financial planning

  1. J

    To 403(b) or not to 403(b)? That is the question.

    I recently took a job for a school district, the state automatically enrolled me in a pension that has both a typical pension component and a 401(k) and/or 457 component (the paperwork constantly mentions the both of them together so I can't figure out if I pick or they give me one or the other)...
  2. A

    Grandmother's Credit Shelter Trust

    My grandmother is 88 years old. When my grandfather passed away decades ago, his will set up a trust with some of their assets to minimize estate taxes. I believe it is called a Credit Shelter Trust. Grandfather's will named a bank and my grandmother (his wife) as co-trustees. My...
  3. T

    Where do I go from here?

    Stats about me: 29M, not married, no kids 120k base salary, 30-50k bonus (these will continue to rise) 3-9% 401k match based on salary, depends on company performance 10% into Roth 401k (S&P fund) Assets/liabilities: 100k between Roth IRA (most in here), Roth 401k, 401k 30k emergency fund...
  4. A

    Should I Change @ 40y/o

    I have my retirement in a Roth @ 12% via Fidelity w/ 90/10 split. 90% JPM US Equity R6 (closest offering to S&P 500) & 10% Loomis Core PL BD N (Bond fund). I’m about to turn 41. I have under $100K under management as of today. Should I make any adjustments? Thank you in advance!
  5. E

    401k Investment Options, what to pick?

    What should I invest my 401k into? I am putting in 15%. Here are my options: Morley Capital Management: Principal Stable Value Z Fund Dodge & Cox: Dodge & Cox Income X Fund State Street Global Advisors: State Street U.S. Bond Index Securities Lending Series XIV Harris Associates L.P...
  6. M

    How to invest $30K?

    I am 35 (F), make ~$71K/year. Am looking for advice on what to do with $30K that I have saved in an HYSA over the past 3 years. The HYSA APR is currently approx. 0.75%, so I would like to start investing instead. I have maxed out my 401(k) for 2020, so my initial idea is to start investing and...
  7. T

    Late start but working on it!

    I’ve posted on here plus other subreddits of my journey of learning about savings as well as spending and getting out of debt. I was in fear of how retirement will look like as well as ramp up all type of savings. It took us one year to pay off $32K in debt: car payment, student loan and...
  8. R

    Just started a new job only making 43k per year but it’s a temporary solution for the future!

    I (23M) have just gone through a month of unemployment and ready to start a fresh new new job and life. I currently have 2k worth credit card debt, 1900 in a personal loan debt and 798 in student loan debt. At that point because I have a new job I wanted to start a new life so I am planning to...
  9. B

    What am I missing?

    Interested in investing in retirement accounts but have some general concerns. Haven't found much online searching about this, so feeling like I'm missing something big. Hoping to get your thoughts. - Everything I read says something along the lines of 'take any 30y period of the stock market...
  10. V

    Portfolio advice, unsure if rebalancing and realizing gains is needed

    Context: 36M/F with 2 kids 4 and 1. Got an inheritance in 2022 that was a mix of bonds and mutual funds. I sold the bonds and put in index funds but still have a bunch of mutual funds trading at high unrealized gains. Not sure if my allocation and is ok. Based in NYC so taxes on capital gains...
  11. J

    (late 30s) Possibly living off some early retirement money for a while, need someone to double check the math for me real quick.

    I got some money saved up for retirement, I'm currently in a two program to become an respiratory therapist, they make around 70-90K where I live. I was planning on living off my retirement for 3 years and getting a small short hour job on the side (for health insurance) while I pass the program...
  12. C

    2007-2017 recovery for 23 401(k) Index Funds. What's going on here?

    Hi all, My company's 401(k) plan gives me about 20 investment options. I've read the prospectuses for many of them; at some point, my eyes glaze over. Sensing another downturn in the winds, I wanted to understand how comparably they've performed over the past decade. The following table...
  13. J

    • What Happened To China's "Unreliable Foreign Entity List" and Tit-for-tat ? •

    By Allan Rios - Cartoonist and Community Blogger Rewind the clock to 10 years ago and for those of us working class who are old enough to remember the financial crisis, reliving the uncertainty of the those times is an experience most of us would rather forget. With 10% unemployment and real...