financial planning

  1. F

    How to plan for aging Mom's retirement

    Good evening, Reddit. I'm a 32M and I'm married to a wonderful 30F. We are doing OK financially, but I think we will face an inevitable challenge in assisting my Mother in her retirement later in life. On the matter of supporting parents financially, there's likely differing opinions within...
  2. A

    Looking for advice, is the career change worth it? Should I take out loans or not?

    Firstly, thank you to this community for your advice and perspective. It’s a continued pleasure to be able to read and learn from the experience of this community. Following are my current positions: ——— Equity ——— Edward Jones: $64k HYSA: $123k Schwab: $10k 401K: $13k Investment Property...
  3. J

    Ok so I've fixed my credit score, have 0 debt, saved a 6-12 month emergency fund (12 months of rent, 6 months of all important expenses) now what?

    I want to buy a home and get married in the next five years. But I also want to put some money in a roth IRA. Can I do both? Or should I just keep saving normally for a down payment etc.
  4. M

    3.8 rate on mortgage. Pay lump sum or invest?

    I owe 280k on my 3.8 fixed rate 30 yr mortgage. Would paying the max yearly lump sum be wise, or investing? I am a single Mom, just divorced and new to financial planning. I can't pay off my mortgage but I could pay a 10% lump sum this year. If investing is wise, what sort of investment would...
  5. L

    Financial advisor performance - benchmarking my time wieghted RoR since May 2019

    4.5 years ago my wife and I (39 at the time) decided we needed to have a money manager. We're not gazillionaires but we have good salaries, save a lot and got tired of thinking about money. That's not our passion and we hired an FA to outsource that aspect of our lives. There's lots of...
  6. L

    What to do with my savings

    So I have 18k saved with my credit union and an additional 3k sitting in stocks (mostly ETFs with some large tech companies). Ive been working in my industry for a little over a year and I make ~85k. I still live at home with my parents (24 y/o) and I’m saving for a house but I’m not in a rush...
  7. J

    10 steps for saving

    I have been looking for an easy guide for how prioritize saving and investing for someone making between 50k & 1M. Unfortunately I have never been able to find something something simple. The idea for my list is that you should complete each step until you run out of spare savings. Higher...
  8. A

    Should I borrow from 403(b)?

    46m/47f Household income: ~ $180k L/MCOL Investments: Tax deferred: $755K Roth: $275K Taxable: $67K Contributing: $45.5k to tax deferred and $12k Roth this year Morgtage: $50K outstanding @2.75 (7.5 years remaining) / House value ~ $225k Car Loans: $6510 @ 2.29% (15 months remaining) /...
  9. M

    [X-post /r/personalfinance] Need advice choosing a bank/card

    I have a few questions and I may help a few people with my findings. I'm an American (Missouri resident), and I currently live in Italy. I'm moving with my family to Kansas City (Kansas) shortly after I turn 18 (within a few weeks). I'm in a not-so-great situation with my family and I'm trying...
  10. J

    401k Planning 25 Year Old

    Need some help with investing had my 401k with vanguard for about a year and when I started it I cant even remember why I picked my portfolio to be 100% AB Large Cap Growth Z (APGZX) I contribute close to 10% a year and want to make sure my money is being used best at a young age here are my...
  11. A

    Advice Requested - Cash out my 401K? Please Help. :(

    Thank you in advance for your opinions. My wife recently accepted a new position that pays her 30% less than her previous high stress, no flexibility job. I knew things were going to be tight, and I had thought I had figured out what our new budget would be but I was off. Here are the...
  12. J

    So I bought a restaurant with a friend.

    So I bought this restaurant with a friend of mine about 2 years ago. The premise was that I’d be the operating partner and I took a small salary (60k) to run this and help us expand to a new location. Going into this I was very financially well positioned but the paycut and us not taking a...
  13. M

    I opened a traditional IRA, now I’m not sure what’s next….

    I opened a new traditional IRA. I rolled over two old 401k from previous employers. Now the money has been successfully moved my IRA. What is next? I know this sounds silly but I feel there is a next step but I don’t see anything obvious. Don’t I choose what the IRA is invested in?? I know I’ve...
  14. C

    Mother to put shares of small bank in trust, switch to safer investment?

    My 70 y/o mother is creating a trust for her children and she wants to transfer some shares of First of Long Island Corp. to us that were gifted to her a long time ago. It seems like a sentimental stock (if there is such a thing) and I'm trying to decide if I should suggest that it be moved to a...
  15. B

    Went from broke to 6 figure income, need help

    Emancipated at 15 I was emancipated at 15 (illegally) the courts just got tired of me I guess. Never checked if I had a job, somewhere to live, etc. My mom moved out of state while I was in juvenile detention. Came back to the state for my court date to agree to this emancipation. Same day it...
  16. F

    32M/27F preparing for big changes - a mini "FIRE" maybe?

    Hi all! Me and my wife (somewhere around $450k income combined) have been investing very aggressively (see attached image) while we work in our high stress jobs in order to prepare for financial security (and hopefully still a somewhat early retirement) through big upcoming changes that I expect...
  17. S

    How to best apply $35,000 inheritance?

    I posted this earlier but left out some details so here’s everything I can think of that’s pertinent. I’m getting an inheritance of $35,000 within the next month. I’m active duty military and have certain benefits regarding credit cards and their APRs so the debts I currently have are very low...
  18. E

    What else to do for retirement? (25M)

    Hi! I was wondering what other ways to maximize retirement or even what else to do at this point. I have looked through the flowchart and I checked a lot of the boxes. (No plans to buy house in the near future, maybe a M.B.A at some point but the goal is an in-state school, 0 plans to retire...
  19. R

    401(k) "after-tax" contributions

    I just found out that my Schwab 401(k) has a non-Roth "after-tax" arrangement and need help understanding it. Last year I ended up contributing beyond 19.5k and rather than getting cut-off at the IRS limit the small extra unexpectedly ended up in this "after-tax" portion of my 401(k) plan. A...
  20. V

    28 y/o, feeling stressed after transferring $7k into 2024 Roth IRA contribution

    I have about $40k in liquid funds in a HYSA earning 4.35% interest. Currently have no debt - no school debt, CC debt, car loan, no mortgage, etc. Making around $75k a year. Net worth about $65k including 401k and Roth IRA. Anyway, I have been maxing out my Roth IRA in 2022 and 2023 and...