financial planning

  1. M

    HSA basics—what you wish you would have known sooner

    Just starting out with researching HSAs—what’s your best advice? Hi all 👋 I am in the beginning stages of working through the prime directive steps from r/personalfinance and have now gotten to the HSA step and it seems like quite a learning curve on this one. I’m a federal employee and I...
  2. E

    Where to go from here?

    I 26(F) just recently started trying to save up after getting a new job and want to start planning for my future. Advice on where to park my money (funds, accounts, or any suggestions) would be much appreciated! Right now, I have: Employment Income: Job 1 (main job): $45/hr x ~28.5 hrs/wk x 48...
  3. S

    2.7% interest rate to 6-7%, how bad is that?

    I purchased my first home in 2017 with the intent of fixing it up a little bit and then upgrading. Since my interest rate is 2.7% I've held off during all this chaos. I still really want to upgrade because I got a promotion at work and some issues this house has would take more money than...
  4. S

    Hey everyone of r/FinancialPlanning!

    So, I'm 20, about to take on a very small mortgage of 80k after putting 20k down on the apartment I'll be buying with my girlfriend, and I'm curious as to what you all would suggest when it comes to savings accounts. I currently have a savings account set aside for emergencies that I don't...
  5. R

    Interest Rate Cuts: Leaders to Laggers

    SWITZERLAND The Swiss National Bank started leading the race to cut rates by 0.25%. Traders are betting on another cut in June. Current interest: 1.5% and Inflation: 1.4% 2) SWEDEN Riksbank's 1st rate cuts on Wednesday's meeting. Reduced by 0.25%. Current interest: 3.75% and Inflation: 2.3%...
  6. V

    Officially surpassed $70k net worth today at 28 y/o! How am I doing so far?

    Current salary is $75k w/ 8%-10% bonus No debt. BofA checking - $2.5k BofA savings - $2k HYSA - $31.5k (emergency fund money) Roth IRA maxed out since 2022 currently at $21k Brokerage account - $500 (just started putting money into it this month; planning to contribute $500/mo to mutual...
  7. B

    22 y/o is saving up $100k in 3 years realistic or worth it?

    I currently don’t have a car just yet I have $5k in my saving for one I have 0 debt I’m currently working part time and able to save close to 1k/2k a month depending on my hours I’m working part time right now making about 16/hr. A bunch of full time positions are opening up were I’m working at...
  8. 4

    Why do people mostly suggest the s&p and not the Nasdaq?

    So I’m in my mid 20s, and for someone who has time and is willing to take on short term risk for long term gains, wouldn’t the Nasdaq be a better index than the S&P 500? This is my strategy and it appears to be simple and right in front of everyone but no one suggests it. Over the past 15...
  9. F

    Do you include future inheritance projections as part of your financial planning?

    I stand to inherit money from my family. Most people do. I don’t know how much exactly or when as things change in the future, but even a few thousand dollars is enough to make me feel more comfortable about my financial future. Of course I’d like my family to be around as long as possible, but...
  10. R

    Safe Harbor 401k Investment Option I am New

    Hello everyone, I honestly do not anything about investing on 401k, my company does SafeHarbor and has the option to either have the account managed by Empower Advisory Group, Or I can choose where to invest. Could you give me some insight on which ones i should choose or just have it managed...
  11. C

    Saving all of my money for college or still putting some money into an investment portfolio?

    I’m 18. I’m planning on starting online community college for 2 years before transferring to a university. I have $5000 in my HYSA (that’s my only bank account.) I work a full time job making about $2,700 a month (after taxes.) with my bills taking about 70% of my income. Leaving me about $750...
  12. N

    19 y/o college student in the military. Any advice?

    I’m a 19 y/o college freshmen looking for some advice. For context, I have around $850 in my standard chase checking account and just about $7,500 in a regular chase savings account. I’m enlisted in the Army National Guard and currently doing part time service one weekend a month. I make just...
  13. T

    Help! My living costs are CRAZY!!!

    Seeking some advice on current personal budget breakdown as I feel I live very frugal, however, I just cannot wrap my head around how a single person with a dog needs $100,000.00 a year to just live??? Salary [AU] $100,000.00 p/a + super Fortnightly take home pay: $2,932.04 Fortnight expenses...
  14. S

    Consolidating all of my Loan Payments

    Hi there, Please advise a plan to kill my debt. I am 43yo and a single earner in NJ making around 142k before taxes. The only contribution that's going out of my paycheck is 150$ for 401k with a match of 250$ from my comp, plus around 500$ goes in ESPP (15% discount). I've saved around 10k...
  15. F

    What would u do with 100k+ at 21

    I’ll try keep this short. I’m currently 19 and have 60k saved up from penny pinching since youth and working long days. Currently I’m making ≈$23 hourly working ≈45 hours weekly. I don’t really like the job I’m at but have decided to stick to it at least until I turn 21 by which point I should...
  16. J

    Am I obsessed with saving my money?

    Saving obsession As the title says u feel like I’m obsessed with saving most of my money. When I get a paid half goes to savings and investing. I usually give myself around $30 to spend for two weeks. Is this a problem, since I don’t really spend the money I make. The other half is used for...
  17. H

    Self doubt and inheritance

    Details on financial situation below. Spouse and I (32 & 33 years) got a couple kids young kids. Recently received an inheritance of $180k which I put in to a savings account. Additionally my spouse has about $140k sitting in an account that is being managed by some group, don't have any more...
  18. C

    Inherited 200k stock, a house 150k life insurance and 70k in the bank

    Obvious throwaway account.jI’m completely father recently passed and left me a huge inheritance without much preparations he never told me how much he had but always joked about me one day having to deal with “all his shit” problem is I have no idea what I’m doing. I know I should...
  19. S

    Should I start maximizing Roth IRA or save up for a house ?

    I graduated uni a year ago and started working just after. I’m 23m and would love to buy a house/townhouse in the next 2-3 years if possible. Maybe earlier if I get a good bonus this year. Would it be stupid to save as much as possible for this or should I start maxing Roth IRA Currently I’m...
  20. K

    New to borrowing, please help!

    The math is not adding up on this student loan I have accepted. It is a 15 year loan of $10k at 10.24% (9.749 APR). The "finance charge" is above $16k, though? This number seems arbitrary and super high. Even if I pay this off early. There is a deferment period. I have another offer for the...