individual/marketplace insurance

  1. N

    Marketplace plan residency requirements

    Let's say I'm a resident of State A (e.g driver's license and voter registration are there) I've moved to State B, where I plan to be for 8-9 months. After that, I'm planning to move permanently to State C. I have no intention of returning to State A. I don't want to bother with establishing...
  2. M

    How to go about getting coverage?

    How do i go about looking for health insurance? My job offers it but the rates are a bit steep ($190) & from other co workers i’ve heard it wasn’t the best either. Ive tried looking online and every time have gotten myself completely F’d with spam calls(it was a mess) I definitely need to see a...
  3. S

    Deductible "6 month reset"?

    Hi all, I have an Ambetter Silver plan through the ACA marketplace, which I purchased primarily because I knew I was going to have surgery and it would be the lowest-cost option. It's a higher premium but a lower deductible. I met the deductible in March due to my surgery. Today I had my...
  4. J

    Short Survey for My Senior Thesis, Responses Greatly Appreciated!

    Good morning! I hope everyone had a great weekend and is staying safe and healthy. If you have 10 minutes to spare and would like to help me with my senior thesis, I would really appreciate you filling out this anonymous survey concerning rare disease drug pricing. Feel free to share the survey...
  5. N

    Left military 3 years ago looking for healthcare because I didn’t re enroll in tricare. Help!

    Like the title says I really need help can I pick tricare back up now that I have stable income are there other insurances that are medical only that I could possibly grab my employer doesn’t provide healthcare and I really need it
  6. C

    No Health Insurance for One Week - Moving back to U.S. from Europe

    I'm moving back to the U.S. from a country in Europe on April 9th. I start a job on April 15th and my health insurance won't kick in until then. So between April 9th and April 15th, I won't have health insurance coverage in the U.S. Technically my European insurance will be active until the end...
  7. M

    10 Day Coverage Gap! - Any Ideas?

    My current health insurance through my school is set to expire August 20. 25 y/o, 95811 zip, and $56k/yr income. I am planning on applying for Covered CA, but they won't accept my application until August (since that is my qualifying life event time) and coverage won't then start until...
  8. M

    Will one month unpaid insurance impact Credit Score?

    We have been freelance for 3 years and our insurance monthly premium cost is $1,100 with Blue Shield of CA (family, HCOL area, ineligible for ACA, etc) I am taking a salaried position with benefits which begins Feb 1. They say to expect that the insurance paperwork won’t come by then, but it...
  9. B

    Do urgent care visits go on your medical record?

    First time getting health insurance, single male 33 y/o. Just signed up yesterday with UHC during open enrollment period. I’ve waited so long to get health insurance because I’ve essentially been spending my disposable income on booze, and could never afford insurance. I had a health scare...
  10. B

    I need advice please! 27/M

    In 6 months I have changed a lot. 6 months ago I didn’t care if I lived or died but recently I’ve realized I want to live a long healthy life. I’m 27 and unfortunately I do not have healthcare. I plan on getting on my works plan In November when they offer it again but I’m in dire need of help...