insurance in canada

  1. M

    Car: ON to BC change necessary?

    I’m going to work in BC for Five months. I will not be changing my primary residence. I’ll be staying at a friend’s place. Do I have to change my car insurance from Ontario to BC? Thanks in advance
  2. K

    Insurance broker (RIBO) worth it?

    Hi everyone, I’m new to the country and was considering getting a RIBO. Isn’t worth it as a side job? I have a full time job at the moment but I’m exploring ways to make more money. Do you think it’s a better idea than real estate? And is it rewarding financially on the short and long terms?
  3. L

    Landlord insurance - Does Sonnet allow a student or two in private apartments (not rooming houses)?

    This subreddit's flair options should perhaps include Residential Rental Property, or Landlord. Forced to choose between Home or Commercial, I picked Commercial. I'm not asking about renters' insurance. Does Sonnet allow a student or two in private apartments (not rooming houses)? I would...
  4. 1

    Advice on communicating with car insurance claim advisor

    Good Morning, I'm looking for suggestions on how to communicate with a car insurance claim advisor. Would like to put my request into their language to try and ensure approval. Background: My daughter was in a very low speed parking lot fender bender that was deemed 50/50 liability. We only...
  5. S

    Product Liability Insurance

    Hey all, looking to purchase this type of coverage for my online toy retail store. Roughly $30,000 a year selling Bluey plush and figurines. Age group targeted is 3-5 years (preschool). What should something like that cost me a year?
  6. I

    Life Insurance pre-existing conditions?

    Hey all, My wife & I are expecting our first child & I’m looking to purchase life insurance of some sort. I have Graves’ disease, though developed hypertension & anxiety prior to being officially diagnosed as I suffered through a thyroid storm. My health has greatly improved since then, but I...
  7. D

    Auto, ON; Who’s insurance covers this?

    My spouse was driving my car when the accident occurred. They’re at fault. They’re under the impression it goes through my insurance because it was my car. I thought it was through their insurance as they’re covered under their insurance for their vehicle. Please advise who the claim needs to...
  8. S


    As you may already know, there are many different types of insurance in Canada. Insurance rules and regulations can also vary between provinces and territories. As such, while we hope to have insurance professionals contribute to the discuss and answer questions on this subreddit, not every...
  9. A

    Car insurance, ON; seeking advice for GF 86 year old dad.

    Hello, My girlfriends father got into an accident around 2 years ago. He was making a left turn onto a major street from a side street and got t-boned. He was 84 at the time. He had no prior accidents or infractions on his record. Everything was/is up-to-date. My understanding was he is at...
  10. P

    Car written off what now?

    So the car was written off and it was the other guy's fault. (Wiped out by a dump truck who "didn't know there was a car in the other lane") Our insurance company offered a lower than red book settlement and is also saying no more rental car after Friday. How can I get a proper settlement...
  11. P

    Is Certas insurance ripping ppl off???

    Just got my new updated policy last week and insurance provider wants to up my insurance on my Jeep by 27 a month over 300 a year for no reason! No tickets no infractions WTF??? Is this normal …. I received 2 other quotes which came back a lot lower
  12. K

    Specific car insurance question

    My coworker just told me that if my husband and I don’t have car insurance from the same company, we’re not allowed to drive each other’s cars. To me this sounds ludicrous, since the insurance follows the vehicle and not the person. My BIL recently crashed his girlfriend’s car and he had no car...
  13. N

    Insurance for visitors?

    Hello! I’m in a bit of jam and would like your advice. I came here on a visitor visa that I’m currently in the process of switching to a work permit. Since I won’t be covered by healthcare here until then, would anyone happen to know a good insurance company that could cover medicine costs as...
  14. K

    Car insurance companies you recommend?

    I’m a g1 driver (18F) for just one more month but I need insurance now, not sure how to go about finding a good insurance company.
  15. W

    Insurance career

    Hi all, I am in the midst of a career change at 39. Was a LPN and thinking about going into a career in insurance. I see there are a lot of work from home positions. I am currently in BC but plan to move to NB this year. Is there a course that is recommended to start out? Thanks!!
  16. J

    Short form for insurance company is CPLIC in Ontario

    My mother (who can’t tell me because she has dementia) has been paying insurance premiums for years via direct debit and the only info on her bank statement is CPLIC. Does anyone know what this stands for? I’m sure it’s insurance but can’t find a policy document. The only thing I can find via...
  17. C

    High Risk Car Insurance

    If someone has really bad high risk car insurance (4 at faults in 9 years, 3 minor tickets), and they can’t afford their insurance, does it make sense to stop having a car for a few years and get insurance again at a time when their driving record is cleaner?
  18. T

    Experience with super visa medical insurance claims?

    Hi everyone, I am looking to get my parents in Canada on a super visa and want to understand any experiences that you might have had when it comes to claiming insurance for common problems such as a fever and flu?
  19. J

    Third party claim in vehicle accident, neither party admitting fault.

    In ON. Hi there, I’m hoping someone can advise about my situation. I had a vehicle go through the fence of my house after a head on collision. I’m trying to seek damages, but insurance for each vehicle is saying I need to contact the other vehicle’s insurance because they are at fault. What are...
  20. G

    Insurance claim for windshield?

    Hi, Got a crack from stone on the highway and after few days I saw a crack. I took it to autoglass shop they said need a new windshield. My question is if I go through insurance what are the chances my insurance will go up. Any suggestion or experience would like to share? Or just pay out of...