financial planning

  1. M

    Invest vs pay down debt?

    31 M making $140k/ year with approx 25-40k / year in bonuses. 5% of income goes to 401 k and employer matches 4% Wife 30 F works part time to stay with our kid (2y) and cover car insurance + day care + other minor expenses -Mortgage 221 k left @ 2.87% (1430/ month) -Student loans 125 k left @...
  2. M

    34 y/o f, divorced, playing retirement planning catchup

    34 years old, female, solo mom to a 2.5 year old (her dad has her one day a week), divorced at 32 and starting from almost scratch when it comes to retirement planning as my ex did most of it and when we split, I got the house equity ($350k) and he kept his retirement savings ($175k). I’ve since...
  3. R

    I quit my job. I now have a 401K and don’t know what to do with it.

    Hello, I (29F) recently quit my job last month due to personal health reasons. My former job used to double match whatever I put in my 401(k). For example, if I put $100 in they would put $200. It was great. This is my 1st 401(k) account and it has been active for about four years now with...
  4. I

    Should I invest in s&p 500 (Voo&schd) or continue getting 5.2% off of t-bills?

    I save roughly $1700 every two weeks. I had been thinking on it, and know that 3 year returns on VOO is 18.17% So this makes me wonder if i should be investing more in my taxable account towards the stock market? I already maxed my Roth IRA for the year and a taxable would be what I can...
  5. D

    Finally making more money than I have in awhile, not sure how to budget

    Just got a new job working security. $22/hr, 9 hour days 5 days a week (in Oregon), a lot better then my previous job at just $1800 a month. Problem is though is that I have a lot of cc debt I need to pay so I need some help on how/when to pay it how to budget. Here’s how I need to spend part...
  6. A

    My mom isn’t allowed to open a bank account, don’t know what to do

    My mom (62F) and I went to Bank of America to try and open an account but the account was closed the next day and we got a letter saying she might even be ineligible to open an account with them or any other bank in the future. The issue is she has incoming checks each month from SSI now and not...
  7. R

    Deciding between 403(b), Roth 403(b), Roth IRA—insight?

    Hi Everyone, just wondering what the differences, benefits, and detriments are between a 403(b), Roth 403(b), and Roth IRA. I'm making some retirement savings decisions, and am knowledgeable about their general differences and features, but would you share what you've learned about each? Did...
  8. J

    Who is buying T-Bills for their Emergency Fund?

    I'm wondering how many people in this community are investing in T-Bills directly using I see HYS recommended frequently as a safe place to park cash but rarely if ever do I see T-Bills mentioned. Even with a job loss, medical emergency, major car repair, etc. you won't...
  9. J

    Buy a small ~$350k home full cash or have a 230k Mortgage on a $530k home?

    Hello, Just wanted to get all of your opinions on this. I know of course paying a home full in cash is the smartest move but wanted to see if the other option isn't too irresponsible. We have around $520k in cash. All debts paid, Cars paid off, No CC debt, No student loan debt. We are...
  10. C

    Looking for some insight on my current situation

    Hi everyone, I [32M] would appreciate some advice on my current financial situation. I’m a freelance designer and web developer living in Los Angeles. I’ve been trying to ride out this economic downturn, but I would like to take more deliberate action to improve my situation. I’m including a...
  11. O

    Saving for Retirement Vs Saving for a House

    I am a 40 y/o single person with less than $10k in my 401k. I only recently, within the last couple of years, started making enough to contribute to retirement savings. I want to buckle down over the next year and save every extra dollar (planning to get a second income) toward buying my first...
  12. Z

    Help choosing Empower 401k investments

    I'm completely clueless when it comes to retirement accounts. I started a new job that uses Empower and matches part of my investments. Any suggestions on the percentages I should do? I'm 37, I have about 90k from another 401k from a past job I also I need to bring over and merge with this. I...
  13. A

    fixed at 6.5% or 7/1 ARM 5.375?

    Looking to purchase a home. Best rates i have been offered for conventional is 6.5% Local credit union is offering a 7/1 arm starting at 5.375% The estimates show about $250 difference in monthly payments. Extra details: 32 years old work in IT. I expect my salary to nominally increase under...
  14. N

    Hi r/FinancialPlanning, me and my wife are trying to get a loan

    We are trying to get a loan for a peice of property that has 2 single wide trailers on it. We can't find any loan offices that will give us a loan for it. I more than qualify for whatever loan we need, but we cannot find the correct type of loan. Please, help.
  15. L

    23 M, quit my job, $45k savings. Just found out she’s pregnant

    23 M, just quit my job, $45k savings, but just found out she’s pregnant. Hello, I just put in my 2 weeks in after I had my first $50k profit month in my new business. Girlfriend calls me today and tells me she might be pregnant. I just want some tips/pointers on what I should do given...
  16. P

    I’m wondering if anyone knows if $80k would be worth if I hadn’t touched for 8 years

    I am about to blow my husband’s mind when he finds out what it would have been worth if we had just left it in stock instead of investing in the house. The stock was Apple. How much has it grown at about 8 and and also 15 years ago? Please forgive me for any errors in expectation or sound...
  17. E

    With interest rates where they are does it make sense to take out a loan on my 401(k) to pay off HELOC?

    Used the HELOC to do some remodeling when interest rates were around four, he locks are variable so now it’s 9 1/2. I could take out a loan on my 401(k) pay myself to 9 1/2% interest. Just wondering if that makes sense financially or bad idea. We’re paying $1000 a month extra on the HELOC. So...
  18. X

    Currently 30, how to retire at 50?

    30 (M) about to be married to 27 (F). I've always wanted to plan for retirement in my late 40's early 50's but I realize that might be a reach. We dont currently have kids but do have plans for 2 in the next 5 years or so. Here are my finances: Income: My income - $85,000/year Her income -...
  19. S

    H.E.N.R.Y. With irregular income. How should I tackle budgeting?

    I am 25 and live in the suburbs of a major US city. I’m a “High Earner Not Rich Yet” mostly because I just started earning more than a couple thousand dollars a month in the last 18 months or so. I’m in 100% commission sales and my income goes from $0 to periods like June/July this year where my...
  20. S

    Based in the U.K. - Working for 2 separate companies

    At the start of 2024 I may take another position at a company earning around £35k (with potential bonus) , I currently run a company and take salary of £30k plus 5k bonus. (They don’t mind I run a business as I can do both) Question I have - I will be driving for both, can I claim 10k mileage...