
  1. C

    ETF investment strategy change

    Amazing community, I am thinking of making things easier in my investment portfolio, but without giving up the higher potential return that a simple ETF strategy can provide (10% or higher potential annual return). At the moment this is my allocation: 38.86% ISHARES CORE S&P 500 (SXR8) 3.78%...
  2. V

    Should I take a bank loan at max 2% interest to repay my UK student loan (7.6%)?

    Dear all, I am using a throwaway account for privacy reasons. I would appreciate receiving advice on whether it is more advantageous to repay my entire student loan now or to begin repaying it after completing my education. I graduated with my BSc in 2018, accruing a total loan of £19,150...
  3. L

    Moving countries (EU), switching banks, payroll and tax questions

    Hey, I'm looking to move to a different country within the EU, and also technically starting a new job in another country, and this has raised many financial questions in me. I'll explain without specifically naming the countries if that's okay, so I'll use A B C D to represent them for privacy...
  4. H

    In Germany,Is there a limit to losses that can be carried over to the following tax year?

    The details of the tax report looks like this. Kapitalerträge, die nicht dem inländischen Steuerabzug unterlegen haben Inländische Kapitalerträge €1,866.04 Ausländische Kapitalerträge ?? In den Zeilen 18 und 19 enthaltene Gewinne aus Aktienveräußerungen (i.S.d. § 20 Abs. 2 Satz 1 Nr. 1 EStG)...
  5. K

    Best savings accounts EU?

    Hello there, After I managed to cap 50k in trade republic, I'm looking for other options with at least the same 4%pa or higher...heard about Monzo going up to 4.45% or so. Any recommendation w/ or w/o short term staking where I should look at and any above that 4% of trade republic? I saw...
  6. M

    FWRG vs VWRP

    I have a doubt regarding 2 ETFs, FWRG and VWRP. This might also be a newbie question. l don't see why they both have different prices. Also, is it wise to invest more with Invesco rather than Vanguard because of their fees or invest with Vanguard because the fund size is much larger?
  7. K

    What percentage of your assets do you keep invested?

    23 y.o., currently have 15k total, out of which 3k is invested in VWCE and the rest is just lying around. No debt, no dependents, etc. With my current lifestyle, the 3 month emergency fund needs to be around 3k. Every month I invest 25% of my income, other 25% goes on rent. So this sums up to...
  8. R

    Is a U.S. IRA account subject to the Italian Wealth Tax?

    It’s a given that as a tax resident in Italy I need to pay Italian taxes on any distribution I receive but is the IRA account itself subject to the annual wealth tax (roughly 0.02% of the 31 December balance)? Edit: To clarify, I am not contributing to a U.S. IRA. I have one from when I worked...
  9. H

    Net worth goal to retire

    What is your net worth goal to retire on and in which country? e.g 2m€ invested with 4% return p.a. = 80k p.a. would be largely sufficient in a rural town in Spain. EDIT: 80k p.a. today not in X yrs
  10. B

    Buy a house locally or an apartment abroad (hedging against a war)

    Hi! I am 29M male, married, without kids,. I live in Poland, make 20k eur net / month, own an apartment (just paid it off), have around 60k eur in our retirement accounts and have emergency fund for around 6 months. My wife earns around 2k eur net per month, we save up around 15k eur a month...
  11. G

    EU citizen holding strong USD in cash, better to invest directly in US Stocks or convert to EUR and invest in S&P 500 UCITS ETFs (FX hedged or not)

    Hi! I'm an EU citizen/Italian holding USD in cash and want to invest in the US markets. I'm not sure which of these options work better in order not to lose on potential future EURUSD hike (and losing value on the underlying asset). Opt 1: Buy US Stocks and replicate some sort of S&P 500...
  12. D

    Choice of brokers in EU

    So, after reading the J L Collins series and a couple of books I want to start investing. I did a lot of digging and picked VWRL(Vanguard FTSE All-World) and probably I'll pick a Bond fund soon also. I already made a plan and everything. I want to put around 3k initially and then around 300€ a...
  13. K

    WISE 3.19% interest EUR

    Has anyone activated the interest on the EUR balance in WISE? If yes, is the money instantly available if needed? EDIT: I will be getting this rate in France
  14. S

    Won't I be able to sell my ETF?

    My broker (Italian Directa) offers monthly investments for a limited number of ETFs, including some iShares, Xtrackers etc. So I opted for the XDPU:MIL. TER is low (0.06%) and the share price is only 9.x Euro, so for a small sum you get a decent number of shares (perhaps that tricked me...
  15. S

    VWCE or VUAA

    I know it's a constant question, but it's still a difficult decision to make. I'm 28 years old and I'm starting my first investment of my life. I live in Hungary (Eastern EU) and I have €8,000 and I want a portfolio of 1 ETF. I have a relatively high volatility tolerance and would like to...
  16. K

    ETF composition Questions for Saving Plan

    Hi all, I would like to take advantage of zero commission offered by my bank for ETF buying. This is my first time investing in ETF, and I would like to put 500 EUR/p.m into a saving plan. Unfortunately the list of "Free" ETF is quite limited (~135 ETfs in total). So I ended up with this...
  17. E

    Looking for a recommendation on a passive ETF

    Here are my filters: Accumulating ETF Incorporated in the EU Passive World diversification 100% Equity As low fees as possible (I dont require full replication) My broker is IBKR Fund is purchasable in EUR
  18. U

    Do stocks have "base" currency?

    Hello I posted a question on r/personalfinace where I asked why are returns expressed in EUR lower then when they are expressed in USD. Someone replied that it's because of the exchange rate between these two but that stocks don't have "base" currency, they are worth what they are worth. This...
  19. D

    Paying with Maestro (no P&C, only magnetic stripe) in the UK?

    I've got a Maestro card and I'm traveling to London. My question is how readily is the Maestro card accepted (at restaurants, venues, convenience stores, train stations) in there as there is no chip on it but just the stripe? Do the card readers have slots for reading the stripes? I've seen a...
  20. G

    Trade Republic: what do the costs in the cost information document mean?

    Hello everyone. Recently had a look at the "cost information" document in my ETF savings plan that I have had for almost 5 years. Can someone explain what the cost breakdown means? I was under the impression that savings plans had no fees so what are the costs product costs represented in the...