
  1. S

    From the US to Uruguay

    45yo married couple hoping to purchase a Condo in Montevideo in 4 years with a goal of moving there full time in 8 years. We are moving into the full time remote work environment and need some advice on fiscal/legal issues. If anyone can recommend an advocate we would really appreciate it!
  2. B

    Beginner US Treasury Question F1 Resident Alien

    Hi everyone, I am an F1 student but after 5 years I have resident alien status and I regularly invest in treasury bills. With the interest rates at its current peak, I would like to buy long term treasury notes/bonds but I am worried if that would be a problem when my visa expires in a few...
  3. N

    living in Spain, being paid in US$ on Payoneer

    Hi all! Do you have any suggestions or advice on what/where to invest dollars from a virtual bank, being a legal resident of the EU? just as a comment, I've read that some Payoneer users also have another digital account/bank that gives some return but can't remember where...
  4. D

    Need work visa. Skilled/non-skilled work.

    I'm a 28-year-old male with a background in mobile application development, having worked in the field for 4 years. Despite my experience, I find it challenging to secure a job due to being at a junior level, which is less sought after compared to senior developers. Currently residing in the USA...
  5. A

    Does any French bank receive SWIFT transfers without taking any commissions?

    I looked at Fortuneo and Société Générale: they both take a commissions when receiving a SWIFT transfer: Fortuneo takes 12 EUR: Société Générale takes 22 EUR: Does any French bank receive SWIFT transfers without taking any commissions?
  6. M

    How does Germany treat US I-bonds?

    If a US citizen living in Germany (resident) purchases US treasury I-bonds, do they need to pay taxes each year on this? Or is it, as in the US, that the tax would be paid upon redemption? If the person then returns to live in the US again, is anything owed to Germany when redeeming the bond in...
  7. C

    I did not pay a fee 30 ys ago

    Hi after my US divorce in 89 I - it is a fictive I bit about a friend but i feel it cd have happened to me] fled to my EU home country. In 90 my former landlord found [ allegedly] some minor fault [ a grafitti by my ex hubby] in my former rented flat and called the authorities and they gave a...
  8. L

    Taxes: Married american working full time in germany with US business

    Hello, I'm an American working full time in germany but I also have some US based businesses (rental property) and this will be the first year i'm filing taxes as a married couple. Do any fellow Americans in a similar situation have any referrals for tax advisors? Please DM me. I will greatly...
  9. K

    American w/ Australian Job Offer

    Hello! I am an American receiving a job offer to live and work in Australia. Wanted to get your collective advice on how to proceed / structure the contract. The company is HQ’ed in Australia, but has a US office. Some questions that come to mind… Would it be better to be employed by...
  10. S

    US based toddlers receiving funds from UK based grandparents?

    Hi Community - We have two toddlers and live in the US. Their UK based grandparents would like to gift them lumps of cash on birthdays/Christmas etc. We’ve run into road blocks. Trying to set up an arrangement where UK-based mother can give cash to my US-based children (both under 4) Would...
  11. D

    US RSU for EU citizen in China

    Am a EU citizen working my first year for a Chinese company in China that are listed in the US. I have US, EU, and CN bank accounts and am tax resident in China. I receive my bonus as annual RSU stock grants. So cashed out most of my RSU this year for around $40k USD and it’s in some sort of...