financial planning

  1. K

    Sharing a Personal Budgeting / Monthly Planning Template Process (x-post from Personal Finance)

    Ok /r/personalfinance, rather than complaining about all of the terrible solutions for PF software out there (see below), I'd like to offer my best take on an Excel template to reddit for your pleasure & amusement. ...Both personal and professional reasons, I think we need to keep banging away...
  2. J

    I’m about to receive about $200,000.00 and I’m not sure what the best thing to do with it is

    Hi, my mom passed away and I’m going to come into some money. I don’t trust myself with the money and want to put it away somewhere so in 15-20 years or so I can retire. I’d appreciate everyone’s thoughts. I am 45 y.o. btw, I make about $70,000.00 a year practicing law. I have no retirement...
  3. P

    Saving nearly 50% of HHI income month/month, areas to improve retirement and savings goals?

    Been trying to educate myself and make smarter decisions for our financial future over the last 12 months (better late than never). I have a couple HYSA's (@ 5%) through LendingCLub, brokerage, traditional IRA and roth IRA (all through Fidelity) along with an employer-sponsored 401(k) through...
  4. I

    S&P500 client ISO financial planner

    Life is, currently, very good. I'm a DIY kind of guy and have managed my wealth and taxes just fine. However, the time will come when I can't do this myself. Also, it takes some time to manage and there are other things I want to do with my time. I'd like a financial planner to just move/sell...
  5. D

    Will an investment of $140,000 be worth $9,300,000 in 45 years?

    Hi all, For this situation, I put the starting amount, P, as 140,000. The time, N, is 45 (years) The return rate, R, is 8% There is also an additional contribution of $1,000 each month during the 45 years. For some background... I am 17 years old and a junior in high school. I have a...
  6. A

    Pay for child's med school or invest money?

    So next year my child will start med school which will cost about $100k/year. I have about $150k saved up. Do I use that to pay for first year of med school or do I invest it? I was thinking of buying an investment property to generate some cash flow which I could use to pay some of the tuition...
  7. A

    Does It make sense to put 5% more to reach 15% downpayment on a home purchase?

    Hey all, I would like your help to understand if it makes financial sense to raise my house downpayment to 15% from 10%. 5% is $33,000. Loan interest rate %4,99 5% more Downpayment on the home Home monthly cost with 10% (Including Taxes, PMI, Insurance): 4,564.00 Home monthly cost with...
  8. E

    2020 Goals: Beginner, Intermediate, Expert

    Full Post containing all the juicy details. This is a limited/starter list, targeted towards the casual financial individual. Please feel free to add more and/or debate. Beginners Goals for 2020 Start a budget. A budget is the single-most important personal finance tool. It gives you...
  9. H

    I made a spreadsheet that shows you what to do with your money!

    TL;DR: I built a spreadsheet that shows you what to do with your money based on your current finances. Check it out! UPDATE (2021/06/03 16:53 pm PT): You can now see whether you're on the latest version of the calculator (but only if you make a copy of v.0.3 or later). There's a dev log as well...
  10. J

    I was given $200k, what should I do?

    I’m (M46) a married person with a kid. I was just given (after taxes) a little over $200,000. I’m not at all financially savvy. I’d like to grow this money in as safe a way as possible. CD? What advice do yall have for me? Thanks in advance. Edited to add: We have an emergency fund (3 months...
  11. K

    How should I use my extra money?

    Update I paid off the Avant Loan I have some money that I don’t want to waste so I want to put it towards paying off some of my debts. Should I spend it all on one or spilt the money between them? Amount Currently Available - $1,080.19 Debts in order of oldest to newest Avant (Personal Loan)...
  12. C

    Is there alternative to the normal 401k/Roth iRAs. That’s pre-taxed, and doesn’t have age restrictions?

    Hi, so I’m starting to get back into the workforce soon. I’ve been out because of my disability, I have autism along with a few other issues. Well I’ve been thinking about retirement options, and I don’t like the normal retirement plan that most folks have! I want one that doesn’t have age...
  13. B

    Pull money out of S&P 500 and put into HYSA or keep it in S&P 500?

    I put in about $10k in S&P 500 couple years back, which is sitting at about $8.2k right now. I recently opened a high yield account that yields 4.55%. I put in a total of about 10k within the span of Oct 2021 - Jan 2022. Since then I’ve gotten about $151 in dividends which has been reinvested...
  14. D

    Roth IRA withdrawal of contributions - logistics

    I understand the rules of withdrawing from a Roth IRA, including withdrawal of contributions. But how does it work in practice? We changed brokerages 5 years ago after maxing our contributions for the last 20. We don’t have the records. We’re on track to meet our goals without issue...
  15. I

    Help with Brand new 401k Plan picking funds

    Hey all, I recently started a new job and am looking at my choices, I'm 25 years old and my company does a weird match% but in the end it caps at $8,000. I have the means to fully max out my $20,500 and get the $8,000 match. That said, here's my options: Target Date Funds - T. Rowe Price...
  16. S

    Just need small bit of help with overdraft

    Hello everyone I know I should not be complaining about life over the last two years I got my self into some debt and I don’t know how to get myself out So my pay a year is 42k plus over time around take home is around 2800 pounds But what I have out standing is £2500 on my credit card and...
  17. S

    401K got rolled to a new company, what are good options targeting 20-25 year outlook?

    Like the title says, my 401k got rolled to a new company and it seems like the options I have with these guys aren't great. lots of high fees. What do you guys think are some good options? INVESTMENT MIX CLASS 1 YR 5 YR INCEP GROSS EXP % AB US Lrg cp Gr CIT W Sers Fee Cl P-3 96/4 Large Cap...
  18. A

    31 years old. My wife (32) has been unemployed for 3 months. Looking for input on our financial position.

    No kids yet. We’re definitely suffering from some lifestyle creep. What’s a good level of monthly expenses to get to? My income: 200k base, 30 bonus Her income: 0 Monthly income: $10,400 Rent: 2850 Monthly expenses: 4k Leftover (put into savings): 3550 — Combined cash: 81k CDs @4.9%...
  19. K

    Looking for advice - Paying a Loan v. Paying Loan Interest

    Since COVID hit I (27F) have moved back in with my parents because I’m currently a student. My parents aren’t rich but they don’t ask me to contribute financially because they know that I have debts (student loans and credit card) to focus on. Because of this I’ve been able to start knocking out...
  20. S

    Getting gifted a decent amount of money, can I afford a house?

    Sorry long post! So like the title says, my girlfriend’s (22F) parents are giving us a decent amount of money $40,000-50,000 usd hoping that is a good amount to put down on a down payment for a home. After crunching some numbers and doing some thinking with today housing market I think we are...