general discussion

  1. I

    [ALL STATES] Are you tired of being screwed by the system? Be a part of the biggest F U in modern history to the rich POS who ruin everyone’s life

    This goes across all political lines but if we are being honest, you’ll be screwing over the older generation which might lean a little more conservative, for selling out all our futures for a second home while most of us don’t even have enough money for a down payment on our first. I’m sure...
  2. D

    [Wisconsin] unemployment pandemic tax credit question

    During the pandemic, I luckily, was only on unemployment for 6 weeks after being furloughed. I collected roughly $5800. While collecting, I did not tax out any federal or state taxes (dumb, I know.. but besides the point.) My question is when I filed my taxes prior to the newest bill being...