insurance in canada

  1. J

    Question about total loss vehicle and insurance taking forever …

    Our 10 year old minivan was in an accident in mid-August and we’re pretty sure it’s a total loss. After doing some research, we’ve discovered this insurance company tends to take the maximum time allowed to issue a cheque. We have some questions: Thanks for any help you can provide.
  2. T

    Best personal insurance?

    Hey I’m looking into getting a new personal insurance for myself. What are the best options out there? I’m in Toronto if that matters
  3. M

    Good Health and Dental Insurance for a Young Adult.

    I just finished college and now have a job in my field of study. I was recently made aware I was unable to receive any more insurance under my parents plan, and my new employer doesn't provide any insurance at all. My question is any advice and/or recommendations for Health and Dental Insurance...
  4. 1

    Whole life insurance

    Hi, I have a whole life insurance policy worth $100k. I’m paying $135/month. I’ve been with this insurance company for almost 5yrs now. Tbh I only had little knowledge with regards to term/whole life insurance. I don’t even remember why I chose whole life. My question is, for how long do I need...
  5. C

    Auto Insurance - Loss of Use

    My insurance company claims that loss of use coverage only lasts until the amount of a settlement is decided, not until the settlement is actually paid. I just had a total loss accident and they've taken forever to cut a cheque. Meanwhile, I have a bill oustanding to a rental car company for...
  6. I

    Difference in $$ between "acute" and "maintenance" drug prescriptions.

    Has anyone had trouble with drug stores only giving them a 30 day supply of a long term drug for a chronic condition, despite the doctor prescribing a 3 month supply with 14 refills? When I complain to the drug store they blame my insurance company. When I phone the insurance company they tell...
  7. M

    Insurance for shipping used car. Seller in ON. Buyer in BC.

    I'm the seller. The buyer is flying to ON to complete the purchase. It's my understanding that the buyer needs to have an insurance company and policy in place in order to do the transfer of ownership in ON. The buyer will register the car and get insurance when the it arrives in BC. Do the...
  8. S

    Need help understanding absurd Car Insurance Quote

    Hi there, I’m a 27 year old male living in Toronto. I just got my G2 this year (late to the game I know, but I first got my G1 almost 10 years ago and have been driving off and on since then). I’m planning to move to Etobicoke in the coming months and was looking at purchasing a 10 year old...
  9. R

    Best dental insurance for orthodontics or braces or Invisalign

    I am planning to get Invisalign / braces / orthodontic treatment for my crooked teeth. I'm also an international student. Can someone recommend some dental insurances that would cover most part of the treatment? Thanks.
  10. C

    Car insurance Application

    Hi I recently got a moving violation ticket and I was abt to apply for my own insurance since I’m no longer being insured under my parents. I applied to get a court date to fight this however it keeps getting pushed back. In online quotes and applications do I check myself being convicted or not...
  11. M

    High Risk Insurance - concerns about application

    Hi everyone I have a careless driving conviction on my record. Other than that no accidents, claims or other tickets. I do have a 3 day warn range license suspension as well. I was charged with dui but it was dropped before trial. I have approached a high risk insurance provider for a...
  12. A

    Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying) - Are these covered in my work benefits?

    I'm wondering if I were to work with a Psychotherapist who has their "Qualifying" status, would these be covered under my insurance benefits as a licensed Psychotherapist? Technically, this therapist is able to work autonomously, but must still seek supervision with a psychotherapist who has...
  13. M

    CIP C32 Bodily Injury Claims

    Looking for help from anyone who has recently written this exam.....did the final focus on certain areas of the textbook more than others? Starting to panic so much material. Thank you!!!
  14. C

    Business vs. Personal car insurance question.

    If we have personal auto insurance on our personal use car through TD, and have commercial insurance through Allstate on the electric work vehicle. (Same primary driver on both vehicles). Does one accident on a business car affect the personal rates through td? Or will TD be none the wiser since...
  15. A

    Personal and Commercial insurance question.

    Hi, I run a small auto detailing business in Ontario Canada where I use my car to sometimes pick up clients vehicles or to do mobile details. I ended up purchasing commercial liability coverage last year for obvious reasons. I also have personal insurance on my car as well. Is it normal to be...
  16. B

    Home insurance after policy cancelled

    I didn’t realize my home insurance policy was being cancelled until after the cancellation date. The reason was because my wood stove was not WETT compliant. This issue has been remedied but the prior company won’t reinsure me. Any recommendations for home insurance for a rental property in...
  17. K

    My dog got hit by a car

    So my dog got hit by a car over the weekend, and thankfully just sustained minimal damage. I didn’t get any of the drivers details, and apparently it’s her son who was driving her car. I only have here telephone number. Should I file a police report ? The driver doesn’t want to go through...
  18. W

    Help with South Africans trying to bridge insurance qualifications.

    Can you help. I am finding it very difficult to figure out what bridging courses to take for Insurance industry to align my qualifications with Canadian requirements. It is also very expensive and first prize would be to internship with a company where I can do my bridging and would really like...
  19. D

    Need Guidance

    I wanted to start selling life insurance part-time and wondering if anyone has experience in within Ontario. I have a full-time job, but since I have an active LLQP license I wanted to restart my journey after my regular 9-5hours. Has anyone done the same or can shed some light on it for me?
  20. P

    Do you like your job?

    I am a former licensed practical nurse and looking for a career change at 39 years old. I live in BC. I have been looking into a career in insurance and seeing different types of schooling. I am wondering if a career in insurance can be good money and what is the best route for schooling. Thanks!!