
  1. P

    Whats the ideal rent to income ratio?

    So I’m (22) planning to move out because I hate hate hate being at home and there is no mental peace. I think I’m wasting crucial time in life on the travel to work (1 hour +) and I could save the time and actually do things I need to do (study, side hustle, gym). I found a really nice place...
  2. H

    Purchasing car with P/L company, 0 business use

    I'm in the market for a new car (looking to spend about 30$k) and I'm wondering if there are any advantages to doing it under my P/L (sole shareholder/director) given that I have absolutely 0 business use for it. Would there still be some potential advantage to be had despite FBT? I don't draw a...
  3. S

    Paying bond quickly

    Hi all Bought an apartment that I live in for 1M in June 2022. Currently I have 750k left to pay. I will get another lump sum bonus shortly which I was planning to put in taking the amount owed to 400k. At this rate it will be paid off in 4 years. Is this the correct thing to do? Should I...
  4. P

    Build a product to simplify investment, tell us what you think !

    Hello , My friend from IIT BHU has built this awesome app to suggest the right mutual fund based on your needs and goal horizon. App Link : Website : After struggling with stock trading, and difficulty in finding...
  5. R

    How to build credit score

    Hi there, I’d like some advice on how to build my credit score. Something inside me told me to check it the other day, so I checked ClearScore and saw that my credit rating is -1. I guess that’s bad, so I’d like to do better. I’m 27 and have only been working my first real job for the last 6...
  6. M

    Mortgage overpayment and amortisation schedule

    Let's say I have a fixed rate mortgage with a monthly payment of 1500, and I overpay it by 150 (the 10% maximum allowed at BOI). Is that 150 going to reduce my principal by 150? Or is some of it going to go towards the interest, depending on the current amortisation schedule? On a related note...
  7. J


    Hi, M/37 married with a 8 yo kid. Had some doubt about my financial status and how should i go from here. My current situation: Home Loan 1: 53 lakhs outstanding (1.10 crore property value) Home Loan 2: 1.70 Crore outstanding (1.90 crore property value) Car Loan 1: Paid off Car Loan 2: 12 lakhs...
  8. H

    Comparing AIB fixed term deposit account with State Savings (3 years)

    I wanted to compare these as investment vehicles for savings that will not be needed for 2-3 years. I know that & other alternatives offer better rates (4%) but I also know that there is a grey area around their deposit protection. I already invest in VWCE via degiro but am looking for...
  9. S

    2.7% interest rate to 6-7%, how bad is that?

    I purchased my first home in 2017 with the intent of fixing it up a little bit and then upgrading. Since my interest rate is 2.7% I've held off during all this chaos. I still really want to upgrade because I got a promotion at work and some issues this house has would take more money than...
  10. S

    Hey everyone of r/FinancialPlanning!

    So, I'm 20, about to take on a very small mortgage of 80k after putting 20k down on the apartment I'll be buying with my girlfriend, and I'm curious as to what you all would suggest when it comes to savings accounts. I currently have a savings account set aside for emergencies that I don't...
  11. D

    Auto loan interest rate too high?

    I got a 9.99% interest rate is this too high over 96 months.
  12. G

    What is a good non-passive investment ROI for you?

    I'm more of a boglehead, so for passive income investments (i.e. etfs, real estate, etc.) anything above 7-8% in annual returns is already good news for me. I wanted to further diversify and look for bigger returns so I started looking into businesses to start. I've always been curious about...
  13. O

    Investing in S&P 500 when it's only making 1.7%?

    (Title should say 1.17%) Is it worth investing in S&P500 when it's got roughly the same return as my savings account? Also - is it ever worth investing in it short-term (up to 1 year)? EDIT: Thanks guys - turning off reply notifs on this now because I've got my answer, feel free to keep...
  14. L

    Parents have £10,000 left on mortgage but can’t get a new one

    I was hoping people could help. My parents currently have £10,000 left on their mortgage and are on standard variable 8.74%ish They’ve been on this rate for a while and I only just realised and talked to them about switching to a fixed rate. When they’ve contacted Halifax they’ve been told...
  15. C

    Capital Gain on stocks

    Hi all, I was watching this video - At 8:44 mark, he talks about the tax breakdown for dividends vs capital gains. Dividend - 6.39% tax Capital Gains - 14.83% tax 10k dividend - $638 tax 10k capital gain - $247 tax The stock went from 100k - 120k (20k capital gain). Capital gain is...
  16. M

    I’m racking my brain thinking about how I might want to modify my 401k allocations. Is 50% S&P 500 and 50% Total World Stock Index decent?

    Right now I have 45% S&P 500, 20% mid, 20% small, 15% international, but I’m thinking my new strategy might be better?
  17. L

    Mature age (40) return to study. Financial implications

    Considering returning to study a psychology degree at age 40. I know it takes 6 years to be registered. I have no debt, kids or dependants. I do rent and have a good deal at $390 p/W. Around 250k liquid at the moment. I am wondering if this is going to screw me in the future? Main reason I am...
  18. M

    How to live on 200k over 3 years

    I will be living on approximately 200k over 3 years while I go back to school full time. What type of investment should I put my money in to make the most of it, while of course keeping it fairly low risk since I need it to survive. This is starting next fall (2024). Thanks!! ETA I will have...
  19. C

    How does PFP designation’s 3 year work experience in finance/advising role come into play?

    I will be completing my FP 2 but feels like I won’t get the designation as I only have 1 year experience in finance/advising role? Can someone please explain how does that work
  20. B

    401k election questions

    Hello Reddit. I’m looking for suggestion on how to better allocate my contributions to 401k considering retirement date in 30 years. Here is what I can choose from: Bond Investments Income FID INFL PR BD IDX Bond Investments Income FID INVST GR BD Bond Investments Income J H DEV...