free talk

  1. T

    c Chicken's too expensive right now! Post your economical protien sources here!

    Pork sausage seems to be pretty reasonably priced, we've been making meals out of kielbasa lately, and tofu as well. What kinds of protien have you found cheap lately?
  2. I

    I’ve been working nonstop for over 2 years. Do you think it’s right to reward yourself ?

    I really want to travel to decompress from stress and anxiety. Do you all reward yourselves? If so, how?
  3. P


    So let me just start by saying… I know this post is going to sound a bit selfish and I apologize in advance but I’m annoyed. Just over it. I have been going to a doctor regarding seeing where I stand to have kids. My s/o and I talked in depth about it. I thought we had reached a different...
  4. M


    I am at the age where everyone is getting married and they are killing me. I had 3 weddings last year and I have 5 weddings this year. Closest one being 2 hours away furthest in Mexico and I’m in Canada. That is 4 bachelorettes, 2 stags, and one bridal shower. Just going to the wedding is 100...
  5. S

    “They Were Entitled to Free Care. Hospitals Hounded Them to Pay.”

    Fascinating long read in today’s (9/25 print edition) The New York Times about Providence, a nonprofit hospital chain based in Washington, which is currently being sued by the state’s Attorney General for state law violations in billing, such as sending Medicaid patients to third-party...
  6. N

    Is there another sub that’s like a step between this one and r/personalfinance?

    I feel too rich for this sub and too poor for the other one. r/Frugal seems to be a lot of people taking the long route to save a few cents. Is there another sub that might be a better fit? I literally receive EBT and live paycheck-to-paycheck now that I’m on my own, but I grew up upper-middle...