general questions

  1. V

    Would you take a massive paycut & an unwanted job overseas for your dreams?

    Hi all! I was working remotely for a US company in Malaysia until July 2023 when my whole team got retrenched. My goal is to move to Singapore to built a living & be closer to my partner, who is also working in Singapore. I was working as a Software Developer (self-taught except for a few...
  2. T

    Interest Rate Parity - A Strange issue of SGDMYR

    Most economic students would learn about Interest Rate Parity theory, so I decided that it was worthwhile to analyse how the SGD : MYR Exchange rates vs SGD : MYR Interest Rates behave Source Date : SGD:MYR Exchange rates ...
  3. J

    Move back to Kuala Lumpur - Yes? No?

    Hi, folks. I have not been able to find anyone in the respective banking sector in Malaysia to talk to. Hence, I've come here for some help. I am currently residing outside of Malaysia. I have a dream to move back to Kuala Lumpur at some point in the near future. My family and friends are all...
  4. E

    EPF Account 3 coming really soon!

    "Between 12 May 2024, and 31 August 2024, members will have a one-time option to transfer part of their Akaun Sejahtera savings balance to Akaun Fleksibel as an initial amount, and this action cannot be cancelled once completed." How many of you will do nothing at all once the EPF Account 3...
  5. T

    Is EPF the best low risk investment for people above 60 y/o?

    was just thinking, is EPF the best low risk investment for people above 60 y/o? They’re at the age where they can withdraw money without any restrictions. EPF has a decent return averagely around 5% for the past 10 years. This is much more favourable than FD as well. Thoughts? Any other low risk...
  6. A

    Need some financial advice regarding my first car purchase

    Hello, need some advice from you guys. Basically, i am planning to buy my first car soon. And this is where i need an advice from you guys. I am planning to buy a Honda City Hatchback V spec or Toyota Yaris G spec. I am going to put 30% or 40% downpayment and take 7 years loan only. This is...
  7. T

    Benchmarking Salaries, Savings Rate and Networth

    I know it's popular for people on this subreddit to ask how much money you should have. I decided it was probably worthwhile to do what's a simple net worth over time. 15% saving rate, 4% NW returns, career progression to SM tier over 10 years. edit : I get that it seems quite ideal for...
  8. F

    Friend won’t pay me back, what’s my opinions?

    My friend asked me for rm 7K almost 20 months ago, I gave it to him. After 7 months he gave me 500 back and promised he’ll pay the rest with time. I never asked him or pressured him all this time because I didn’t need the money, until recently. The only time I asked him to start paying me...
  9. K

    Financial anxiety is real. Convince me to spend my bonus

    Ever since I started making my own money, all I ever wanted was someone to really tell me if I’m managing my money right. Idk why but I don’t think just looking at the people around me (like friends and family) is the right thing to do since our financial behaviours are so different. Plus, not...
  10. T

    How to improve on my year 2023 portfolio for 2024?

    My Current portfolio MALE 32 Y.O non-bumi All my returns are on a yearly basis. so any suggestion should be on that too. - Stocks : Total investment RM90k RM72k Dividend and slow growth stocks - Maybank, RHB, KIPREIT RM18k Short term stocks (holding less than 3 months) - PCHEM, UCHITEC...
  11. J

    20y/o - Need advice on Investing

    Hello! 20 y/o and currently a Uni student looking for advice on investing. My spending is very low and I use a finance tracking app to make sure I don't overspend each month. Currently able to save about RM750 a month and planning to DCA this amount monthly into S&P500 VOO through Rakuten...
  12. Y

    Need advice for the next 5 years

    Hello kawan-kawan! I'm a 27 y/o trying to get my finances in order before its too late. Some context on my current financial situation: Been working for 2 years, first year I basically saved nothing and was quite reckless with my money. Reality hits hard when I had to take over commitments that...
  13. S

    Discussion : choosing 9 year loan despite high income??

    I know of the typical car loan advice : 15-20% salary, no more than 5 years loan, if not it means you can't afford this car etc. I used to think this made sense, but now I'm not so sure. Just for the sake of discussion, consider the following: Scenario 1 : earning 5k monthly. 5 years loan...
  14. T

    Versa Cash 4% Promo is changing next month, any alternatives?

    Hi all, It was announced today that the existing 4% promo is coming to an end next month. It will be replaced by a inferior promo that will require you to setup auto-debit into Versa Invest (NOT Versa Save/Cash) to get an additional 1% on top of the base rate for the initial RM 10-30k...
  15. T

    Considering taking bank student loan?

    Im at my end wits, I talk to my mom about this, she said there's "nothing to worry about and keep on studying" while my dad told me to find side income while studying. I will find one, probably be insurance agent or do 7eleven or starbuck. I have experience with basic wiring(i.e work as...
  16. E

    Rate my Finance + Need Opinion

    TLDR version: Nett Income: RM11,400 p.m. Total Commitment: RM9,400 p.m. Cash Savings: RM2,000 p.m Planning to buy a SUV, which has been a long time dream, by this year. Monthly installment roughly around RM1.5K++ and it comes with 5 years free service. But concerned with the removal of fuel...
  17. D

    Loan Aeon 7.92% or Chileas 6.59% p.a

    Hi guys, requesting your opinion which loan I should proceed for bike loan? Context: I have been eyeing out MT-25 for my bike purchase. Shop applied both Aeon and Chilease? Both are approved with 5 years tenure. Which should I proceed for my loan? Aeon Higher rate but more established in...
  18. B

    Working Abroad And Savings

    I got a small sum of savings and while I'll be overseas for half a year to a year, I was curious on what can I do with the sum of savings that I got. At the moment I split some into recurring payments like Netflix, phone bills and the rest is to grow. I have about 5k or so to invest. I'm not...
  19. C

    Looking for Investment Advice for small sum of money

    Hi r/MalaysianPF, I am a 23 y/o fresh graduate who currently has abt 30k in the bank from past job savings. Currently I am working full time with a 3k salary. Currently what I have been advised is: - save 6 months of salary (18k) as an emergency fund in FD or Savings Account - save an...
  20. W

    Is just invest in the US market dumb?

    Hey everyone, I’ve been investing in the US market for about 1-3 years now. Recently, I had a conversation with a friend about exclusively investing in the US market. I received a lot of feedback, with some suggesting that solely focusing on one country might not be the wisest approach. They...