insurance in canada

  1. E

    Shared Life Insurance Premiums & Tax Deductions in Canada

    Are shared Life insurance and Accidental Death & Dismemberment premiums (50% paid by employer & 50% from employee) tax-deductible at least for half of the total premiums paid?
  2. I

    Car insurance companies recommendations

    My car met with an accident last fall and my left door was damaged and I got the car repaired and my insurance company TD insurance paid for it and now my car insurance is up for renewal early April and TD insurance would not renew my car insurance. How can I solve this and recommendations for...
  3. Y

    Insurance Cost by Province Under 25 Male Driver

    This is a theoretical scenario... 20 y/o male driver, clean driving record, lives in capital of province. 1,000,000 P/L, PD, Comprehensive 2015 Ford Expedition 100,000 km (basically classed as "clean" by Black Book) What would the insurance cost be by province/territory?
  4. H

    Help! Waiver of Depreciation

    For context 2020 Kia Sedona was in an accident that the insurer is claiming as total loss. We purchased a waiver of depreciation back when the car was put on our policy. The issue: 1. Car was purchased used so therefore never qualified for the waiver of depreciation. Insurer is refusing...