financial planning

  1. T

    115k in San Diego vs 90k in ATL

    So obviously San Diego is expensive. The biweekly take home after taxes/deduction in SD would be about $2900 vs $2200 I get now. Paying $1600 for a 640 sq ft 1/1 in midtown ATL, looking for the same hopefully around $2000 in SD. Curious to hear what y’all think in SD. Factoring in true cost...
  2. S

    How can I best utilize my opportunities in Traditional and/or Roth 403(b), a 457(b) plan, HSA, and Split-Dollar Life Insurance plan?

    I’m trying to figure the “correct” way to invest for retirement with access to a Traditional and/or Roth 403(b), a 457(b) plan, HSA, and Split-Dollar Life Insurance plan. Relevant background: 39M, divorced w/o kids but in a serious relationship that will result in a proposal this year. No debt...
  3. A

    30M. Looking for some pension advice, at my age what type of fund should I have my pension in?

    30M. I currently have £26,000 in my L&G pension, which has been acquired over 5 years since starting my first role after university. Over the course of the 5 years my pension is down around £200. The fund name is L&G PMC Multi-Asset 3, is this a really safe fund? Should I have it in riskier...
  4. M

    Looking for Feedback - 2023 Review and Financial Overview

    Early 30's, single income, 2 Parents, 3 kids under 5y/o, HCOL. In for some crowdsourced financial feedback from my peers. Looking for possible improvement/blindspots. Link to 2023 Finances Roth IRA 525k 401k 100k HYSA/Cash 35k HSA 12k 529 7k Home 850k market value with 460k left on...
  5. C

    Aren’t financing options like “buy now pay in 3-6-12 monthly installments usually interest free” a precursor to financial recession?

    I am no financial expert but when I see how many online stores now embraced all these financing options that allow you getting into debt so easily it feels a bit irresponsible that it’s allowed. What’s worse is that nobody educates you properly before you click the “accept and buy” button. It...
  6. C

    Buying Car for Side Hustles

    I’m 29 and looking to get some side hustles off the ground to pay off mine and my partner’s debts without sacrificing our emergency fund. We had twins right after my partner finished nursing school (not planned at all) and put us in a situation where we’re getting by on my salary but kinda...
  7. I

    What is the difference between APY and 7-day yield?

    Sorry for this elementary question but I am trying to understand where to keep my emergency cash parked. My Empower Personal cash account is offering a 4.7% APY, while Vanguard money market (VMFXX) offers 5.25% 7-day SEC yield. From reading online, it appears that APY and 7-day SEC yield are...
  8. B

    To buy or not to buy a property: I've been renting for 2 years and wondering whether to buy. Should I?

    MY BACKGROUND Hi! 28F professional living in Houston, TX here. Stable job with a salary of $135,000 annually + a bonus of around $55,000. My credit score is around 750. No student debt or car loans, basically no debt. I currently have around $110,000 in savings, most of which is cash on my bank...
  9. A

    Would you (or someone you know) pay for this?

    Hello! I've been budgeting for ~5 years and have taken a great interest in optimizing my finances - to the point where I think I could help people follow some of the methods I've used and found success with. That said, I was thinking of starting a side coaching/consulting business focused on...
  10. L

    Paying off debt vs continuing to invest?

    Married 26 y/o’s with 2 kids. We have have right at 100k in 401k’s and IRAs, and we also have a taxable account with around $60,000 in it. We have 2 debts at this time. A credit card with $6,000 on it that is 0% interest until June of 2023 and a vehicle loan for my wife’s car. It has a 5.4%...
  11. E

    How am I doing?

    120 k yearly earnings . What should I cut? Save on? Rent $1600 (Socal ridiculously expensive), Car note , my gf pays it $600 bucks. It’s actually $500 but we put an extra $100 bucks on the loan, Water - zero included in rent, Trash - included in rent, Electricity - $50 bucks, Range gas - 35...
  12. M

    Working in D.C

    I live and work in Michigan , the company I work for is looking for volunteers to go work in D.C for the next seven months. There’s a lot of pros to this but I have a lot of questions and they don’t have the answers to them. I make 25 an hour. They’re giving us 10 an hour over scale, we’re...
  13. J

    Should I start building first or should I save for a rental property?

    Hi everyone, I wanted to poll some advice and perhaps get a different perspective on my planned financial path. Some quick context: -28 yo (m) married to 26 yo wife debt free minus our mortgage (cars, cc, student loans are paid off) -currently have about 6 months cash saved for emergency -wife...
  14. M

    Financial Advice / Planning -- Lucky but ignorant

    Hey, just joined and looking for some advice. I feel pretty ignorant sometimes when it comes to finances. I landed a pretty nice job that has me living pretty comfortably and I've started to feel like I'm getting a little too comfortable and just am searching for some advice/guidance so that I...
  15. J

    I should 1.5x my income in 401k by age 35…?

    That’s what a quick search online says. I make about $170k per year and have been working for 6 years now. I have $40k. I’m maxing my match which is 4%. I really don’t want to put much more of my income into the retirement fund as I need it for the house, kids, cars, vacations, etc Am I doing...
  16. D

    Looking for some advice and input in regards to my current situation and budget

    Current Situation I recently got a new job that I really like, but the only thing is that it is around a 50 minute, 33 mile drive one way. It uses up a lot of gas and the long drive does get hard after awhile. Also, I live in Wisconsin, and I don't want to do the current commute in the winter...
  17. T

    Moving to a new 401k Program

    Hey All! My company is changing our 401k provider and I am looking for some help to determine where best to allocate my funds. I am married, 42, two kids and financially stable. Currently maxing out 401k and a roth each year. These are the options available. Your advise and insight is always...
  18. N

    What to do with $125K right now?

    I'm sitting too heavy in cash right now after selling a rental property and I'm not sure what to do with about $125K. What say you, Reddit? Here's some background on my situation. 35 yrs old, married, 3 kids Single income family Active duty military (enlisted) with about 6 years until...
  19. B

    What would be a good funds to invest in?

    Im 28, just starting understanding & saving for retirement. I don't want to do a target date fund because I want to actively try to maximize my retirement plan. What would be a good plan with these options available? Tier 1: Passive Target Date Funds BlackRock LifePath Index 2065 Fund...
  20. L

    Reducing withholdings for a partial year?

    Next year I will work in the US until June 30 and then move abroad for the rest of the year I will stay abroad for at least 330 days therefore qualifying for FEIE on my foreign salary for the rest of the year I make $180k in the US, so unless I change something my withholding will be done at...