individual/marketplace insurance

  1. A

    CA resident - Lost job on 7/31 and can’t get health coverage until 9/1

    Hey everybody! I wanted to see if anyone in CA has been in a situation like mines. I lost my job yesterday 7/31 and tried calling insurance today to buy my own insurance but Kaiser and PPO said that I called too late for this month and that I won’t get coverage until 9/1/23. Company won’t offer...
  2. K

    Rewards Cards, Spend it or lose it if you leave it. a.k.a. Fine Print fracked

    So just ranting. When signed up for Bright Health Rewards card (I thought great get some of my premiums back). In the 'Member Hub' rewards FAQ, it said 'the funds are yours even if you leave the program." (I was hesitant to waste my time in the first place, but assumed too much) Wish I could...
  3. P

    Good Coverage source until Medicare kicks in

    I am thinking about retiring early at 60 y.o. This will leave me without employer provided health insurance for my family of 4 for several years unless I get health insurance from the open market. What are reputable sources for open market health insurance and what would a rough range of...
  4. C

    Turning 65 in 6 months and am bombarded by insurance brokers daily

    I already have Healthcare insurance for my wife (63) and I via marketplace. We are retired. In 6 months I will switch to Medicare, and based on what I read, I should stick with A, B and D. The proactive marketing makes me resist tapping one of these insurance brokers as I suspect each may have...
  5. K

    Resources for single moms being dropped by Medicaid 🥺

    Myself and my son will be losing our Medicaid/LaCHIP benefits on 1/31/24. On paper I make “enough” to afford private insurance, but after taxes, rent, utilities, groceries, car payment/insurance, and gas I am broke!! I shopped around on the marketplace, but the lowest premium offered (out of...
  6. F

    Where did this come from? Is it legit?

    Welcome! We are delighted to welcome you to your benefits program! Your new membership program includes significant savings on eyewear, contacts, vitamins, diabetic supplies, hearing aids, telephonic counseling services, lab testing, and more. You can access these benefits by using the...
  7. S

    Need Health Insurance Mid Year, no insurance currently. Private Insurance?

    Hi all, really need some help here. I, 27m, (stupidly) didn’t opt into my Job’s health insurance and now have nothing. November 8th,2022 I was on my father’s plan and had a cornea transplant. Now I’m having some issues and need to get in for an appointment. AND I’ve now realized my major...
  8. B

    Which Plan: HMO vs. HSA?

    Trying to decide between 3 plans in Illinois. The third option is an HSA plan which I can put aside $7750 for 2 people and of course invest that if needed. It's also a tax deduction on my S Corp. Family of 4, 2 small children. All very healthy, no medical issues in 2023. I have no issues...
  9. D

    H-insurance coverage between 59 and Medicare eligibility

    I may retire early and am looking into what options exist to get Health Insurance for my wife and I — before 62?
  10. S

    Colorado amends its standards for Affordable Care Act (ACA)-compliant plans

    Colorado has amended its standards for Affordable Care Act (ACA)-compliant benefit plans and ACA-compliant dental plans for the state. Commissioner Michael Conway has also adopted a new bulletin with guidelines for carriers to provide coverage for COVID-19 vaccines with the end of the federal...
  11. Z

    BCBS Terminated Coverage w/o Contact Over Expired CC on AutoPay

    I'm in Western North Carolina (Asheville) insured (until recently) by BCBS-NC through My wife was insured through the same policy. We own a business and as such are self employed--it isn't a big business, 3 employees including ourselves, and we bought the plan as individuals...
  12. N

    Covered CA 1095-A

    I had Covered California for several years with income between $20k-$25k from 2021-2022. On 1/9/23 I started a new job making ~ $69k and enrolled in health insurance through my employer (I have box DD on my W-2). I delayed cancelling my Covered California coverage until August 2023. I just...
  13. T

    J-1 Health Insurance Requirement

    A newcoming graduate student, I will leave my wife and 8 months old baby in my country, but they will visit me every once in a while (approximately 2 months in total). While I'm about to buy our flight tickets, I noticed the J-1 Health Insurance Requirements which obligates every dependent (in...
  14. D

    Need advice for USA Health Insurance. Expecting a child next year

    Plan A - Monthly Premium: $220 - Deductible: $4,600 individual / $9,200 Family - Out of Pocket Max: $4,600 individual / $9,200 Family *No charge once deductible/max hits. Plan B - Monthly Premium: $360 - Deductible: $0 individual / $0 Family - Out of Pocket Max: $5,500 individual /...
  15. C

    Newly self-employed care options

    Hello all! I am looking for my best options for purchasing health insurance going into 2024. I will be quitting my job with benefits to make a lot more money in self-employment, but unfortunately will need to pay a health insurance premium out of pocket. Should I be shopping through a broker...
  16. T

    🥺 Please help - Health Plan Coverage

    TLWR: Can someone give me parental/big brother/sister opinions on if it is most smart to go with my current plan (MarketPlace - highest premium, lowest coverage, favorable mental benefits) instead of my employer plans (slightly lower but still high premiums, higher deductibles and unfavorable...
  17. N

    Marketplace plan residency requirements

    Let's say I'm a resident of State A (e.g driver's license and voter registration are there) I've moved to State B, where I plan to be for 8-9 months. After that, I'm planning to move permanently to State C. I have no intention of returning to State A. I don't want to bother with establishing...
  18. M

    How to go about getting coverage?

    How do i go about looking for health insurance? My job offers it but the rates are a bit steep ($190) & from other co workers i’ve heard it wasn’t the best either. Ive tried looking online and every time have gotten myself completely F’d with spam calls(it was a mess) I definitely need to see a...
  19. S

    Deductible "6 month reset"?

    Hi all, I have an Ambetter Silver plan through the ACA marketplace, which I purchased primarily because I knew I was going to have surgery and it would be the lowest-cost option. It's a higher premium but a lower deductible. I met the deductible in March due to my surgery. Today I had my...
  20. J

    Short Survey for My Senior Thesis, Responses Greatly Appreciated!

    Good morning! I hope everyone had a great weekend and is staying safe and healthy. If you have 10 minutes to spare and would like to help me with my senior thesis, I would really appreciate you filling out this anonymous survey concerning rare disease drug pricing. Feel free to share the survey...