insurance in canada

  1. D

    [Auto][NB] What are good insurance options for someone who has had 1 at fault accident in 3 years?

    I was involved in an accident and considered to be at fault. I've had my license in Canada for 3 years (although I previously had an international license for about 5 years). My insurance company is choosing not to renew my coverage next month and other insurers are stating I'll need to wait 3...
  2. S

    Confusion : Date of first US/Canadian License

    I got my Full New Jersey driving license in 2005. In 2010, I moved back to asia and stayed there till 2018. (Meanwhile my US license expired in 2012, I did not renew it) . I came to Ontario in 2018, gave G1 and then direct G and got the full G license in 2018 Now whenever I buy insurance, the...
  3. J

    New Home Warranty Question

    Hello! I have a question regarding new home warranty coverage in BC. Technically it's supposed to be a warranty, rather than insurance but they're all insurance companies that provide the warranty so I think this is the right sub-reddit. Please redirect if I'm wrong. In the recent (very...
  4. S

    claiming disability benefit for 21 year old

    So like the title says I am a 21 year old male and I recently broke my leg in a sport related injury outside the workplace. I know I immediately don't quality for any workers compensation but I read into CPP disability benefit and I think I may qualify but wanted to get some kind of reassurance...
  5. E

    ON - Life Insurance - Found papers 13 years after death

    So, I found my parent's life insurance paperwork 13 years after they died. I contacted the company and they advised that they don't have records after 7 years of no contact/payment. Without saying so, they are telling me to pound sand. Is this a legitimate excuse not to pay, or do I need...
  6. R

    Car insurance in Ontario, Canada

    Any recommendations on brokers for Insurance in Canada, Ontario? Getting delivery on our Model Y AWD next week. Any leads on insurance brokers here in Ontario, Canada? TIA!
  7. S

    Contractor insurance - question about insurance for rented equipment and whether I should still pay for additional insurance when renting?

    My contractors policy covers rented equipment. When I rent equipment (usually a skid steer) they give me the option of paying an additional 10% for insurance. I usually decline the coverage as my contractor's policy covers it. If I were to pay the additional 10%, and needed to make a claim...
  8. N

    Hurricane Fiona Relief Fund vs Insurance

    Long story short, our home suffered damage during the hurricane. Very unfortunately for us, we had to let our home insurance go a month beforehand due to some especially difficult circumstances. We lost about 10% of our roof (about 5% of the sheathing and 10% of the shingles), siding on three...
  9. G

    Just got into an accident and I’m at fault

    I just got into an accident. I have one way insurance. Damage isn’t that much but how much approximately would my insurance increase from this? I’m paying 270$ insurance now
  10. R

    Stolen Vehicle Claim

    Hi All! My partner had his vehicle stolen a few weeks ago by some local kids so we’ve been dealing with Aviva. The vehicle was located and determined to be a write off from the damages they caused. Of course Aviva offered a low settlement amount we’re not happy with. They provided a list of...
  11. O

    No proper separation between kitchen and bathroom, against building code (not fire code). If fire, coverage denied?

    I bought a small house with 2 apartments. I will live in one and rent the other. This will sound weird but actually looks good: one apartment has no separation between kitchen and bathroom. You can't see the toilet from the kitchen. Both rooms feel larger than if there was complete separation...
  12. D

    Third Party Liability on a Rental

    I’m travelling to the US this month for a week and looking at renting a car. I have auto coverage for my vehicle in NL and a credit card that has collision coverage up to $85k MSRP. The card coverage does not include third party liability. I called RBC Insurance and they advised me that I can...
  13. W

    Vehicle Accident Scenario: What if..

    I'm asking because this almost happened to me recently: Ontario I'm approaching a green traffic light, in the straight through lane. Three car lengths in front, an SUV was approaching a left turn, in the designated left turn lane. No problem. As the gap closes between our two vehicles, he...
  14. D

    Insurance s*cks in Ontario

    My auto insurance keep going up every year either due to inflation or model and postal code combo price Is there any company which is less burn on your pockets?
  15. J

    Property Insurance Claim

    So, had a car travel through my property today. Destroyed part of the fence, gardens, raised stamped concrete patio, patio furniture etc. Any advice on dealing with my insurance company on this? I filed the claim, and there’s a contractor coming out tomorrow. Based on the conversations I’ve...
  16. T

    Taking winter tires off early

    Seems quite a bit warmer this year and I’m travelling the from March 31st. If I take my winters off on the 28th of March and it’s above 10’ and no snow, would insurance reject a claim if something were to happen?
  17. T

    Commercial General Insurance

    My agency is a non-profit society whose job is to act as a "watchdog" for a specific project, 1.5 PY. Office work, no regulatory role, no field work, just "desktop" reviews of tech documents. We had our own office and Commercial General insurance but we just moved to a new location. Now, our...
  18. M

    Non-Occupant Rental Insurance Mandatory or not?

    Hello I'm getting conflicting answers in my entourage about this whether non-occupant condo owner insurance is mandatory or not...assuming we dont care about the value of the non common space. We own a condo downtown with a permanent (non AirBNB) year-long tenant in it. The small condo board...
  19. H

    Cheapest Cars To Insure

    Hey there, Unfortunately my vehicle was totalled as I was recently in an at fault accident. I’m wondering if anyone has any information on what types of vehicles are cheapest to insure. I.E. makes, models, years, etc. Obviously I understand my drivers history plays a big part in this but when...
  20. H

    Replacing stolen items after a break in

    We had a break in about a week ago. We’re missing about $7000 in property. Winter jackets, jewelry, watches, sunglasses.. that kind of thing. None of the jewelry/watches were fine jewelry/expensive. The most expensive piece being about $400. Our adjuster is meeting with us next week. Are...