expat finance

  1. R

    Panama Debit/ATM card locked out in Mexico.

    Suddenly, after 3 years with no issues my Panamanian bank debit/ATM card is no longer accepted at Mexican ATMs. Apparently, they're "back the list" (I saw it, they're on it.), even the bank officer was surprised! Nomad life, be prepared, have backups!
  2. J

    Should I invest in the U.S. or Mexico as an expat?

    I'm a U.S. citizen with a brokerage account in the U.S. I recently moved to Mexico where I'm working for a Mexican company. Should I open a brokerage account in Mexico to invest in, or should I transfer my savings from my Mexican bank account to my U.S. bank account and then invest in my U.S...
  3. S

    dual citizen (US/Irish) tax and investment questions

    Hello everyone I’ve been researching this area for a few months now and feel like I’m at the point where I’ve whittled my options down and want to see what my best option is. I’m a 24 year old Medicine student, with 2 years left in my degree before I start earning a salary. I have been...
  4. E

    Unsure what to do with inheritance?

    Bit of background: I (47,M) inherited my parents estate following the death of my mother a year or so ago. Probate has taken a long time to be resolved but I now find myself in the position of having a large amount of cash (350k) sat in a savings account with my UK high street bank, earning 3.3%...
  5. I

    New W9 form after moving abroad with new physical address?

    If you receive online royalty payments e.g. from Paypal, Google Adsense...etc, usually you have to submit a W9 form to start receiving payments After moving abroad, do you have to resubmit a new W9 form? And can a physical address from something like Virtual Post Mail work? You don't need a...
  6. J

    UK expat worked in TX for 21 years. Question about obtaining govt pension from both countries

    I have full credits for USA social security when I retire in a couple of years, and I have approx' 65% of contributions paid during my earlier working life in the UK. Am I entitled to both, or is that double dipping?
  7. R

    Best plan for super "conversion" to US savings for AUS>US expat

    Good evening - first reddit post ever, please excuse errors and appreciate your time and help. I am a US citizen (entire life), relatively knowledgeable about personal finance (both generally and specific to US financial vehicles...401(K)s, IRAs, Social Security, 529s, etc). My fiancée's...
  8. A

    FEIE + Roth or Trad IRA?

    Im 27, claim FEIE, live outside the US, make $108,000, and return for about a month every year. In that month i get taxed on about 9,000$ of my income. I'd say there's a 50% chance I retire in Germany (maybe elsewhere) and not the US. I plan on retiring around 60. I currently have a trad 401k...
  9. A

    UK income tax when working abroad

    I’m planning to work in Thailand for a couple of years for my current UK employer. Salary will still be paid by my UK employer into my UK account. Basically, the only thing that will change is I’ll be working from a house in Thailand instead of my home in the UK. I will have a Visa that...
  10. K

    Pay Broker or Invest on my own? US Expat not able to use firms like Vangaurd

    Hi everyone. I am a US citizen living abroad (I have dual nationailty and dont have plans on returning to live in the US). I have been told that I cannot open up a Retirement Account in the US if I do not pay income tax, so I want to open a Brokerage Account to invest in the stock market with a...
  11. L

    US Expat in Hong Kong

    Hi all, I received a job opportunity in Hong Kong that I feel is too good to pass up. I will likely be there for 2 to 4 years. I'd like to keep contributing to my Vanguard and Fidelity accounts, but heard that might not be possible. If not, I'd hope to just leave the money and let it grow...
  12. U

    Moving back to the US (from NL) end of year. What is my check list?

    My job will bring me back to the US at the end of the year. We bought a house in 2020. I've never sold a house before so I'm wondering what I should do with the equity I have in the house. I anticipate equity to be about 125k. Given the housing market in the US, it looks like a better...
  13. T

    How can I invest in Vanguard Index tracker funds (not ETFs) from Japan?

    I'm an Brit living in Japan who would like to invest in Vanguard Index tracker funds. I spoke to Interactive Brokers Japan and thru them I can invest Index Tracker ETFs, but I'm not interested in ETF's because I think they're just a way for brokers to take people away from plain index tracker...
  14. T

    Foreign tax credit ...

    Was hoping someone more knowledgeable could shed some light.... I work abroad and come tax time, my employer (US based) pays my foreign taxes on my behalf to the country I work in. Am I allowed to claim the foreign tax credit in this scenario?
  15. M

    Nomad Capitalist (YouTube) Canceled Their "Plus" Membership 1 Month After Launch

    As the Nomad Capitalist founder said in today's video - the membership was too expensive and they didn't get enough memberships. They said you can keep the videos if you want. Did anyone leak the videos of the Nomad Capitalist Plus membership?
  16. E

    Seeking Financial Advice for International Living: What Would You Tell Your Younger Self?

    Hi friends, I'm embarking on an exciting journey and planning to move to Europe/Latin America soon for school. To preface, I am a citizen through decent in MX, USA, and EU. I speak 5 languages fluently so language isn’t a barrier for me. I have my eye on Spain, but also don’t have a return...
  17. A

    Retiring to Germany with Fidelity 403b and Roth

    I am moving to Germany in 2024 and will not add anymore to my retirement investments. I will not withdraw anything until 2025. I will be living with my wife who has permanant residency. Should I tell Fidelity about this move, say it is temporary, or permanent at all?
  18. M

    I moved to the US from the UK, can I transfer my UK pension to my 401k or Roth IRA?

    I will eventually be moving back to the UK (next 3-5 years) but I hear that the Roth IRA and 401k are good to have. Am I better off transferring my UK pension over to my 401k or IRA, or is there a UK option that would be more beneficial? Also is there anything my wife (US) and I (UK) need to...
  19. T

    Tips for switching from salary to contract? Writing a new employment contract from scratch

    Hey guys. I'm looking for tips on how to switch from a full-time salary worker in the USA to fully contract, as I'm going to be moving out of the country but still working for this same company. We decided this would be the easiest way to continue the employment, but now I need to convert and...
  20. M

    Bank of Austria lost a 12,000 Euro Transfer, Advice needed

    Hi guys, I haven't posted here before, so let me know if this is not the right place for this So basically, I am an American living in austria for the past few years. for the previous visa application, a sum of money was required to be displayed on my austrian bank account Naturally, i did...