insurance in canada

  1. R

    OPCF 43 Coverage

    Hi There, We have a 2021 F150 that was ordered almost a year prior, it was rear ended, we have OPCF 43 coverage on it, but I'm having a hard time figuring out the coverage anyways. When we bought the truck we had incentives that no longer exist, and the truck has appreciated in value instead...
  2. M

    What's the best city / province for insurance career in canada

    Asking this, I want to have an insurance career in Canada. I'm struggling to decide between which city or province to move to because I am not really getting adequate information online 1. ONTARIO / TORONTO 2. BC / VANCOUVER 3. ALBERTA / CALGARY Any advice?
  3. C

    Unreasonably low loss-of-income payout.

    AB Commercial. Hi pros. Long story short, my AB short-term rental unit got flooded by two units above me. I have up to $250k loss of income insurance. After being jerked around for four months, I finally got the first three months worth of loss-of-income payout. And it was unreasonably low. I...
  4. C

    LLQP course no sponsor

    I’m in BC and looking to change careers. I was about the buy the course through business career college and unfortunately I would need a sponsor to take the course. It looks like Advocis may take without a sponsor. Does anyone have any ideas if this is possible without a sponsor? I’m hoping to...
  5. B

    Leasing a new car and had a ticket, but my insurance company did not ask about convictions should i tell them?

    Hi Everyone, I had a ticket back in August 2023. I did not change my insurance or my car since then and they kept renewing my insurance. I am leasing a car and i was on a the phone with them and they didn't ask about any convictions. Should i go ahead and tell them to change my policy? It will...
  6. J

    Can someone help me find affordable health insurance for a few months travel? I'm struggling...

    Hi all. My grandmother will be coming to visit Canada for about 4 months. She is trying to find insurance to cover her stay and everything seems so expensive. $1,0000+ (a lot of 'international/travel insurance sites I've seen don't allow me to alter deductibles etc.)! I could see if it was full...
  7. J

    The secondary driver on my vehicle Ran a red light- insurance implications ?

    Quick question regarding car insurance I am the primary driver on my car. My brother (who is listed as the secondary driver on the insurance) ran a red light and got caught on the city camera, which they sent a fine to our home address with the photo proof and all. As for insurance, will they...
  8. T

    Flood risk? Insurance between 3properties

    Hi all I’m looking at 3 new builds and these are their elevations. Will I be needing flood risk insurance for any of them based on the elevation ? Elevation: A 94 B 114 C 109-111 Are these considered okay or will it depend if they are on flood plains? TYIA!
  9. A

    [HEALTH] [ON] Trying to get a sense of how satisfied people are with their health insurance

    Hi all, I am conducting some market research on health insurance in Canada and want to understand how content/discontented people are with their health insurance plans. Specifically, looking to understand: Do you have private health insurance (Employer-provided or Self-funded) Which are your...
  10. M

    Condo insurance: 88% increase over two years after one claim. Normal?

    Hi everyone. For 2022 I was paying $26/month for insurance on my 650 square-foot condo. We had a water damage claim due to water backing up in the condo's pipes (not our fault), so I was expecting a price increase. For 2023 our price was $35/month, which is a ~35% increase. Fine, I thought...
  11. R

    Best comprehensive annual travel insurance in Ontario??

    Hubby and I travel several times a year. For the past few years we've purchased an annual comprehensive travel insurance plan through Manulife but I'm wondering if there's a better all inclusive plan out there. Current policy gives us a maximum of $6000 in cancellation coverage with a max of...
  12. F

    Building's insurance will not pay to cover water damage caused by building management negligence

    I had a water leak in my condo (owned, PEI), turns out it was because the building management had a poor man's fix for the roof spout when it was damaged by hurricane Fiona. They basically put duct tape over it and hoped it wouldn't end up as a leak. The building informed that their insurance...
  13. F

    Over 4 months to determine who is at fault for a vehicle collision? Is this fraud?

    My girlfriend was in a collision where she was admitted to the hospital via ambulance on December 6, 2016. It has been over 4 months and every time we call the insurance company they state that they are determining liability still or that the other party is in an arbitration. She was turning...
  14. A

    Pothole damage - should i claim it

    I hit a pretty bad pothole on highway ramp in Montreal and the mechanic is quoting a $2200 fix for various parts for suspension. My policy can cover it and have a $350 deductible. The problem is I had one at-fault accident in March 2019 and my car was totalled. this would be a second in 5...
  15. C

    Water damage - to claim or not ?

    Hello folks I'm based in Montreal Quebec where I own a split level house. During the heavy rains in August, we had water backing up from the drains located in the basement and the garage. This completely damaged the floor and damaged the basement and garage walls. We reported it to our...
  16. E

    [Self employed Cost Plus / HCSA] [ON]

    Looking for recommendations, we are both self-employed and would like to add a Cost Plus / Health Care Spending Account for our family to cover items beyond our private plan. Looking for recos from other self-employed individuals. Our current plan company does not offer this option for...
  17. R

    Insurance process after a DUI?

    What’s the insurance process after getting a DUI in Alberta?
  18. P

    International Student - Home Insurance

    Hello all, hoping someone has some experience with hating international high school students and home insurance. We had a student backup one of our toilets and the water went through to a large part of ceiling below and now it needs to be taken out and repaired. I hadn’t reported the students...
  19. O

    OPCF 43 - Waiver Of Depreciation ... Which insurance offers longest waiver?

    Hello, I am going to be taking delivery of new suv in late 2023 .. doing some research and learned about OPCF 43 - Waiver Of Depreciation. Question: TD offers 2 years of this option... are there other companies who might offer 3 or even 4 years of OPCF 43 - Waiver Of Depreciation? Thank...
  20. C

    Auto Insurance?

    For the average person (young adult), what is the difference between the cost of auto insurance for a coupe and sedan? For example, a honda civic coupe and a 4 door sedan?