
  1. J

    New Home Warranty Question

    Hello! I have a question regarding new home warranty coverage in BC. Technically it's supposed to be a warranty, rather than insurance but they're all insurance companies that provide the warranty so I think this is the right sub-reddit. Please redirect if I'm wrong. In the recent (very...
  2. N

    Hurricane Fiona Relief Fund vs Insurance

    Long story short, our home suffered damage during the hurricane. Very unfortunately for us, we had to let our home insurance go a month beforehand due to some especially difficult circumstances. We lost about 10% of our roof (about 5% of the sheathing and 10% of the shingles), siding on three...
  3. O

    No proper separation between kitchen and bathroom, against building code (not fire code). If fire, coverage denied?

    I bought a small house with 2 apartments. I will live in one and rent the other. This will sound weird but actually looks good: one apartment has no separation between kitchen and bathroom. You can't see the toilet from the kitchen. Both rooms feel larger than if there was complete separation...
  4. J

    Property Insurance Claim

    So, had a car travel through my property today. Destroyed part of the fence, gardens, raised stamped concrete patio, patio furniture etc. Any advice on dealing with my insurance company on this? I filed the claim, and there’s a contractor coming out tomorrow. Based on the conversations I’ve...
  5. M

    Non-Occupant Rental Insurance Mandatory or not?

    Hello I'm getting conflicting answers in my entourage about this whether non-occupant condo owner insurance is mandatory or not...assuming we dont care about the value of the non common space. We own a condo downtown with a permanent (non AirBNB) year-long tenant in it. The small condo board...
  6. T

    Flood risk? Insurance between 3properties

    Hi all I’m looking at 3 new builds and these are their elevations. Will I be needing flood risk insurance for any of them based on the elevation ? Elevation: A 94 B 114 C 109-111 Are these considered okay or will it depend if they are on flood plains? TYIA!
  7. C

    Water damage - to claim or not ?

    Hello folks I'm based in Montreal Quebec where I own a split level house. During the heavy rains in August, we had water backing up from the drains located in the basement and the garage. This completely damaged the floor and damaged the basement and garage walls. We reported it to our...
  8. H

    Home Building Insurance

    Hi everyone and thanks for reading. I live in BC and am building a house as the Home Owner Builder. We are doing 90% of the work, everything except drywall and the initial connection for electrical. My partner is an experienced home builder but has been out of the industry for two years, so we...
  9. C

    looking for advice on insurance options for a rented condo

    Hello! Land lord here. We rented out our condo to 3 girls. They are close friends and two of them are family friends and refer to each other as cousins. '' but they aren't sure if they are actually blood related '' I am having issues finding insurance for the rented out condo as most...
  10. A

    Condo Board Threatening to Sue Owner (me) for $55,000 of Damages Due to Insurance Company not Complying

    Keeping it as brief as possible: my condo had a flange malfunction and it caused water damage to my unit and others under me - it was confirmed in the assessment that this was not in any way my fault, it's about $55k worth of damage. I have insurance on my unit with extended water coverage, as...
  11. D

    Window Egress + Home Insurance

    So I’m getting ready to close on a house. It will be an owner occupied rental. Through inspection we learned that one of the bedroom windows in the basement bedroom apartment didn’t meet egress. We asked the seller to have it replaced and they agreed, however due to supply chain issues the...