
  1. N

    investment USD account for EU resident

    Hi everyone I was decided on opening a Trading212 account for my USD savings but, as a resident in Spain, they will only allow me a EUR account. is there any alternative that would let me open a USD account and provides interest on savings?
  2. R

    Need help building a parachute please!

    Hi All, I’m 58 y.o. living in SE Asia in a LCOL country, no kids, no debt and own two houses. I joined this sub after I became the beneficiary of a generous inheritance. We’ll cut right to the chase here: MSFT -2000 shares (About $635K) which is a nice problem to have except it’s 80% of my...
  3. H

    Tax Advice-Accidental Expat for 5 years in Colombia

    Hi everyone, I hope you are all doing so well. I am a US citizen, but was born in Colombia, South America. 5 years ago I came with the intention of staying a few short months, but most of my family is here and I accidentally ended up staying the past 5 years, since the work I do is all remote...
  4. A

    Is there a way to fully share account with someone without them knowing?

    // I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this. If not, please help me with the right subreddit. I didn't find a better place. So, ideally what I'm looking for is, A mobile wallet app for example or any other method, where someone can have full access to my account and all the...
  5. J

    Irish Mortgage

    Hello , maybe a long shot , but was wondering if anyone here could recommend a mortgage broker? My earnings are all from outside of Ireland, but I am resident in Ireland. Thanks.
  6. U

    Invitation to participate in *anonymous* survey "Leaving the US"

    ***anonymous survey*** (no contact information or personal, identifying details are being collected, unless individuals elect to share this information) Research survey opportunity for US citizens (ages 18-65) currently living abroad (e.g., American expats), those planning a move, or anyone who...
  7. A

    Convert traditional IRA to Roth while abroad?

    Hello, I am living/working abroad for 3 years. I will claim the foreign income tax exclusion and should not have to pay taxes as my income is below $112k. I have a traditional IRA that I know I'm not allowed to contribute to while I'm out of the US. Would it make sense for me to convert that to...
  8. C

    AUS Expat selling home - Question about capital gains tax

    We are looking at selling our property in Australia while living in London. We bought the property for around $500,000 4 years ago and the property is no likely to sell for around $700,000 AUD. We are are trying to understand the amount of capital gains tax we will have to pay. We have read...
  9. E

    Dual UK/USA citizen, reside and work in US, UK rental income - tax efficient way to save rental income?

    I have a flat (Apartment) in the UK that I get rental income from. I will be living and working in the US permanentaly from this spring. Is there a 'right' way to save the UK income in a tax efficient manner? I was considering some kind of retirement account. But as far as I can tell, if I save...
  10. S

    Things to do when leaving the US permanently (not a US citizen)

    I studied in the US on F1 visa and worked for some years on OPT. I do not have US citizenship or a greencard. I am planning to leave the US permanently and live as a digital nomad for the next few years. I'm currently looking at countries like Costa Rica or Panama that offer remote worker...
  11. E

    UK/EU investments and pension

    Hi everyone. Sorry if this has been asked before, but I'm having trouble understanding a couple of financial things. I am UK tax payer at the moment, but also have EU citizenship. I'll be moving to China for work this summer. Natwest can keep my bank account open even if my address is not in...
  12. M

    US expat in UK for the long haul - tax on UK pension contributions and growth?

    US citizen who has recently decided to remain in the UK and raise my family here longer term. May well retire here, but not yet willing to give up US citizenship. Will wait to see what my child does later in life, for that. I understand that the US/UK tax treaty (1) allows personal...
  13. D

    Stocks similar to BRK that mimic S&P500?

    Are there any other stocks similar to BRK? I’m a US citizen looking to move to Europe but given the complexity of a us citizen owning EU funds I’m looking for stocks similar to S&P500 which BRK seems to be.
  14. B

    British expat in China - how to invest back in the UK for retirement

    I've tried HSBC expat, but they do not allow you to invest if you are a China resident. It seems a lot of other high street banks are the same. Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm just looking to throw some of my monthly salary into an ETF tracker or similar until I retire. Much appreciated
  15. J

    Paying Off US Credit Card in Egypt as Dual Citizen

    Hello, I'm a dual Egyptian/American citizen currently facing a challenge. I'm considering opening a US credit card, but I'm unsure how to manage payments from Egypt. Wiring money to my US bank account seems to be problematic due to restrictions. If anyone has experience or advice on...
  16. R

    Investment opportunities for US/UK

    Does anyone know what possibilities for retirement investments there are for a US citizen living in the UK? Was thinking ROTH IRA or a high interest saving account. Looking to save for future and UK is not my long-term goal
  17. S

    Tax help for non-US citizens who have assets in the US?

    I lived and worked in the US on a student visa for 7+ years. Meanwhile I have investment accounts, IRAs, 401k and a HSA here. My visa is expiring once again and I may leave the US permanently. No idea what to do with my accounts before (or after?) I leave. I want to arrange things so that I...
  18. T

    How do you guys use PayPal overseas without getting the account frozen?

    I heard that PayPal will permanently suspend the account if someone uses VPN and there are many cases of this. So how do you guys access the account when out of the country? I have a US business, US bank, US address, and US number. But I live in Asia now while running my US business online...
  19. E

    Transfer $2m from Australia to USA

    Looking to transfer $AU2 million from Australia to America. The bank I'm using in America currently doesn't allow international transfers. Should I just open an account and transfer the money to that one or is there another way to transfer to my current bank?
  20. D

    Online Banks for Expats with AUD Local Bank details?

    Do you know any online banks (EMIs) that are able to provide a local Australian bank account for incoming payments (that is not an Australian bank) for expats living overseas? I have truly searched the entire web and do far I only found Wise.com... and nothing else...