha ng claims, anong negative and positive feedback nyo sa mga insurance companies?
  15. M

    Medicard Select Refund

    Has anybody tried getting the refund from a Medicard Select revolving fund? I terminated mine in September, and until now they haven't given me an estimate on when I will receive the funds. They just keep saying the refund request is for approval. I'm not sure what's taking so long since I never...
  16. B

    HELP PLS!! Sunlife Client Satisfaction Survey

    Hello! I’m a user experience student conducting research about the Sunlife claims process. If you’re a current Sunlife client, pls help ur girl out by answering this super short survey 🥹 THANK YOU THANK YOU
  17. C

    Whole Life Insurance

    I’m encouraging fellow insurance enthusiasts or professionals to post their knowledge. If you have knowledge in different insurance products in the philippines, please comment or post ones that you have great knowledge in. Whether it be their pros or cons, as long as whole life. This will be...
  18. E

    New HMO with new company, with pre-existing conditions

    hi please i hope you can help me. i've been losing sleep over this the past days. So i've just resigned from my current company that i've been with for 5 years. i'm currently on the required 30-day turnover period and now doing the paperwork for my next company. During the past year kasi, i've...
  19. N

    Is Cancer Screening covered by your HMO?

    Just wanted to check if your HMO covers cancer screening. Of yes, what type of cancer is covered and how many screening allowed in a year. Also, if you know how much your are covered for this benefits (max limit). TIA
  20. B

    Ethical selling behavior of Filipino life insurance agents

    Hi there, Have you had an encounter with a life insurance agent/financial advisor before? How was the experience and in the end were you able to purchase a policy for your own? For my thesis, I'm conducting a study on The Effects of Ethical Sales Behavior on Customer Loyalty in the Philippine...