general questions

  1. S

    Duit Kahwin 50k in 3 Years?

    Hi Guys, i'm 23 y/o. Currently im working in construction industry. Earn around 3.6k /month .Im planning to simpan 50k within 3years. So i need to simpan around RM 1388 month. Its any shorcutor compounding tips from u guys? Now i ingat nak saving dalam Versa which giving me 4% p/a.Any other...
  2. O

    Where to place 6 months buffer?

    I've seen it said a few times in this forum that we should keep a 6 months monthly expenses buffer before even considering investing. So my question then is, where should we place the 6 months buffer? My thoughts are that: The 1st three months buffer should be in something that yields interest...
  3. R

    Questions on starting Sole Prop

    Hi all, 1.Should I bother with starting a Sole Prop if my freelance/side-gig income is under RM1k per month? What if income is between RM1k and RM3K? 2.Apart from the monthly renewal fee, are there any disadvantages to having a Sole Prop? My understanding is that there are few to no...
  4. B

    What to do with a 7-figure payout?

    I'm getting a 7 figure payment next month. I wanted to put it all into USD ETFs as per the Bogleheads philosophy. However, the exchange rate is so bad. So my options are: Stick to plan. Convert lumpsum to USD; or Build a 12-mth FD ladder. Convert to USD upon maturity. In a way, this would...
  5. F

    The uses of Debit Card

    Still new in managing my money. Just wondering where should i put my money instead of debit card. Looking for put in somewhere more liquidity, easier to take out the money. Because debit card is easier to lose money than credit card. But, where should i put other than debit card? I'm...
  6. J

    19 y/o student with no investment knowledge. What is the most passive way I can grow my RM10k?

    Recently I inherited 20k cash from my late grandmother. I've already spent about 5k on refurbishing the car she left for me. I'm left with 15k, I've set 5k aside for emergencies, which I have put in TNG eWallet as it has daily interest payouts (RM0.44 to 0.47 per day), and I want to invest the...
  7. D

    Paying in full vs 0% interest installments

    For people that are moving into a new home and want to make some high value purchases i.e. Refrigerator, washing machine, water dispenser, couch, mattress, furniture. If you already have the full amount within your means but sellers may offer a mode of purchase by way of installments with 0%...
  8. V

    25 y/o, room rental

    Hello everyone, my first post here. Advice are greatly appreciated. Not sure if this the right sub but just gave it a try. As the title says, i'm a 25 y/o, fresh grad, working for my first job. I'm from Sarawak and currently work in KL with a gross salary of 3.5k/month. My monthly expenses...
  9. T

    really need advice on paying for college

    Currently I'm in IPTS. One semester cost about 8k. Im at my end wits. I didn't apply for ptptn, and my dumbass thought I could personally cover it. I paused for a year (bank dry up, pause to work to fund my study). I decided f it, might as well go for ptptn n my permohonan was declined because...
  10. S

    Getting a new car

    Hey guys, I am a Year 2 uni student in mainland Penang studying far away from my home state. My family only has one car so i cant drive it to my uni. I work part time on weekends as I have to support myself and I get no allowance from my family (B40 background so not well off). Not having a car...
  11. O

    Need Suggestions

    Hello all, I am planning to purchase my second house. Price is about RM 1.0-1.2 mil. I would like to know if its suitable for me based on my financial status. I’m 35 yo, working in O&G field for past 9 years. Sole breadwinner and father of 2. I’m a freelancer, so technically I only get paid...
  12. T

    For sake of argument, I you get MYR 200k ~ 250k to invest, which investment will you do?

    Let say in some near future (maybe in 2 ~ 3 months) you will be getting this money (200k ~ 250k), which investment will you choose? And please give detailed answer, thank you. a) Play safe (ASNB) b) Property c) Buy American company stock like Google or Microsoft d) Stashaway or Wahed...
  13. G

    Should i sell my current car and buy and 2nd hand car to run away fixing it?

    Current im driving a 13yo inspira. Ive put over 6k already in fixing the car and i can see i might be spending another 7-10k just to fix other problems that it has, that includes the whole undercarriage, aircond, steering rack. And the car also about to reach 200k km which means engine rebuild...
  14. A

    Where to start?

    I’m 21M. I’m on my 2/4 years of college(IT) and my only source of income is weekly allowances. Im lucky to finish college later debt free, and won’t have any commitments as I have a car n bike from parents, n planning to live with them until I marry (30 hopefully lol), so I plan to save up and...
  15. D

    Car loans/ Credit score w/o credit card [Newbie Questions]

    Hi guys, I'm looking to buy a old 2nd hand car ('05 and before). Looking to get a car loan and pay to start building up the credit score. I've just started working, so I do not have a credit card yet, at least not for another 4 months etc. Can I start building my credit score already/ Does...
  16. D

    Tax Filling Issue

    All these while, I've been filing my income tax by myself. As been told by my old parents, they told me that my gross income is the figure u get from ur salary. Eg 5k x 12 = 60k then i will put 60k into gross income column in lhdn when i file them. however, lately, after watching Ziet vid...
  17. C

    3.85% p.a. with Maybank eFixed Deposit-i

    EDIT: Wrong link Any thoughts on
  18. M

    Advise on Clearing Hutang(s)/Loan

    Salam and greetings to sifus, second time posting here on this sub. Been an avid reader all this while. I am 30(M, Bumi) married with a kid in KL (Moved recently). I am Netting around 7K Monthly (Approximately -10% from my previous job, with 20-30% higher cost of living; basically living...
  19. S

    Am i on track?

    I’m 25 yo, just graduated dental school and currently awaiting for compulsory government posting in abt 3 months (read:unemployed and doing part time jobs) My parents contributed a lot and here’s my current situation TH: 25k KWSP: 15K ASB: 12K Savings: 9k Luno: rm800 current income: 1.5k/month...
  20. V

    Would you take a massive paycut & an unwanted job overseas for your dreams?

    Hi all! I was working remotely for a US company in Malaysia until July 2023 when my whole team got retrenched. My goal is to move to Singapore to built a living & be closer to my partner, who is also working in Singapore. I was working as a Software Developer (self-taught except for a few...