
  1. O

    Should i accept l the LOC offer from RBC even if i don’t need it?

    I got pre-approved for a royal credit line for $15,000 at RBC prime +4.49% 25f, never had a line of credit before, not sure how it works either. Is it better to accept the offer even if i don’t need it?
  2. R

    How to deduct car expenses for commuting from taxes?

    Last year unfortunately my car insurance wasn’t yet under my name. That made the difference of them not accepting the deduction. This year, I’d like to make sure it’ll be accepted. Door to door I drive 70km each way. I have 50% home office if I want but I’m not deducting anything related to...
  3. M


    Just got this response from my current VA loan lender. I’ve been back and forth with them another lender trying to get the best possible interest rate for my VA IRRRL streamline refinance. Current rate is 7.25% next offer from competing lender was 6.25%. Then shot that over to current lender...
  4. N

    Is this survivable?

    I’m currently a full time graduate accountant (M-F 8:30am - 5pm). I have just commenced my CPA (Australia) which recommends 15 hours a week studying. AND i have another job where i work 16 hours every second weekend … Plus wanting to be social and keep on top of my fitness… do we think I can...
  5. B

    GDRP right to erasure / be forgotten & banks 6/7 year silo term

    👋 Hope y'all well When I close a bank account I'm in the habit of requesting a a) data subject access request (DSAR) and b) right to erasure / be forgotten (RTE) - both under GDPR The DSAR is no issue The RTE is more of an issue because most/all banks say they must keep data for 6/7 years...
  6. P

    Recieving a large sum of eur into wise bank account

    Good morning gentlemen This week i am gonna receive around 200 k Eur into my wise acount(sold a property) Being a user of wise for the last 4.years..many transfers were made and also receiving my salary here in germany and had 0 issues with them I did upload the selling contract to their...
  7. J

    Question about buying a car

    Currently have an 06 Civic. It's been a good servant and tbh if I put about a grand into it would probably go a while longer but it chugs even after a spark plug change and burns oil like mad also everything inside is old and doesn't work properly. A few other things wrong with it also. I'm...
  8. D

    Why do PayG get slammed by the tax man vs Companies?

    Someone educate me - Why is there a PAYG tax bracket higher than a company tax bracket? How can CBA, Woolworths, Coles, BHP ect. Be Making record breaking billion dollar profits, on a discounted tax rate of ~30% (true tax rate is probably a fraction of that). Where as people within those...
  9. B

    Is it ok to reject offer after sign?

    Got an offer from company X. However I doesnt like how X handled me. I attended 2 interview, final face to face and they agreed on an amount A for me. When HR asked for my current salary to proceed with offer letter, they got back to me a few days ltr stating my salary is too low to ask for...
  10. V

    Canadian on F-1 (OPT) tax filing - how to foreign tax credit

    Hi all, I'm a Canadian on an F-1 OPT visa in the US, doing my first US tax return. I've got a W-2 and several 1099s for 2023, plus Canadian investment and rental income to report. I went through Sprintax which gave me an estimated return but no Form 1116 for the Foreign Tax Credit. How do I...
  11. A

    E-Wallets, what are your preferences?

    Hi all, I've been resisting e-walleting, but now no choice, got MAE because of the e-Madani claim. I'm looking at other E-Wallets as well, but got so many, it's confusing. How many do you all have? Which is the best? Do they operate like credit cards e.g. cash backs, incentives etc? Help pleeze!
  12. V

    Officially surpassed $70k net worth today at 28 y/o! How am I doing so far?

    Current salary is $75k w/ 8%-10% bonus No debt. BofA checking - $2.5k BofA savings - $2k HYSA - $31.5k (emergency fund money) Roth IRA maxed out since 2022 currently at $21k Brokerage account - $500 (just started putting money into it this month; planning to contribute $500/mo to mutual...
  13. L

    Fees on UBS Vitainvest compared to VIAC or finpension

    Hi all, I was reading around how to maximise my retirement savings from pillar 3a and it seems that there is a consensus among the experts (I am a noob) that the best you can do is go to VIAC or finpension because they have the lowest fees compared for example to what UBS offers, and that this...
  14. D

    Financial struggles, how do I proceed?

    I have had some major life changes over the last year. I' ran my own business for around 7 years until it basically collapsed. I then made a difficult decision to move across the country and start from scratch. I still had 2 vehicles, some retirement & medical policies and survival money...
  15. D

    Mortgage on a “Doer Upper”

    So there’s a derelict house in a town down the country that I’m looking at .. could probably pick it up for €120k Would need another €100k to make it liveable. My question is on the 70k derelict home grant.. do banks take that into account when you go for a mortgage? My understanding is that...
  16. S

    Income Protection Insurance is indispensable

    Firstly, I’m amazed how many financially savvy people don’t consider IP insurance. It’s one of the cheapest forms of insurance around (relative to the value), and for many people our future earning potential will be the greatest ‘asset’ we will ever own. I won’t dump the whole sob story, but I...
  17. A

    Sharia Compliant Student Loans

    This post is to help a sister out. She resides in UK, has been doing her undergraduate for the past 5 years. Her parents paid 9K towards uni with no loans. However, she needs to pay another 3k to resit an exam and pass her degree. If she doesn’t she will lose her undergraduate degree that she...
  18. B

    22 y/o is saving up $100k in 3 years realistic or worth it?

    I currently don’t have a car just yet I have $5k in my saving for one I have 0 debt I’m currently working part time and able to save close to 1k/2k a month depending on my hours I’m working part time right now making about 16/hr. A bunch of full time positions are opening up were I’m working at...
  19. L

    Never collected 2 Säule

    Hi everyone, I have been in Switzerland for about 10 years now, but I have never collected the money for 2. Säule BVG from previous employers to my new ones. I know it is pretty stupid, but trying to get the things right now. Was with L/B permit before, Quellensteuer and first few employers...
  20. W

    How $50 a month when you're 18 can help you retire as millionaire - With Illustration

    I quite often see posts by beginners asking if $100 or less is good to begin investing in stocks/etfs. Of course its a good start if you intend to continue to invest for a long long time consistently. So i just went ahead and worked out a yearly returns calculator in Excel with the following...