
  1. R

    Am I fucking up my GK setup as a US citizen? 50/50 with non-US citizen wife

    After piecing together advice from tax accountants for both US and JP without success, no one tax advisor will give me a straight answer so it's time for Reddit! I'm not cheap. I paid money for consults. Consults so far: I have a JP accounting firm who is going to setup a GK for me tomorrow. I...
  2. G

    New Employer is Paying Me Using Another Company’s Name – Should I Be Concerned?

    About to join this IT startup, great pay but they are planning to pay me using a company name that isn’t related to the startup that I’m employed to. Im curious whether there will be any legal or tax implications? Will be asking the employer the same question later, just want to have some...
  3. P

    Part time jobs for a full timer

    So I have a great job with the county I live in Monday-Friday, 40 hrs a week, paid holidays, great insurance the whole 9 yards. Pay is just fine and I’d be in a way better position if I got a little push. I’m currently trying to find a part time job I can do M-F anytime after 4pm. It’s been...
  4. N

    Registering for tax as a permanent resident

    For context, I’m a foreign national in South Africa, and received my first ever ID book as a permanent resident today, having received the PR around 6 months ago. As soon as I received PR status, I started working as a sales agent. I’ve been paying 25% of my earnings into my company’s trust as...
  5. R

    Questions on starting Sole Prop

    Hi all, 1.Should I bother with starting a Sole Prop if my freelance/side-gig income is under RM1k per month? What if income is between RM1k and RM3K? 2.Apart from the monthly renewal fee, are there any disadvantages to having a Sole Prop? My understanding is that there are few to no...
  6. N

    What to do with little money?

    Hey! So, I’m definitely not rich, and looking at the amount of savings I managed to get over the past years, I’m rather realistic about ever being able to make more than I do with my current job. I mean, I love what I do, but it’s not gonna get me far with money. I have around 15k EUR in my...
  7. T

    c Chicken's too expensive right now! Post your economical protien sources here!

    Pork sausage seems to be pretty reasonably priced, we've been making meals out of kielbasa lately, and tofu as well. What kinds of protien have you found cheap lately?
  8. G

    Critique my savings strategy - stoozing

    Hi all. I'm currently stoozing and have opened a number of current accounts (all are free or pay me money each month as I have required DDs or transfers) to gain access to savings accounts and switch bonuses. Atm my savings are split between: £400 - Lloyd's regular saver - 5.25% (Nov23)...
  9. F

    Having trouble building PWL Dimensional model portfolio using Passiv & QuesTrade

    EDIT: So I learned Dimensional funds can only be bought via Dimensional advisors, so there's my problem. Back to XGRO until I learn more. Hi there, I am attempting to build one of PWL's model portfolios from the Passmore and Felix's team. I am opting for the 80/20 portfolio. First question...
  10. S

    GXBank to offer 5% p.a. interest in conjunction with Hari Raya

    Referring to GXBank official website. They will be offering 5% daily interest rate from 10 April to 9 May 2024 via the Saving Pockets function. Big wake up call for conventional banks.
  11. 4

    Why do people mostly suggest the s&p and not the Nasdaq?

    So I’m in my mid 20s, and for someone who has time and is willing to take on short term risk for long term gains, wouldn’t the Nasdaq be a better index than the S&P 500? This is my strategy and it appears to be simple and right in front of everyone but no one suggests it. Over the past 15...
  12. B

    Insurance Prices for young drivers

    Hi guys, I’m just looking for some clarification on how insurance pricing works here because I’m getting absolutely nowhere in trying to get insured on a first car. For context I’m 21, have had my license for almost 3 years and have a 1 years no claims bonus. I was trying to get insured on a...
  13. L

    Husband is suspicious of high yield savings accounts with online banks

    Hey all! I’ve been trying to convince my husband to move our $30k emergency fund into a high yield savings account with Ally since there is a 3.3% APY. It is currently in a big bank savings account with a 0.01% APY. He is on the more distrustful/cynical/suspicious side which is great because...
  14. J

    To my 9-5 Redditors

    Why work a corporate job, alright pay, long hours, no free time, etc. as opposed to starting a business ? Generally curious.
  15. M

    How to cook a delicious meal that you can have for breakfast lunch and dinner for only $1.44

    Shakshuka! This recipe serves 4 with less than $6 worth of ingredients, healthy, and best of all it doesn’t taste like cardboard, it’s SO good and full of flavor! I have this multiple times a week and can’t get enough. YouTube recipe to follow along Ingredients (with Orange County, California...
  16. H

    Which damn car to buy for high-ish weekly K's?

    I have a slight conundrum. We recently landed back in NZ, and have purchased an Outback as our family car. It's fantastic for my wife and kids to potter about in, and for longer trips as a family. However, we're currently based in Warkworth, and I will likely need to commute into Auckland...
  17. S

    Taxes on Bonds

    Dear all, I'm new (and young) in the Investment field and therefore have some issues to understad the different details related to taxation. I tried to read different posts in this amazing forum (thanks to all the contributors!) but I don't get fully the concepts therefore I hope you can...
  18. T

    Hey Guys. I’m very confused on options in Islam

    So I have a few questions for this sub. I heard that options are haram, but what if they are leap options, so having options for a stock over a year long. I feel like there’s much less risk the longer you go. Also, what exactly makes options haram? Options, at least call options, seems like...
  19. A

    Can someone please explain to me the total lack of personal financial planning and knowledge in this country?

    I’m foreign and have hired a team of South Africans. Most are are young, 1-3 years out of school, and have few financial responsibilities. Not married, no kids, living with family, paid off student car, etc. I like to think I’m paying them well. The lowest paid employee makes over 20K/month...
  20. B

    What to do with a 7-figure payout?

    I'm getting a 7 figure payment next month. I wanted to put it all into USD ETFs as per the Bogleheads philosophy. However, the exchange rate is so bad. So my options are: Stick to plan. Convert lumpsum to USD; or Build a 12-mth FD ladder. Convert to USD upon maturity. In a way, this would...